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Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Aug. 30, 2018

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It has come to our attention that there has been incorrect information spreading about the non-profit and tax-exempt status of Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH). At this time MCDH is a non-profit entity with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Organizations exempt under section 501(c)(3) are further classified as either public charities or private foundations. MCDH is classified as a public charity.

The legal name of MCDH is Mendocino Coast Health Care District. The Mendocino Coast Health Care District is a California Special District. Under regulations for Special Districts here in California, we are not required to file a Form 990, just like a school district for example.  The MCDH Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 95-2627981.

Mendocino Physicians Emergency Medical Group is a for-profit organization that at one time was contracted to provide emergency physician services for MCDH. That relationship has ended, and now MCDH uses EmCare for those same services. The Mendocino Physicians Emergency Medical Group EIN is 36-4758878. The EmCare EIN is 37-1437692.


Doug Shald
Director PR & Marketing Communications
Mendocino Coast District Hospital

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Subject: “Given these subcontractors were paid per ton of soil removed, it is probable this over-excavation was an intentional effort to capitalize on this tragedy by defrauding the government,” wrote Mark Ghilarducci, the director of the state Office of Emergency Services.

To All:  The Feds were not alone! No one was taking care of the public at all in the cleanup. CalOES can't point fingers, We will see now! EDD is the low bidder in Redding with Cal-OES as the Lead agency! Cal-OES Director Ghilarducci has started the same game as the US Army Corp used in the North Bay by refusing to provide information that is required in the California Public Contract Code.

To CalOES’s credit the clean up in Redding did have public bidding, with seven bidders given an opportunity to put forth a bid.

I would hope the people of Redding stay diligent and the elected officials in the area don't acquiesce to Big Government and not defend their constituents and citizens at every move.

North Bay counties were in shock and oblivious, and did little to deal with the clean-up and they are now looking to deal with the over-digs. Same with our State Representatives.

A full and complete investigation should take place headed by a Blue-Ribbon panel appointed by the Governor and the State Legislature with hearings in each County affected  by the fires, not just in Sacramento. Finger pointing will get us nowhere! The facts need to come out to make sure this doesn't happen in the future. I can show the Government is as much at fault as any contractor.

Lee Howard, Ukiah, 462-6944

Ed note: Mr. Howard warned everyone who would listen that a large scale fraud was underway at the time.


California’s top emergency services official has lambasted the federal government’s handling of the October wildfire cleanup, saying poor oversight allowed contractors to cause unnecessary damage to many burned properties in the North Bay.

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RANCH FIRE STATUS: Stable. Listed at 410,182 acres with 93% containment.

Interior Burning: Several islands of vegetation well inside the fire perimeter burn in Division I, located in the northeast area of the Mendocino Complex. USFS photo by Rick Davis (click to enlarge)

Forest Service Ranch Fire Update, Wednesday Morning:

Several interior islands of vegetation burned off Tuesday producing columns of smoke visible over a large area. Interior burning is expected to continue. Containment increased to 93 percent and the size remained at 410,182 acres.

On Wednesday, while monitoring the interior fires, firefighters will be engaged in suppression repair efforts and mop up. Heavy equipment operators are constructing water bars and breaking down berms in an effort to prevent erosion. Felling teams are removing hazardous trees to make conditions safer for crews mopping up the burn area and to prevent burning trees from falling across the fireline.

Suppression Repair: An excavator works to repair fireline along Brushy Camp Ridge. USFS photo by Rick Davis (click to enlarge)

Additionally, non-forest system roads that were opened for access and fireline will be closed and repaired. This work will continue throughout the week.

For Detailed Mendocino Complex Information Visit:

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LITTLE DOG SAYS, “As an old school gentleman, I deeply resent the tons of references to my friend, Stormy Daniels, as a ‘floozy.’ In our free enterprise system Miss Daniels has every right to market herself. She told me that her two minutes with Orange Man has made her a multi-millionaire, a true miracle of the marketplace! Long live capitalism!”

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On 8/27/18, Ukiah Police Officers took a report of a stolen vehicle that occurred on Gardens Ave. in Ukiah. The vehicle was a black 2012 Mazda. At the time of the report, there was no suspect information and a report was taken.

On 8/27/18 at approximately 6:45 in the evening, UPD Officers responded to a reckless driver in the area of the Dora Ave. The suspect vehicle was described as a black Mazda. At the same time, UPD Dispatch received another call about the same black Mazda, this time the caller stated the Mazda had crashed into his parked vehicle. UPD Officers responded to the scene and found the Mazda abandoned on N. Spring St. UPD Officers attempted to locate the suspect, but were unsuccessful.

Through investigation, Officers learned the victim of the crashed parked car knew the driver of the Mazda as Nathaniel Cady. Cady had a previous relationship with the victim’s daughter and Cady was upset with the family. As Cady was driving away from the scene, he intentionally crashed into the victim’s car and fled the scene.

On the morning of 8/28/18, UPD Officers responded to a residential burglary on Banker Blvd. This burglary occurred during the night while the occupants of the home slept. Officers learned the suspect, later identified as Cady, forced open the front door by kicking it open. Cady then walked through the house, ate food, searched drawers, and then walked into the bedroom where the occupants were sleeping and stole a purse containing car keys and credit cards. Cady then stole the victim’s 2010 Infinity vehicle and left the scene. He then drove to Taco Bell where he purchased food with the stolen credit cards.

Cady also stole the victim’s cellular phone. Officers were able to track the phone using the internal GPS locator. Officers learned Caddy was traveling northbound towards Willits. Willits PD was notified and they located the vehicle in the parking lot of Burger King. Willits Officers contacted Cady as he walked out of the restaurant and he was arrested.

Cady was booked into Mendocino County Jail for violation of vehicle theft, felony vandalism, prowling, burglary, and fraudulent use of a credit card. He was also out on bail for a felony charge in Humboldt County.

(Ukiah Police Department press release)

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To: Irv Sutley

Subject: Rincon Valley payphone sticker

Dear Mr. Sutley,

It was nice speaking with you last month when you came to Rohnert Park to talk about your concern about the Rincon Valley payphone.

I wanted to let you know that we have removed the free calls payphone sticker/ad. The sticker was not placed there by the library or the payphone company.

Thank you for using your Sonoma County Library!

Sarah Vantrease
Division Manager, Public Services Sonoma County Library

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Dear Ms. Vantrease,

Yes, I became aware of the removal the day after the Facilities crew removed the sticker. I too was under the impression that it was a sticker placed by the vendor of the payphone since there were other commercial choices on the yellow ad pad.

As an atheist I was somewhat amused that when one dialed STAR TEN (*10) for prayer nothing happened except ringing: just like real life.

However, this sticker is just one of a series of displays, posters, and christian caroling which have taken place in public branch libraries throughout the county during normal operating hours.  I will continue to use the patron comment cards and email should future items arise.

I wish to also thank you for your courtesy and willingness to hear my viewpoint as well as passing the commentary along.

Irv Sutley

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Annual Democratic Labor Day Picnic in Todd Grove Park

The Mendocino County Democratic Central Committee together with the Inland Mendocino Democratic Club invite you to attend our annual Labor Day BBQ, Monday September 3rd, from 11am to 3pm in Todd Grove Park.  UNITED WITH LABOR!

Featured speakers will be Eric Heins, the president of CTA as well as our State Reps, Jim Wood, Mike McGuire, & US Congressman Jared Huffman!!!  Clint Hudson will be grilling local beef burgers, kosher hot dogs, chicken and a veggie option.  Bring potluck sides & salads and $$ for the Sugar Shack!  Yes there will be beer & wine! And a real good time!  Moving forward in a progressive way toward a better World together!

Robin Sunbeam, Ukiah

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INCORRIGIBLE: A MEMOIR by Dannie Martin. Highly recommended as a remarkable book by a remarkable man about his remarkable life as an outlaw and a drug addict, the latter making the former inevitable.

You are unlikely to read anything like this bracingly candid account of a life mostly lived in prisons beginning with juvenile prisons. I happened to be a correspondent of Martin's when he began writing to the AVA in the late 1980s. Soon after he became famous for his breakthrough columns on prison life written for the San Francisco Chronicle, the first of their kind in Americano journalism, and for which a brave editor at the paper, Peter Sussman, who made it possible, and Martin, won a bunch of well-deserved prizes. In Martin's case, like everything else in his life, the awards were hard-earned.

THE WRITER is a bona fide tough guy. He downplays much of the violence involving him directly, but he defended himself in fight or die places, places where you just might die anyway if you're fighting one guy and suddenly that guy's two amigos show up with shanks and start slicing at you while you're trying to hold off the first guy. Not a tall man, Martin spent a lot of prison time at the weight piles, becoming more than strong enough to deter frontal assaults. But as he says, it was the sneak attacks, the sudden slash to the neck from a passerby, that Martin and all convicts lived in fear of.

AFTER YEARS in prison, Martin emerged with his humanity intact, and his compulsion for altered states of consciousness as hearty as ever, and it was the accumulated damage from that compulsion that finally carried him off, but not before he racked up an impressive oeuvre of non-fiction and a two fine novels.

(Personal aside: In my experience with the guy I had no inkling he was on the pipe. We'd have something to eat and he'd go off to lift weights at the YMCA on Golden Gate. He had to have been the fittest junkie ever.)

WHEN MARTIN paroled out for the umpteenth time in the early 90's we met for lunch a couple of times at the old Joe's at the foot of Taylor. Martin was staying across the street in a federal halfway house where, he said, "I've seen more crime just looking out my window than I saw the last ten years in prison." (The venerable Joe's finally had to give up on the neighborhood and move to the less street-fraught North Beach. And we thought Frisco was nuts in 1990!) Martin told me he'd been warned to stay away from me because I "was a bad influence." We both got a big laugh out of that one. Here was a guy who'd done time with and was on a friendly basis with America's best known outlaws — George Jackson, Sonny Barger, T.D. Bingham, not to mention honchos from the Mexican Mafia. After one linguini lunch at Joe's, Martin said he was going by BART over to Oakland to visit Barger, a visit prohibited by the strict terms of Martin's parole, which prohibited any and all contact with ex-cons, an unrealistic prohibition if a guy's entire social circle consists of felons. Check that: throughout his life Martin had a loyal, loving, and undoubtedly exasperated family who always, all the years he was in the life, welcomed him home. He also had a devoted cadre of reliable straight people, for a total support network, odd as it was, as reliable as many blood families.

THE GUY never paid any attention to the straight world's rules. You can talk about your existentialists, your day-to-day edge walkers, but this guy was unique in doing what he had to feloniously do, accepting the consequences with the calm inevitability of a Zen master. Obvious square john that I was (and am) and as I've said, I had no idea that Martin was wed to drugs, especially heroin. The instant he was beyond the walls, parole restrictions and urine exams notwithstanding, he searched out dope, sticking up banks and burglarizing pharmacies to get it. He describes a couple of releases where he's met at the gate by people who gifted him with a load! It's not as if he ever said, "That's it. I'm done." He went out and did it again. And again. And the consequences were, well, most of us would have been scared straight. Martin's account of withdrawals is as vivid as any I've read. I'd always thought that junkies exaggerated the pain of cold turkey, but Martin's description of its excruciating throes made me happy to be reading about them rather than experiencing them.

LIKE MANY long-term convicts, Martin was an autodidact. Having so much down time while incarcerated, and always a fervent reader, that reading inspired him to write himself, so effectively that the warden at Lompoc had him placed in ISO and, at one point, committed Martin to "bus therapy," a prolonged, shackled road trip on prison buses and planes simply to hide him from the media.

THE MAN was in and out of most of California's prisons — local, state and federal, not to mention prisoner transit centers. All along the way, as he watches the prison system expand from five state pens in the 1950s to their present day multiplicity, public and private, he meets with old pals from this or that institution with whom he laments the nutting up of the federal system, meaning the current practice of lesser jails unloading unmanageable psychotics on the federal system. These crazy inmates scare hell out of the mainline convicts because they are extremely, violently unpredictable, and add immensely to the daily terror of a man just trying to do his time in peace. But it's only one more piece of the pure inhumanity of the present justice system's inordinately long sentences and the absence of sensible rehabilitation programs.

THE FOLLOWING is from this unforgettable book:

In reality, I never had a prayer of getting a parole. I had 13 "shots" or incident reports on record since 1981 when I had arrived at Lompoc. There was one for the weapons charge and the other 12 were for positive morphine urine tests. A person's system turns heroin back to morphine so that heroin in the system comes back morphine positive. The problem I had was that under their own rules and policy the parole commission could not grant me a parole as I had 13 "shots."

"Mr. Martin, I'm Kelly and I will be your examiner today," he said, when I walked into the room. I thought to myself: "Fuck it. I'm dead here, anyway. I'm going to tell him something he'd never heard from a convict.” I was fixing to tell him the truth.

He told me that I had 14 incident reports, and he had them in his hand, a pretty imposing sheet of paper.

"That's not true. I have only 13," I replied.

He counted them again and it came to 14. I insisted again that I only had 13. The argument got heated and, beginning with a knife fight in the hallway, he started reading them one by one, marking each on a pad and making me acknowledge that I had gotten them. His nose had turned red and I could see a vein pulsing in his neck. He was becoming very tense. He finally read one that had been duplicated, put down the papers, and said: "Well, all of them are for using morphine and that's what got you in here. What do you have to say about that?"

I told him I felt lucky that I'd only been caught 12 times because I had used heroin hundreds of times. I told him that if it grew on trees with big fences around it that I would get some bolt cutters and would be cutting the fence down to get it.

"You're absolutely right about it getting me in here and to be frank, I doubt I'll ever quit using opiates," I told him. I then added: "but I can promise you one thing. I'm not going to ever rob another bank. If it comes to that I'll get on methadone or whatever, but my banking career is over with."

He sat back in his chair and looked at me for what seemed a long time, finally telling me to step outside while he talked with his colleague who had been intently listening to the dialogue between Kelly and me.

Those waits on the bench outside the parole room usually take about 10 minutes while they make their decision and those 10 minutes seem like an hour. I sat on that bench for over an hour waiting for them to call me back in. A convict sitting beside me, waiting to be called in, said to me: "Damn, hawg. What did you do in there? I hope you haven't made them mad."

"I don't know, but that could be a possibility," I told him.

The cop came and told me they were ready for me. I walked back in and sat down. Kelly said: "Martin, we’ve decided to give you a September 1991 parole date. If you want to keep it you had better get on top of that drug problem."

I was stunned and got up, walking out in a daze. That was the best possible date I could ask for, about one third of my total sentence. I told Paul Allen what I had told Kelly and Paul swore that the man had rewarded me for being the first convict in 10 years to tell him the bare naked truth.

Dannie M. Martin, “Incorrigible: A Memoir”

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“The swarm of bees you ordered is ready. Would you like us to send them to Google or the hot-dog vendor who made you wait in line behind a woman in 1986?”

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KZYX SCHEDULE CHANGE Designed To Streamline And Enhance Our Services

by Jerry Karp

Greetings! I'm wearing my KZYX Board Member hat again. I promise that I'm not going to be inundating you with releases every week. But our schedule change is coming up on September 3 and you're bound to get some buzz from that. Thought you'd like to see the station's side of things, and hopefully run some (or all!) of this information regarding where we're coming from. A couple of quick takeaways:

Alice Woelfle, our Program Director, did a whole lot of research to figure out a) how other comparable mixed-format public stations arrange their schedules and b) what the research shows about how people listen to the radio in this age of myriad competing information technologies.

Alice will be listening to feedback over the coming weeks and months and making adjustments accordingly.

We're of course entirely adaptable regarding the formatting of this information. If you'd prefer a letter to the editor from Alice with this information, or if you'd like to interview Alice, just let me know.

All the best!


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On 08-27-2018 at approximately 4:00 PM Mendocino County Sheriff's Deputies were dispatched to a carjacking in the 8600 block of West Road in Redwood Valley, California. This specific location was in front of the Eagle Peak Middle School. Upon arrival the Deputies contacted Jarvais Primus and learned an unknown male adult had ambushed him at the intersection of Ellen Lynn Road and West Road. During the ambush, the unknown male adult pointed a pistol at Primus and stole his rental vehicle which contained a large amount of U.S. currency. Primus last saw the unknown male adult fleeing the area in the stolen rental vehicle while heading south on West Road.  Deputies learned the ambush occurred while Primus was attempting to purchase shake marijuana for the purpose of processing it into marijuana oil. Primus reportedly had a business which legally sold Vape pens and marijuana oil in California and Georgia. Upon further questioning Deputies suspected a mutual friend of Primus might have been involved in the ambush. During this questioning and research of social media, Deputies were able to identify the unknown male adult as being John Bellotti Jr., 37, of Cloverdale, who was the husband of the mutual friend.


Further investigations suggested Primus and Bellotti Jr. knew each other from prior contacts. While Deputies were interviewing Primus, his stolen rental vehicle was spotted traveling northbound on Highway 101 in Redwood Valley by a Fish & Wildlife Officer. Mendocino County Sheriff's Deputies and the Fish & Wildlife Officer became involved in a pursuit of the stolen rental vehicle north on Highway 101 going past Willits. Law Enforcement personnel eventually lost sight of the stolen rental vehicle south of the Highway 101 and Highway 162 intersection. The stolen rental vehicle was later located abandoned on Dos Rios Road. On 08-28-2018 at approximately 10:00 AM Bellotti arrived at the Sheriff's Office Ukiah station without notice and surrendered himself. Bellotti was subsequently arrested and booked into the Mendocino County Jail for Carjacking, Robbery and Evading Peace Officer/Reckless Driving and was to be held in lieu of $75,000 bail.

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12751 AV Way

Saturday and Sunday, September 1 & 2, 10 AM to 3 PM

Electronics, toys, clothing, lamps housewares, furniture and much more.

Look for signs and banners

Proceeds benefit St. Elizabeth Seton Church

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ALRIGHT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN...the non-profit alternative school, Boont Tribe Community School, for elementary and middle school aged children here in Anderson Valley is almost off and running...after a very long construction delay. I need some help with advertising/fundraising/grant writing.

This will be a paid position, $20 an hour. 4 hours a week for now. 2.5 hours a week after October 1st. With very flexible hours.

Anyone applying needs to have experience writing grants, developing fundraisers and have their own computer and internet.

I don't think I am a difficult person to work with? But...I don't have a lot of experience with this sort of stuff and I need help jumping in with both feet. Thank you!

Email or call 895-3590

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THE DIXIE DEVILS PLAY at Eagles Hall this Labor Day Weekend!

Gloriana Musical Theatre presents Bob Ayres' The Dixie Devils!

Adding to the fun of the great Paul Bunyan Days, the community is once again invited to support Gloriana Musical Theatre with an authentic Dixieland dance concert featuring Bob Ayres' The Dixie Devils. Please come support the appearance of real Dixieland music and dance in Fort Bragg! (And bring your dancing shoes!)

Sunday, September 2, 4 PM to 7 PM

Location: Eagles Hall, 210 N. Corry St, Fort Bragg

Beer/Wine/Soft drinks/Snacks

$15 at the door

For more info contact Walter Kimmelman at: 213-590-8134

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(Photo by Susie de Castro)

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What Does It Take To Turn a Former Lumber Mill Into a Public Park? (via Susie de Castro)

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CATCH OF THE DAY, August 29, 2018

Cady, Favre, Giusti

RICHARD ALLEN, Willits. Parole violation. (Booking photo unavailable.)

NATHANIEL CADY, McKinleyville/Willits. Burglary, taking vehicle without owner’s consent, id theft, receiving stolen property, selling lost access card, vandalism, disorderly conduct-loitering, offenses while on bail.

SHANE FAVRE, Upper Lake/Fort Bragg. Controlled substance, false personation of another, conspiracy, resisting.

DAVID GIUSTI, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol, probation revocation. (Frequent flyer.)

Hennigan, Jenne, Jensen

DAKOTA HENNIGAN, Willits. Controlled substance for sale, probation revocation.

LEE JENNE, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol.

JEREMY JENSEN, Redwood Valley. Resisting.

Regmi, Roston, Thompkins

PUSHPA REGMI, Ukiah. Grand theft.

BOBBY ROSTON, Ukiah. Parole violation, flash parole incarceration.

GREGORY THOMPKINS, Fort Bragg. Controlled substance, paraphernalia, probation revocation.

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Somebody should pull the plug (pun intended) on those tubs in Petaluma. I can already visualize the first daredevils scaling the stilts to get their photos taken perched in the tubs for YouTube fame.

Has anyone ever heard of this artist/creator before? He certainly is getting a lot of free notice now. If only I could remember his name.

Ellen O’Neel


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Author Talk & Booksigning

LISA LOCASCIO discussing her new novel, OPEN ME

Event date: Friday, August 31, 2018 - 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Event address:<>

Open Me (Hardcover) $25.00

ISBN: 9780802128072

Availability: Usually Ships in 1-5 Days

Published: Grove Press - August 14th, 2018

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Nine of every 10 illegal marijuana farms raided in California this year contained traces of powerful and potentially lethal pesticides that are poisoning wildlife and could endanger water supplies, researchers and federal authorities said Tuesday.

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by Paul Street

"John McCain’s legacy represents an unparalleled example of human decency and American service."
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, August 27, 2018

I have this recurrent experience as an “iconoclastic” Left critic of what gets sold as progressive and Left. It starts with me getting a radical truth-telling rush discovering and showing how some political figure, organization or “movement” is nowhere near as progressive, portside, revolutionary, and transformative as widely advertised and perceived.  That’s stage one.

Then comes stage two: momentary guilt over having burst people’s hopeful leftish bubbles (or having tried to, anyway) and a related fear of seeming excessively alienated and overly “purist” – the standard charge from my target’s “left” and progressive defenders. (Do I hate cute little puppies and small children too? Why must I be like the leftist Grinch Who Stole Christmas?)

The guilt fades in stage three.  That’s when I learn that I was actually too mild about the rightward faults of the politico and/or political phenomenon I critiqued. It dawns on me that “hey, I’m not a doctrinaire purist after all.  If anything, I was too polite!

The Empire’s New Clothes, or How I Got My Book Title

I had some of this experience with the rise of Barack Obama.  Between the summers of 2004 and 2008, I wrote a large number of essays and even (during 2007) an entire book warning liberals, progressives, and leftists that the left political scientist Adolph Reed, Jr had gotten it right way back in January 1996 when he described the recently elected and unnamed state senator Obama as a “vacuous-to-repressive neoliberal” marked by a “fundamentally bootstrap line…softened by a patina of…talk about… small-scale solutions to social problems, and the predictable elevation of process over program — the point where identity politics converges with old-fashioned middle-class reform in favoring form over substance.”  Fleshing out the critique to include Obama’s years as a state legislator and a Wall Street-/Robert Rubin-sponsored U.S. Senator and presidential candidate, my early 2008 book bore the deceptively neutral title Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics.  It unflinchingly exposed the liberal-left heartthrob Obama as a silver-tongued fake-progressive agent of each of what Dr. Martin Luther had identified in the mid-1960s as “the triple evils that are interrelated”: economic injustice, racism (deeply understood), and militarism-imperialism.

I’d originally wanted to name this volume “The Empire’s New Clothes: Barack Obama and the Triple Evils.”  This was nixed by my publisher, who had sound marketing fears of alienating  Obamanist “hope and change” readers with an overly strident title.

Beyond seriously Left outlets like Black Agenda Report and ZNet, left and liberal media “gatekeepers” (I hate to use that “truthy” term, but it applied well in this case) were not interested in providing any platform for my less-than flattering findings on Obama’s career or for my predictions (extrapolations) on what to expect from the coming Obama presidency. So what if my book boasted strong endorsements from the eminent Dr. Reed, the leading left author and filmmaker John Pilger, and the world’s foremost intellectual Noam Chomsky?  I had two horrific liberal-left-media television experiences in New York City (including a same-day cancellation at one) during the period between Obama’s election and his inauguration.

The left-liberal establishment’s disdain for my radical take on Obama was clear. The dreamers atop The Nation were harping about how Obama supposedly wanted workers and citizens to make him advance a new progressive New Deal for the 21stCentury.

Katrina Vanden Heuvel and Amy Goodman weren’t about to let some unknown (outside the marginal “ultra-radical” Left) author from the wrong side of the Hudson and even (after 2006) the Mississippi river try to steal hope for progressive change out from under their Obama-lusting readers and viewers.

I did not relish exposing Obama for the horrible fake-progressive fraud he was (something seriously Chicago-based lefties like myself had an early heads-up on). Having moved from Chicago to a liberally Obama-mad campus town (Iowa City, Iowa) at the time of Obama’s presidential ascendancy (I had a new front-row seat for the Obama phenomenon – the endless Iowa Caucus campaign), I occasionally felt twinges of “too radical” Grinchy guilt and met no small resistance as I confronted bamboozled locals with the real historical facts on how their supposedly “antiwar” darling “progressive” Obama was actually a white-pleasing, Wall Street-friendly corporatist and imperialist.

But all hints of remorse went away (never to return) once Obama got into the White House and started making policy as I had forecast. After one year of President Obama dutifully serving the nation’s unelected, eco-cidal, and interrelated dictatorships of money and empire while honoring the embedded national politics of white supremacy and patriarchy, I faced no resistance from my publisher when I titled a follow-up volume on his first year in office… you guessed it, The Empire’s New Clothes (with a new sub-title: Barack Obama in the Real World of Power.)

“Should Democrats somehow be elected,” the left political scientist Sheldon Wolin prophesied in early 2008, as Obamania peaked, they would do nothing to “alter significantly the direction of society” or “substantially revers[e] the drift rightwards. … The timidity of a Democratic Party mesmerized by centrist precepts,” Wolin wrote, “points to the crucial fact that for the poor, minorities, the working class and anti-corporatists there is no opposition party working on their behalf.” The corporatist Democrats would work to “marginalize any possible threat to the corporate allies of the Republicans.”

Wolin called it. A nominal Democrat was elected president along with Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress in 2008. What followed under Obama (as under his Democratic presidential predecessor Bill Clinton) was the standard “elite” neoliberal manipulation of campaign populism and identity politics in service to the reigning big-money bankrollers and their global empire. Wall Street’s control of Washington and the related imperial agenda of the “Pentagon System” were advanced more effectively by the nation’s first Black president than they could have been by stiff and wealthy white Republicans like John McCain or Mitt Romney. The reigning U.S. system of corporate and imperial “inverted totalitarianism” (Wolin) was given a deadly, fake-democratic re-branding.  The underlying “rightward drift” sharpened, fed by a widespread and easily Republican-exploited sense of popular abandonment and betrayal, as the Democrats depressed and demobilized their own purported popular base. The Inauthentic Opposition (as Wolin called the Democrats) lost more than a thousand elected offices nationwide, including the U.S presidency.

As the vacuously neoliberal ex-president Obama crassly cashes in on his eight presidential years as an obedient friend of wealth and power, multiplying his net worth many times over, I cannot sense a hint of the guilt I sometimes felt about telling sour-faced liberals and progressives the harsh truth about who their hero Obama was and what he was really about.


Bernie Sanders is another and more complicated case. I’ll never forget a late 2014 meeting I attended at the Iowa City Public Library.  It featured a pair of sharp Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) activists making a pitch to thirty or so local progressive sorts on Sanders running as a Democrat in the 2016 Iowa presidential Caucus. In opening introductions around the table, all but two of these locals – myself and a Green Party member – expressed “disappointment” in Obama’s presidency and indicated that their hope for progressive change had been transferred to one of two U.S. Senators and potential presidential candidates: Elizabeth Warren and Bernie.

When my turn came, I somewhat sheepishly noted that Obama had proven to be precisely the uninspiring and deeply conservative president I had tried to tell liberals and progressives he would be.  I expressed some polite skepticism about prospects for progressive transformation through candidate-centered under the current U.S. party and elections system.

In 2015 and 2016, I published a considerable number of essays questioning both Sanders’ claim to be a “democratic socialist” and the virtues of his major party candidacy. My writings on Bernie (no small part of what brought me over to CounterPunch) hit on five basic topics: (i) the essentially liberal-progressive and neo-New Deal/-Great Society (not at all genuinely “socialist”) nature of his policy agenda; (ii) his “sheep-dogging” (Bruce Dixon’s phrase) promises to run within the hopelessly compromised corporate Democratic Party and to boost voter turnout for the Inauthentic Opposition’s eventual candidate, the “lying neoliberal warmonger” (Dr.Reed’s language, again) Hillary Clinton; (iii) his mis- and over-direction of activist energies into the narrow channels of U.S. candidate-centered electoral politics; (iv) his giant (and most un-Eugene Debsian) moral and (social democracy-canceling) budgetary blind spots on the criminal and costly American Empire; (v) the deceptive nature of his claim to be giving up “Independent” status to enter the Democratic contest.

I felt twinges of Grinchy guilt about criticizing Sanders from the “purist” left.  Bernie, after all, was not Obama or Hillary. He undeniably stood to the social-democratic portside of malicious corporate and state-capitalists like Obama, the Clintons, Biden, Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi on numerous important matters of domestic policy (e.g., workers’ right to organize and Single Payer health insurance.) He seemed to be legitimizing and advancing the increasing popularity of the word “socialism” in the U.S. – no small feat in a Red Scare Nation. He seriously challenged the Goldman Sachs- and Citigroup-backed Clinton campaign with his remarkable army of small donors and essentially no – zero – support from Big Business (a remarkable accomplishment).  He denounced the democracy-trumping power of the evil “billionaire class” and the plutocracy that both reflected and resulted from that class’s extreme and obscene wealth amidst mass poverty and widespread insecurity.  He properly identified the main global threat to Americans’ security as “anthropogenic” (really capitalogenic) global warming, not ISIS, Iran, North Korea, China, or Russia.

But my remorse faded as I observed Bernie F-35 Sanders: continually evade the need to drastically slash the giant Pentagon budget to pay for the social democratic programs he advocated; repeatedly trumpet Scandinavia as his social-democratic policy role model without once noting that Scandinavian countries have tiny military budgets; define “democratic socialism” as boosting voter turnout for the corporate Democrats; write-off reparations to Black Americas (for centuries of slavery, segregation, and discrimination) as “divisive;” fail to use the threat (even just to win leverage inside the Democratic Party) of going independent/third party in the general election; defend the racist, apartheid, and occupation state of Israel; call for the arch-reactionary, absolutist, and mass-murderous Saudi kingdom to “step up” its role in the so-called  war on terror; denounce the great Venezuelan left-populist Hugo Chavez as “a dead communist dictator;” do nothing to develop a people’s movement beneath and beyond the election cycle.

Disaster Averted? 

Also working against any retrospective remorse I might feel over “trashing Bernie” from the “purist” Left is my sense of what a Sanders presidency might have looked like. Imagine if Bernie had somehow gotten past Hillary, the Clinton-captive Democratic National Committee, and the Clinton-loyal super-delegates in the primary race and the Democratic National Convention. Could he have defeated Trump? There’s no way to know. Sanders consistently outperformed Clinton in one-on-one matchup polls vis-à-vis Trump during the primary season, but much of the big money (and corporate media) that backed Clinton would probably have gone over to Trump had the supposedly “radical” Sanders been the Democratic nominee.

Even if Sanders had been elected president, moreover, Noam Chomsky is certainly correct in his judgment that a President Sanders “couldn’t have done a thing” because he would have had “nobody [on his side] in Congress, no governors, no legislatures, none of the big economic powers, which have an enormous effect on policy. All opposed to him. In order for him to do anything,” Chomsky adds, “he would have [needed] a substantial, functioning party apparatus, which would have to grow from the grass roots. It would have to be locally organized, it would have to operate at local levels, state levels, Congress, the bureaucracy—you have to build the whole system from the bottom.” None of those things would be remotely forthcoming from the Inauthentic Opposition Party.

It might have been worse than not being able to “do anything,”actually. Even as he loaded his administration with corporate and imperial centrists – as he certainly would have been compelled to do to mollify the nation’s reigning economic and imperial power centers – a President Sanders would have been faced with a capital strike: with severe “market instability” and “declining business confidence” raising the specter of a financial meltdown

“With little prospect of the economic tumult subsiding during his 11-week transition period,” the political scientists William Grover and Joseph Peschek wrote in the summer of 2015, a Sanders presidency:

“… would face enormous pressure to calm the fears of the market by announcing the appointment of moderates to hold Cabinet positions—non-confrontational, non-ideological people who would be ‘acceptable’ to political and economic power holders. No radicals for the Treasury Department, no thoughts of Ben and Jerry as Co-Secretaries of Commerce, no union firebrand to head the Labor Department, no Bill McKibben leading the Interior Department. Only nice, “safe” choices would suffice—personnel decisions that would undermine the progressive vision of his campaign. In short, the economics of ‘capital strike’ would threaten to trump the verdict of democracy.”

A Sanders administration would also have been compelled to engage in an aggressively imperial foreign policy. He would have faced what Bruce Dixon calls “immense pressure to demonstrate his unwavering hostility toward the Russians and his fealty to empire”—pressure to which “Bernie the Bomber” would certainly have caved. (Dixon adds that “he’s notoriously squishy on empire as it is … as are pretty much all the Berniecrats.”)

Meanwhile, many of the Dems’ corporate and professional class “elites” would have attributed Sanders’ victory to “Russian interference” while joining hands with Republicans in undermining Sanders’ supposedly “far left” (mildly progressive) agenda – and his political viability in 2020. The nation’s paranoid, white Christian and proto-fascistic right would have gone ballistic, its underlying anti-Semitism on appalling display with an ethnoculturally Jewish “democratic socialist” (and purported atheist) from Brooklyn in the White House.

Sanders’ oligarchy-imposed “failures” would have been great fodder for the right-wing white-nationalist and bipartisan neoliberal disparagement and smearing of progressive, left-leaning and majority-backed policy change. “See,” the reigning plutocratic media and politics culture would have said, “we tried all that and it was a disaster!” It might well have been a real train wreck for everything and anything progressive.

(Sorry to be such a counter-factual historical spoil-sport.  Running this scenario on Truthdig recently cost me one of my bigger reader-supported writing backers – a dedicated and, it turned out, noxious and hateful “Bernie Bro” [I don’t like that term  but it fits in his case] who couldn’t handle my dark sense of how a Sanders presidency would have gone down.)

AOC: “An Unparalleled Example of Human Decency”

Earlier this summer, Sanders said he did not support being rude to “people” when he was asked about incidents in which Trump administration officials were publicly harassed in restaurants because of their mind-bogglingly vicious policy of kidnapping migrant children at the southern U.S. border. “I’m not a great fan of shouting down people or being rude to people…I think people have a right to go into a restaurant and have dinner,” Sanders elaborated. “I do know that people are angry. They are angry about these terribly inhumane immigration policies. They’re angry about the fact they can’t afford prescription drugs. They are angry about tax breaks that go to billionaires. The way to deal with that is exactly what Alexandria did. Organize at the grass roots level. Win elections and get involved in the political process,” Sanders said

It was depressing and revealing that Bernie folded in-power and proto-fascistic white-nationalist Trump operatives into the broad and overall category of “people” – everyday folks, no different than anyone else trying to have a dinner out. If Sanders doesn’t understand that these particular “people” stand out from the common ranks of humanity as agents of racist evil, then it’s kind of hard to take his call for “civility” seriously.

By “Alexandria,” Sanders was referring to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), a progressive Democrat and self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist who won a Democratic Party primary against the ten-term incumbent Joe Crowley in New York’s 14thCongressional district.

So, what about AOC? Except for a couple of essays in which I have collaterally noted that her victory was a bit of an urban-political and ethno-cultural anomaly, I’ve been quiet about her. I certainly haven’t wanted to come off as an ultra-radical Grinch raining on the parade of an inspirational young Puerto Rican woman who took on the Democratic Party machine and won while calling herself a socialist.

I’ve been less quiet in so-called social media, where I have nodded along as “friends” note various positions she’s taken suggesting the usual tack to the center in accord with the media and party powers that be. I’ve quietly “liked” these Left criticisms, despite the voice in the back of my head saying, “there you go again, Street: something kind of neat and progressive happened and again it’s just not good and radical enough for you!”

And then I read AOC’s Tweet about the recently departed war criminal and warmonger John McCain. “John McCain’s legacy,” AOC wrote “represents an unparalleled example of human decency and American service…He meant so much, to so many.”

“An unparalleled example of human decency and American service”?  Seriously? These are depressing words to hear or read from the mouth, pen, and/or Twitter feed of a “democratic socialist” regarding a man like “Maverick” McCain, who:

+ Participated eagerly as a Fortunate Son U.S. Navy flyboy in the mass-murderous U.S. crucifixion of Southeast Asia (the so-called Vietnam War) as a reckless pilot in the merciless bombing of Vietnamese civilians.

+ Unapologetically and publicly describing (as late as 2000) as “Gooks” the Vietnamese forces who (doing their national, revolutionary and anti-imperial duty) captured and brutally interrogated him after he lost control of his plane.

+ Championed the vicious and arch-reactionary Islamist mujahedin in Afghanistan as part of the U.S. effort to collapse the Soviet Union.

+ Enthusiastically supported the murderous right-wing Contras and right-wing death squads across Central America.

+ Served on the board of the World Anti-Communist League, an organization including fascists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites.

+ Strongly backed U.S. economic sanctions that killed at least a million Iraqis.

+ Championed the criminal U.S. bombing of Serbia.

+ Eagerly pushed for and backed George W. Bush’s monumentally criminal and imperial invasion of Iraq on thoroughly false pretexts.

+ Voted for legislation that helped make torture seem legal to Bush.

+ Contradicted his repeated declared opposition to Pentagon waste by advocating giant wars that poured billions of dollars into wasteful death and destruction.

+ Cultivated Al Qaeda allies and affiliates in Libya and Syria.

+ Fervently backed massive U.S. arms sales to the butchers atop the Saudi Kingdom, perpetrators of horrific war crimes in Yemen – crimes perversely denied by McCain

+ Wooed and abetted flat-out neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

Max Blumenthal writes:

“There were few figures in recent American life who dedicated themselves so personally to the perpetuation of war and empire as McCain…McCain did not simply thunder for every major intervention of the post-Cold War era from the Senate floor, while pushing for sanctions and assorted campaigns of subterfuge on the side. He was uniquely ruthless when it came to advancing imperial goals, barnstorming from one conflict zones to another to personally recruit far-right fanatics as American proxies…While McCain’s Senate office functioned as a clubhouse for arms industry lobbyists and neocon operatives, his fascistic allieswaged a campaign of human devastation that will continue until long after the flowers dry up on his grave. …American media may have sought to bury this legacy with the senator’s body, but it is what much of the outside world will remember him for.”

Along the way, the imperialist senator managed to get himself embroiled in an epic Reagan era Savings and Loan money-politics scandal (the “Keating Five”) and to unleash the despicable pre-Trumpian proto-fascist Sarah Palin on the national political scene.

Seattle City Council member Kshama, Sawant, a socialist and Marxist who means it when she calls herself a socialist, put things very well:

“A politician’s legacy is a political not personal question. An enthusiastic supporter of every imperialist war while in office, John McCain shares responsibility for hundreds of thousands of deaths. To whitewash that is to disrespect those who died in Iraq, Afghanistan, elsewhere. Not to mention the countless working people’s lives damaged by McCain’s support, as a Senator, for brutal neoliberal social and economic policies in the United States. Our solidarity belongs with the millions of families suffering under such policies here & abroad.”

AOC’s heralding of McCain as some kind of Christ-like statesman crosses a bright red line. Real “socialists” (people like Sawant) just don’t say stuff like that.

McCain “mean so much to so many.” Indeed. Ask the Vietnamese, Central Americans, Iraqis, Afghans, Libyans, Syrians, Serbians, and Russian-speaking Ukrainians what he meant to them.

No Excuse for B.S.

My educated guess is that AOC’s paean to McCain was recommended to her by Democratic Party consultants eager to wrap the party in the bipartisan flag of America’s supposedly benevolent foreign policy – and to poke Trump by praising McCain, with whom the president feuded. I also sense that the young and engaging “democratic socialist” from Queens knows very little about McCain’s history and why she might want to keep her distance from him. She was tending bar just a year ago and is still very much a newcomer to the national political arena.

What’s Senator Bernie Sanders’ (“I”-VT) excuse? He’s not much younger than McCain and has been in the “game” for a very long time.  He knows full well the nasty things McCain has done and said.

Here’s what Sanders, the nation’s Democratic Socialist-in-Chief (a man who eagerly joined McCain and sickened antiwar activists in his own state by zealously backing Bill Clinton’s air assault on Serbia) had to Tweet about killer McCain: “John McCain was an American hero, a man of decency and honor, and a friend of mine. He will be missed not just in the U.S. Senate but by all Americans who respect integrity and independence” (emphasis added).

The principled anti-imperialist Eugene Debs (Sanders’ purported hero) vomited in his grave over that one.

What a load of politically crafted bullshit (B.S.) from Bernie Sanders (B.S.).

“The Guts to Do the Right Thing”: A Translation 

Bernie protested the so-called Vietnam War and Ronald Reagan’s bloody proxy-war on Central America back in the day.

That was then.  This is now. Somebody should ask Sanders what he thinks of his fellow US Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) statement on the Senate floor.  After strangely applauding McCain as one of the many military personnel who “saved us as a country” and “kept our freedom when we [were] about to lose it,” the meanspirited Isakson said that “John was the best of our generation.  John was and is a great man.…He gave everything for us…Anybody who in any way tarnishes the reputation of John McCain deserves a whipping. Most of the ones who would do the wrong thing about John McCain didn’t have the guts to do the right thing when it was their turn.”

A whipping?  How chillingly Antebellum that sounds from the mouth of a right-wing Senator from the Deep South.

Just to be clear, there’s an honest translation for “do the right thing” in Isakson’s s oration. The phrase there means “signed up for and eagerly participated in the U.S. military crucifixion of Southeast Asia” (a criminal and imperial U.S, assault that may have killed as many as 5 million people in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos between 1962 and 1975).

The U.S. war in/on Vietnam (and Cambodia and Laos) was a monumental crime against humanity.  Senator Isakson calls for the “whipping” of anyone who calls into the question the morality of having participated in that epic crime. How shameful.

The DNC: A Committee of Corporations

Speaking of guilt, as the son of liberal Democrats who has spent most of his life surrounded by liberal Democrats, I felt a twinge of self-reproach when I referred to the Democrats earlier I this essay as “hopelessly compromised” and “corporatist” (did I call it imperialist and objectively racist too?  If I didn’t, I should have).  The guilt went away instantly, however, when I read the following press release from the Movement for a People’s Party:

“DNC Kills Caucuses, Keeps Superdelegates, Retains Joint Fundraising Agreements, and Expands Control Over 2020 Primary

Los Angeles — The Democratic National Committee (DNC) took several steps to expand and consolidate its power over the 2020 presidential primary at its summer meeting in Chicago this weekend. The party reduced caucuses, which heavily favored Bernie in 2016, and replaced them with primaries. It rebuked progressive demands to eliminate superdelegates, moving them to the second round of voting at the nominating convention instead. It preserved the use of joint fundraising agreements, which Hillary used to launder money to her campaign and take over the DNC. It approved a rule allowing the DNC to block candidates who have not been “faithful” Democrats from running. It kept nearly a hundred lobbyists on the DNC. And it did nothing to extricate corporate and billionaire money from the party, preserving rampant corruption.

The Democratic Party is a committee of corporations. Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup, News Corp., Pfizer, CitGo, Verizon, Aetna, and many other corporations sit alongside high-priced consultants on the national committee. After big donors and corrupt party officials rigged the 2016 presidential primary, the DNC gave its voters no say in the “reform” process and put the culprits in charge instead.

That explains why the Democratic Party is now moving to eliminate the caucuses, which supplied more than half of Bernie’s 2016 state wins. The party approved six states switching from caucuses to primaries in Chicago.

The party also kept superdelegates, ensuring that the media and search engines like Google will continue to add them to a candidate’s running delegate count during the primaries. This creates the perception that the establishment candidate is leading and reduces turnout for progressive candidates. Because the party establishment controls the Rules and Bylaws Committee, the party reserves the power to force a second ballot at the convention too, allowing the superdelegates to vote on the presidential nominee and defeating the purpose of the rules change.

Superdelegates also kept their power to vote for the vice-presidential nominee, the platform, party rules, and everything else on the first ballot. Each superdelegate wields the power of 10,000 voters.

Moreover, the DNC kept joint fundraising agreements that allow the party to turn over control of its strategy, hiring, communications, and spending to an establishment candidate again.

The party meeting comes just as the DNC repealed a ban on accepting donations from fossil fuel corporations. The ban had only been in effect for two months before it was dismantled, demonstrating how impermanent advances in the party are. The party intended to secretly repeal the rule before being caught by a journalist, revealing how unaccountable the party is.

The Democratic Party also continues to cheat progressives in the midterm primaries. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez remains the only progressive Democrat to have unseated a congressional incumbent.”

Someone tell Bernie: the ruling-class professionals in charge of the Democratic Party are not about to let it be turned into an instrument of Scandinavian and social-democratic decency.  It’s going to take a real and many-sided revolution, and not just a political one, to humanize this nation.  And it won’t happen though the Democratic Party, only over its dead body.

(Paul Street’s latest book is They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy. Paradigm, 2014)

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by Matt Taibbi

And why has the rest of America never come to terms with the defining crimes of our age? (Hint: “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.”)

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I don’t really understand how they believe that the floozies and/or payoffs would have any effect on Trump’s base. He’s been married three times, and he was voted for anyway. His sexual turpitude apparently is unconcerning. It certainly is unconcerning to me. I’ve always assumed powerful men and wealthy men did this sort of thing as a matter of course.



  1. Marco McClean August 30, 2018

    RE: KZYX SCHEDULE CHANGE Designed To Streamline And Enhance Our Services, by Jerry Karp

    Rearranging the deck chairs. Same problems, same corruption, same secrecy/lack of transparency, same false community. Same bad assumptions. Same stifling of dissent. And the same overall lack of understanding of what radio is and can be.

    Same absurdly inflated budget and same paying all the money to all the wrong people, too.

    Marco McClean

  2. Joe Hansem August 30, 2018

    Incorrigible sounds like a good book, reminds me of a similar work written by a long term convict circa 1976 going back to his youth in the 1940s. Since he was still on parole, CDC tried to prevent him from publishing it. One funny scene was back in circa 1945 he and his buddy were looking at prison for some burglaries they had committed, so this elderly portly public defender comes into the courtroom, but mistakes these naive newbies for them, whom he goes up to saying something along the lines of: look at this way, prison isn’t that bad, they’ve got a lot of programs you can take advantage of down in San Quentin; in response to which these kids burst into tears! Meanwhile the author and his buddy are waving at the guy, no, us over here. Oh Jeez!

  3. Whyte Owen August 30, 2018

    So, non-profit public charity MCDH has contracted with EmCare, infamous for surprise overcharges by cryptic out-of-network physicians. Will all MCDH ER visits be in-network for those who are in-network for MCDH?

  4. james marmon August 30, 2018

    It’a extremely important for Lake County residents to have the number one cleanest air in the State, unfortunately we have lost that status during the past 5 years. We haven’t had a smoke free day since early June after the Pawnee fire.

    Control burns might have prevented Ranch, River fires

    “Why hasn’t control burning been done to protect the homes and property in the county, which would also provide habitat for wildlife? The answer is simple. The governmental agencies responsible for control burning can’t agree on when and how to do the burning. Just the process of getting an agreement on when to burn is mind boggling. First there has to be permission from Air Quality Control because of the smoke the fire will cause. Then BLM has to obtain funding. Coordination with CDF also must be done. There is also the fear of liability if the control burn turns into a wildfire. This results in the actual window of time when burning can be done being small. For example, year after year there are plans to control burn South Cow Mountain, but they are canceled at the last minute.”

  5. james marmon August 30, 2018

    Just got done convincing my German Shepard that his little friend the Jack Russell is a communist, things are going to change around here.

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