- Boonville History
- Comma Deficit
- Ab Poaching
- Help Lolli
- Little Dog
- Race Riots
- Who Rules America
- Quiet Town
- Yesterday's Catch
- Useless Husband
- Business/Violence
- Foreign Children
- Orange Menace
- Quoth the Raven
- KMEC Interview
I’M ALWAYS STRUCK by how much history this very small Valley has pressed into a mere 150 years, sparing us all but this one obligatory reference to the unhappy fate of The Valley’s original inhabitants who had lived here for the ten thousand years prior. Here’s an item from a 1971 Ukiah Daily Journal that reminds us of how quickly things have changed in Anderson Valley:
“Mendocino’s oldest resident died yesterday in a Ukiah hospital at the age of 102. Had she lived 10 more days, Mrs. Rosa Watson would have celebrated her 103rd birthday. Born to the Rev. and Mrs. John Montgomery in Blunt County, Alabama on August 26, 1869, just four years after the end of the Civil War, Mrs. Watson came to Mendocino County’s Anderson Valley at the age of 13 when her parents migrated west. At the age of 20 she left Boonville and came to Ukiah where she worked as a cook for four years at the county hospital. While in Ukiah, she met and married James Watson, a Boonville farmer-tavern owner. The wedding ceremony was performed in the parlor of the old Hagan Hotel. Watson had come to California with a cattle drive at the age of 15 from the state of Missouri. He and his new wife returned to Boonville until 1910 when they moved back to Ukiah. During the years in Boonville, Mrs. Watson ran a boarding house. In Ukiah, the couple made their home on Ford Street. Mr. Watson passed away in 1926.”
And Mrs. Watson went on living in a country about as different as the one she was born in as could be imagined.
AMUSING STORY relayed to me by Elinor Clow years ago: Years back, when Mel “Boom-Boom” Baker was the local superintendent of schools, Elinor had some difficulty decoding an article Mel had published in Homer Mannix’s Anderson Valley Advertiser. She finally figured out that the piece lacked quite a number of clarifying commas and asked Homer to explain the comma deficit. “I don’t have enough commas so I try not to use too many of the ones I do have,” Homer explained and which I’ll explain to you by pointing out that Homer printed his paper on one of the last more or less functioning hot lead presses in the United States. Type was handset, a lost art these days. Homer had so many a’s, b’s, and so many commas, etc. If he’d had to publish a wordy paper in, say, 9-point type like this one he’d have been out of commas at the end of the first page. The recalcitrant linotype, Elinor recalls, was dubbed “Old Miserable” by the late Juanita Maddox, who wrote for Homer in the hot lead days.
Although abalone season doesn't start until tomorrow (there'll be a MINUS 0.8' low tide @ 10:05 am Monday), there have been a couple possible "abalone poaching" calls phoned into the Fish & Wildlife "CalTips" hotline.
The first was @ 8:36 am when three people (two Asians & one Caucasian in his 60's) associated with a 2015 dark gray Mazda (with a cooler in the trunk). The three had diving gear and were at Glass Beach in Fort Bragg. The vehicle was registered out of San Jose.
The second call did not have as much information but was referred to as a "CalTip in progress" near Russian Gulch.
Lolli's Studio Fire Fund
I don't know how many of you know Lolli Jacobsen, but she has done so much for the textile community here on the coast, and for us at the Writers' Conference. Give if you can—to help her recover. The gofundme link, started by Ron Hock, is below.
“This week's fire in Fort Bragg devastated Lolli Jacobson's Fort Bragg Fabric Studio. The building was heavily damaged by the fire and several local businesses were impacted. Lolli and her two studio partners were almost entirely wiped out by the fire, smoke, and water. It will take a year or more to repair the damage to the building so the three fabric artists will need to find new studio space as soon as possible. To help them get back in business I've created a GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/lolli-jacobsons-studio-fire-fund And if you know of studio or shop space available, let her know: jacobsen.lolli@gmail.com
Ron Hock, www.hocktools.com, 16650 Mitchell Creek Drive, Fort Bragg, California 95437 USA
–Norma Watkins, Fort Bragg
LITTLE DOG SAYS, “I went on a ride to Philo on Sunday and we drove by those blooming wild lilies in front of Scharffenberger Cellars. Wow!”
I THOUGHT the ABC documentary Friday night on the LA Riots of late April, 1992 was nicely done and a fair representation of what happened, not that I'm pretending to be any kind of authority on that event, "the deadliest race riot since the Civil War," as a book jacket has it. That book backs up the film in every respect. It's by Lou Cannon and is called "Official Negligence." In excruciating detail Cannon places ultimate responsibility for the catastrophe with LA police chief William Gates who, incredibly given the astounding not guilty verdict in the famous Rodney King beating case that exonerated the cops, was not on the job the day that inflammatory verdict was delivered. The cops were overwhelmed at a crucial intersection where the riot got going. The lieutenant who soon ordered their withdrawal makes a strong case for his decision in the film, pointing out that the officers at the scene were too few and were not suited up in protective gear to handle a violent mob. Gates subsequently went on national television to blame the murderous chaos that followed on this lieutenant, diverting public attention from his own gross dereliction. Cannon makes the point that black police familiar with ground zero neighborhood said at the time they could have quickly weeded out the worst criminals and prevented at least the violence in that part of the city if Gates had prepared for the verdict as he should have. The film is strong stuff, but the humanity, especially that of the black men, risking their own lives, who rescued several racially-targetted victims from their attackers, including the most spectacular victim, Reginald Denny, the truck driver. ABC's riveting film is probably already available on-line. It's a must-see.
ODDS are heavily against anyone under the age of 60 seeing this, let alone a Boonville high school student seeing it, but if I were a teacher committed to the welfare of my post-high school students on this May Day, I'd tell them to point their handheld gizmos in the direction of William Domhoff's "Who Rules America," an accessible explanation of the world they'll be stepping into after four years of irrelevant instruction in not much of anything.
I thought I heard a door slam late Friday night in America's quietest neighborhood in America's quietest town, San Anselmo, the beating heart of Marvelous Marin that beats so slowly it could be mistaken for dead. Rush hour traffic was backed up in San Rafael where they were testing the huge boondoggle known as the Smart Train. It's a year behind schedule and millions over budget. It starts in San Rafael near the freeway and, carefully avoiding populated areas, winds up near the airport north of Santa Rosa. In other words, it serves no one except a few tourists like me who will ride it once for the heck of it. It will be of no use to commuters because it does not go to and from the places they do. And you still have to get to and from on either end. Ticket prices are projected at prices certain to deter everyone but the occasional rider. Congressman Huffman, natch, is all for it. I like to visit the Mission San Rafael churches, trying to imagine what they were like when the Bay still came up almost to their front doors and the padres sent soldiers on expeditions to the north all the way in to Mendocino County to capture Indians both to enslave them and save their souls. Picked up a hundred dollar parking ticket at the Marin Farmer's Market where I went to meet a couple of friends. I bought two standard green Japanese maples there for $14, the tough kind, the kind that do well in containers. Then I went to Lenscrafters in the dying Northgate Mall to get my glasses fixed for the second time this month because I've twice broken them. "Did you buy those here, sir?" Yes, ma'am, although I hadn't, so they fixed them for nothing. I tried to give the girl 5 bucks but she wouldn't take it. On the way home I spotted a ratty old recliner on the street so I threw it in the back of my truck so I can sit in it and watch the sights from my deck in Boonville. (I'm aiming at an overall redneck aesthetic at my place.) Went on walks through the hill top mausoleums of the "Hub City," as Silent SA is called and re-read a bunch of Somerset Maugham's short stories set in Borneo where I lived for three years in another life. Maugham was tossed out of the country by the White Rajah for immoral conduct, or however the Brits euphemized Maugham's interest in Malay boys. And I started Susan Faludi's new book, "In the Darkroom" about how her father, at a late age, became a woman, ordinarily a subject I wouldn't be interested in, but I happen to know her and like her and she's a very good writer. (Forgive me for name-dropping. I only have a few to drop so I take every advantage.) All-in-all, not a bad couple of days but anxious to return to the center of the universe, my true home, the very cynosure of everything right in the world, Boonville, Ca.
CATCH OF THE DAY, April 30, 2017

ABEL AGUADO, Ukiah. Failure to appear, probation revocatiohn.
KATHLEEN BAIRD, Willits. Vandalism.
DAVID CALVO, Ukiah. Grand theft, dirk-dagger, probation revocation.

MAURICIO DELGADO, Fort Bragg. Battery, brandishing, criminal threats.
RUDY FLORES, Redwood Valley. DUI-drugs.
STEVEN GESELL, Vallejo/Ukiah. DUI.

GARRETT GESSELMAN, Long Beach/Ukiah. DUI, misdemeanor hit&run.
CHRISTOPHER KRCH, Willits. Drunk in public.
SHAWN LANE, Fort Bragg. Annoy/molest children under 18, false ID, parole violation.

NERI LUCERO, Ukiah. Drunk in public.
JAVIER MATA JR., Redwood Valley. Drunk in public.
MICHAEL MEINKE, Ukiah. Drunk in public.

ZACHARIA ROZEK, Redwood Valley. Taking shopping cart, under influence, smoking-injecting device, probation revocation. (Frequent Flyer)
MARIO SANCHEZ, Fort Bragg. Brandishing.

LEONEL SARMIENTO-ORNELAS, Fort Bragg. Assault with deadly weapon not a gun, misdemeanor hit&run.
JOE STRA, Ukiah. Drunk in public.
KELLY WOOD, Willits. Failure to appear.
A man who looks at women as an investment on which he wants a return is not a man any woman should have anything to do with. The lack of insight of some people is gobsmacking.
I speak as one who left a useless husband decades ago, not because he didn’t provide a ‘return on my investment’ but because he was a useless husband and father (nothing to do with money). I bought his half of our equity, took over the mortgage myself and brought up my daughters with no help (he contributed the equivalent of $5/week for the two of them!!). They are now productive adults who don’t need to rely on men for anything, but are their equals and friends, as it should be in 2016.
I spent over a decade bringing my kids up (well) on my own and only then turned my attention to the possibility of having another man in my life. He’s a professional, but we live in my home because he incautiously tried to set up his own business in later life and lost everything but the shirt on his back. We are a partnership, but it’s me that put the roof over our heads, so endless crap about women living off men I can seriously do without.
WHEN THE RICH rob the poor it’s called business. When the poor fight back it’s called violence.
— Mark Twain
“…and the Wolf chewed up the children and spit out their bones… But those were Foreign Children and it really didn’t matter.”
by Andrew Levine
Long before Hillary Clinton was parachuted into New York State to become its Senator, I was certain that she was a disaster waiting to happen. Nothing that has happened in the years since has disabused me of that belief. Now that the Democratic Party has taken up her reckless anti-Russia campaign with a degree of enthusiasm that only sore losers in denial can muster, I am more convinced than ever that I was right.
For a variety of reasons that I have discussed many times on this site and elsewhere and that I will not go back over now, I opposed lesser evil voting in the 2016 presidential contest. I am as confident now as I ever was that this was the right thing to do. In elections for President, it almost always is.
Nevertheless, I had no doubt that of the two god-awful choices voters faced, Trump was worse. I never gave this much thought, however, because it seemed inconceivable that any Democrat, even one with a proven record of failing at everything she does, could lose to such a buffoon.
The conventional wisdom has it that Hillary is a “pragmatist,” who has been around the block a dozen times and who knows how to get things done. I, along with many others who had been paying attention, knew better. I knew that as a First Lady she was no prize, that she had done a lackluster job as a Senator, and that, as Barack Obama’s first term Secretary of State, she brought chaos, destruction, misery and death to every geopolitically significant project the two of them undertook.
There was Libya, of course, but that was only the most blatantly tin-eared and wrong-headed example of Clinton’s interventions into Middle Eastern politics as the Arab Spring unfolded. She left her mark on large swathes of Africa and Asia, creating humanitarian catastrophes in her wake and helping to bring on the refugee crisis now spilling over into Europe. Latin America and East Asia suffered from her cluelessness and ineptitude too. In short, she caused or exacerbated problems all over the whole world.
Still, I never thought that she would lose to Trump. She is a certifiable world-class fuck up, but there are limits.
Obviously, I was wrong. I was wrong about Trump too. He has turned out to be even worse than I thought.
Hillary was only partly wrong years ago when she spoke of herself and her husband as victims of “a great rightwing conspiracy.” There was no conspiracy, but the rightwing was certainly on their case. Trump coopted their fervor and, insofar as they had any, their ideas; he gave the “deplorables” an outlet and a home.
Not all Trump supporters were deplorable; some were good people expressing contempt for the neoliberal political order that the Clintons had done so much to fashion. They were, however, in the thrall of false beliefs about Trump. They deserve blame for deceiving themselves or allowing themselves to be deceived.
Some Hillary supporters were – and still are — similarly blameworthy. In the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, they too stood by unjustified false beliefs about the merits of their candidate.
However, on Trump, their instincts were sound. They mostly still are, though now that Trump seems to be dropping his “populist” pretenses and falling into line behind the foreign policy establishment, there have been signs of defection within their ranks.
It is amazing what a willingness to inflict senseless violence on Syrians and Afghanis, and to risk an exchange of nuclear weapons with North Korea, can do. There is actually a movement afoot in Clintonian political and media circles to depict the Donald as a man fighting his way up a steep learning curve and becoming “presidential.”
Evidently, our defenders of the status quo cannot oppose power for long, no matter how great the provocation or how preposterous the inhabitant of the Oval Office. Servility has become a habit for them, and it is too ingrained not to prevail.
I have no idea whether the pundits pushing the line that Trump’s is becoming a normal presidency believe it themselves, but I have enough faith in the good sense of the general public to be confident that, outside the corporate media bubble, they won’t find a lot of support for that view.
I would venture that I am far from alone in thinking that Trump is a lot worse than anybody thought last November or even before his first hundred days, and that, from this point on, he will only get worse, and it will only get worse for him.
I cannot speak for others, but I can say that one reason why I underestimated Trump’s vileness was that I focused too much on what he would say while campaigning, and not enough on his character and life.
Another reason, related to the first, was that, in several respects, Hillary seemed even worse. She seemed more wedded than he to neoliberal economic nostrums, and more eager to fuel America’s perpetual war regime.
The main reason, though, was that I did not know enough about Trump to take the full measure of the man.
I was aware, of course, that he had been, and maybe still was, a fixture in the tabloids, and could therefore surmise that there was a lot of dirt out there about him. I also knew that he had a lot of public exposure on reality TV. I knew next to nothing about the shows he starred in, but it was a safe bet that they were anything but thoughtful or edifying.
I had some awareness too of his shady business dealings in Manhattan, Atlantic City, and elsewhere, and I knew that the name “Trump” carried a certain cachet for people around the world who are fond of glitz and who have more money than taste.
I was also aware that shallow and unaccomplished people could be famous nowadays just for being famous. I admit, however, that I don’t understand how this works, and that Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian are just names to me.
Until he started trumpeting “birther” nonsense, so was Donald Trump. The difference was that I couldn’t pick the first two out of a lineup if my life depended on it, while Trump’s look is unmistakable and unforgettable; gaze upon a picture of that face just one time and it stays imprinted forever in that part of the mind where monsters dwell.
Even after it became apparent that Trump would be more than just a sideshow in the 2016 election, I had only a vague understanding of how much his fortune depended on his father’s money and connections, and on the mentoring of such miscreants as Roy Cohn. Over the years, I must have glanced at news reports about Trump’s connections to nefarious financiers around the world; the stories were out there, but I never paid them any mind. Why would I? There are too more inherently interesting things to think about.
The Donald has too little depth to be interesting in his own right, and, even as the primaries and caucuses got underway, the idea that he would be the nominee still seemed too preposterous to take seriously, notwithstanding the undeniable fact that he was trouncing each and every stooge the Republican establishment could scrape up to run against him.
I would say, though, that, as the campaign wore on, Trump did become more interesting in at least one respect: from time to time, he would say something true about how corrupt American politics is. He broke other taboos as well, but this one actually served a useful, educational purpose.
Centuries ago, fools and Court Jesters would also say what others would never dare to utter publically. Trump was too full of himself to play the fool role outright. But he stood out from the crowd nevertheless. All of the candidates for the Republican nomination were bad jokes, but Trump’s coarseness and bluster made him special.
He was not the only one to strike a “populist” chord, but he was the only one to outflank Hillary from the left on such issues as trade, infrastructure and “regime change.” Later, of course, Russia could be added to the list.
Needless to say, most of it was only talk; Trump was not about to turn back the neoliberal tide even if he could, and he was hardly a man of peace. Still, the contrast with Hillary was refreshing, as was the fact that, along with Bernie Sanders, he was raising pertinent questions and stirring up discontent.
The difference was that the discontent Sanders stirred up was salutary. Even when Trump would voice similar themes, the impact he had was ominous.
My view, before Election Day, was that it was of paramount importance to combat the racist, nativist, and Islamophobic stirrings oozing out of the Trump camp, but that the danger would fade after Trump’s all but certain defeat, and that the hell he was raising might even be useful, in its own demented way, for encouraging opposition to the next President Clinton and therefore to her neoliberal, liberal imperialist warmongering.
I confess that I also thought that at least part of Trump’s overblown faith in his own abilities had to be at least somewhat justified. He did start out, as they say, on third base, but he went on from there to enrich himself egregiously, and he did manage to become the Republican nominee. Surely, a complete dunce could not have done all that.
Moreover, I didn’t, and still don’t, think that Trump is a reactionary at heart. I thought he was a conman and an opportunist, and that, he was coming on like a troglodyte in order to win against his Republican rivals, and then to keep them fired up as he ran against Clinton. I never thought that he meant most of it – not that this would matter one way or another because he was bound to lose in any case.
Therefore, after he won – or, rather, after Clinton lost – I found consolation in his insincerity. If he could go from endorsing positions that pass for normal in New York City to positions reactionary enough to win over the hearts and minds of retrograde Republicans in the Deep South, why wouldn’t he again take up positions that fall more or less in the normal – or at least not profoundly disturbing — range when there would no longer be any percentage in coming on like Ted Cruz?
However, as news of his cabinet and cabinet level appointments started to trickle in, it became clear that this was wishful thinking; even Cruz could not have done worse. The people Trump assembled were a Freedom Caucus member’s wet dream.
The only high level Trump appointees who fall anywhere near the normal range are two retired Generals who, according to reliable reports, are a good deal fonder of murder and mayhem than most of their colleagues, some hyper predatory Wall Street buccaneers, a fossil fuel promoting ex-honcho from Exxon Mobil, and an Ambassador to the United Nations whose highest qualification for that job is an undergraduate degree in accounting. These are the adults in the room. How pathetic is that!
It is true that Trump has neither an ideology nor settled convictions that he wants to promote. But he isn’t just an opportunist who can be counted on to adjust his course when public opinion calls for it.
He flits from one position to another and flip-flops shamelessly not because public opinion is leading him, but because he is a narcissistic bully with the disposition of an adolescent boy afflicted by a mildly out-of-control case of Attention Deficit Disorder.
His mind, such as it is, goes wherever his attention alights; and that, it seems, depends mainly on what Fox News has on at the moment. This is why efforts to discern consistency or rhyme or reason in his tweets are almost always in vain.
Trump decimated the Republican Party. This is no longer as clear as it used to be now that Republicans are riding high after Clinton blew a sure thing, taking down ticket Democrats down with her. Nevertheless, Trump did do the GOP in; this will become clear again in due course.
Despite their limitations, it is a good bet that the Party’s leaders understand this well. For the time being, though, they remain determined to see what they can get by playing along with their standard-bearer. Their support, however, hangs by a thread.
Trump has no fondness for them either. But, having no organization of his own to help him govern, if that is the right word for what he is doing, he needs Republicans even more than they need him. Therefore, he is playing along too.
If the latest polls are on track, Trump’s base has not yet deserted him, though his approval rating in general is abysmal and tracking downward.
But since Trump is now deserting his base – reneging on one campaign promise after another – it is only a matter of time before all but his most willfully blind supporters follow the public’s lead.
The excuse that Trump needs more time to do what he said he would is starting to get old; and his defenders cannot blame the other party, the way that Obama’s supporters would blame Tea Partiers and “moderate” Republicans for making the words “hope” and “change” stick in the craw. Republican obstinacy was indeed a factor back in the (seemingly long ago) Obama days, but there is no real counterpart to anything like that now on the Democratic side. With the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer calling the shots, there never will be.
Therefore, how much longer can it be until even his most ardent fans realize what a loser he is?
That is the crucial question because their support for him, in the first place, was based in large part on their patently ridiculous belief that he would somehow make “deals” that would set the world aright and “make America first again.” They hardly counted on him making himself, and America with him, a laughing-stock.
Republican leaders must realize by now that the way to make the best of the situation would be to dump Trump as soon as they can. How much better off they would be with one of their own, Mike Pence, a bona fide reactionary with deep ties to the libertarian and theocratic wings of the party, in command!
This is one of those rare instances in which what is good for the Republican Party actually is good for the country and the world — if only because with Pence in charge instead of Trump, there would be less danger of a nuclear conflagration being set off in a fit of pique. The “darker angels” of our nature would also get less encouragement from the commanding heights.
But how to get from here to there?
The best way would be for the anti-Trump resistance movement to grow to a point where it could force Trump out. This is only a pipedream, however. To be more than that, there would have to be an organized political force in place capable of taking the lead and showing the way.
Unless it somehow manages in short order to transform itself beyond recognition, the Democratic Party is worse than useless for that. It is something to resist in its own right
Meanwhile, Democratic Party spokespeople and pundits are working overtime to coopt every bit of resistance there is. With lucidity in short supply within the resistance movement and generally within our political culture, and in the absence of a clear alternative, they could well succeed.
But even if deeply entrenched practices, institutions and modes of thought make it all but impossible for a “third” party to take the place of the Democrats, insurgents probably could take over the Democratic Party in much the way that the Tea Party took over the GOP. As of now, this isn’t likely either. There are so many Clintonites, and there is so little time.
But there are less than ideal ways that could lead to the defeat of the Trumpian menace.
Ideas and convictions don’t motivate the Donald; vainglory and cupidity do. This is why, as the level of disgust he evokes rises, and the more it affects the buying habits of the kinds of people his enterprises target, the better off we all will be.
By going after his vanity and his and his family’s bottom lines, a far-reaching boycott-all-things-Trumpian campaign just might suffice to get Trump to “self-impeach,” as the hapless Mitt Romney might put it.
A problem with that strategy, though, are all those damn foreigners — not the “bad” (actually good) “hombres” whom the Donald vilifies, the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free” or, more realistically, to be free from the horrors brought on by American military and trade policies, but the filthy rich of the less developed world, eager to curry favor with America’s Commander-in-Chief.
There may be no effective way to influence them, but we can shame our fellow citizens who patronize Trump hotels and resorts and who buy the crap he and his children peddle. This would probably be more effective than piling on yet more marches and demonstrations; it would certainly be easier to organize. Indeed, there is no need to organize anything at all; everybody can boycott the Trump brand on his or her own.
For removing the menace, there is also the way that the Constitution prescribes – impeachment. Democrats would have to make this a priority however, and “therein lies the rub.”
The pusillanimity of the average Democratic politician is limitless; to get any significant number of them to move on impeachment, public opinion would have to sharpen to the point where even they could not stay back.
Democratic politicians also tend to be too clever by half; some of them might figure that the presence of a dangerous and despicable ignoramus in the Oval Office helps their electoral prospects.
Republicans generally have better sense.
As more people in Trump’s base come to realize how thoroughly he conned them, the Donald will become even more of a liability to the Republican establishment than he already is. Perhaps then they will take the lead and do what their less odious counterparts in the other bought and paid for capitalist party would otherwise be too timid to attempt.
Of course, with the Donald, anything could happen.
So far, it seems, scandals – “conflicts of interest” that would do any other politician in — have only strengthened his hand. There are so many of them, though, just as there are so many grounds for impeachment; indeed, the two are often one and the same. It is hard to see how Trump can keep evading their consequences much longer. But where Trump is, absurdity reigns and anything could lie in store.
I have high hopes for Melania. There is every sign that she concluded long ago that her association with the Donald is too high a price to pay for whatever benefit she once thought she could gain from his riches.
If she were to free herself from her gilded prison, leaving her repellent and misogynistic husband in the lurch, she just might be able to do what nothing else so far has: embarrass the man in a way that would diminish, not strengthen, his standing with his base.
That alone would make her by far the most meritorious presidential consort, official or otherwise, since Eleanor Roosevelt; and, no, I haven’t forgotten Hillary Clinton.
Her only serious competitor would be Monica Lewinsky. She served her country well, albeit unintentionally, by involving Bill Clinton in a scandal that kept him from going after Social Security. Were Melania to hobble Trump by humiliating him, her contribution to the public weal would make Monica’s seem almost petty.
On the other hand, I have no hope whatever for Ivanka or her husband Jared, two fruits of poisonous trees (only one of which has so far done time). The idea that either or both of them could save the world from the Donald is unadulterated wishful thinking.
The two of them do seem to have the Donald’s ear, but this is no more comforting than knowing that the pseudo-intellectual fascisant guru Steve Bannon and his minions do. Ivanka is better turned out than her father and more poised. But she is all the more insidious for that.
Meanwhile, Jared, Trump’s de facto Secretary of Everything, may be good for boosting the morale of the Israeli Right as the BDS movement gathers steam, and good for causing thoughtful people to despair of the human race, but not for much else. His only virtue is that, unlike his father-in-law, he doesn’t talk.
For keeping the Orange Menace at bay, when all else fails, there is still, of course, a functioning federal judiciary. It is chock full of Republicans and Democrats, however; and therefore not good for much except introducing a moderating influence. There is not much solace in that.
But, for now, this is the best we’ve got – beyond what we, the unorganized people, can muster in the face of Democratic Party efforts to coopt all the “resistance” they can.
Sanders and his remaining supporters call for a “political revolution.” What they have in mind is a good deal less radical than that, but their words, if not the ideas behind them, are on target.
It is either that or more degrading electoral spectacles guaranteed to produce pernicious outcomes that will make life worse for the vast majority of human beings, and that could well prove fatal to humankind itself and to many of the other plant and animal inhabitants of our planet.
Andrew Levine is the author most recently of The American Ideology (Routledge) and Political Key Words (Blackwell) as well as of many other books and articles in political philosophy. His most recent book is In Bad Faith: What’s Wrong With the Opium of the People. He was a Professor (philosophy) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Research Professor (philosophy) at the University of Maryland-College Park. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press).
Monday, May 1, at 1 pm, Pacific Time
John Sakowicz and Sid Copperrider interview USC professor, Robert David English, on KMEC Radio, on Monday, May 1, at 1 pm, Pacific Time. Listen at 105.1 FM in Ukiah, CA. We also stream live from the web at www.kmecradio.org
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemies’ eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
“Now the old king is dead, long live the king!”
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castle stands
Upon pillars of salt, and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells a’ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can’t explain
Once you’d gone it was never,
never an honest word
That was when I ruled the world
It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn’t believe what I’d become
Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh…who would ever wanna be king
I hear Jerusalem bells were ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs were singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can’t explain
I know St. Peter won’t call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
(Whoa…) Here Jerusalem bells were ringing
(Whoa…) Roman Cavalry choirs were singing
(Whoa…) Be my mirror, my sword and shield
(Whoa…) My missionaries in a foreign field
(Whoa…) For some reason I can’t explain
(Whoa…) I know St. Peter won’t call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
-Coldplay- When I ruled the World.
Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941. Other patents pending.
Iris psudacorus at Sharffenberger, Little Dog. Native to W. Europe, W. Asia and NW Africa, and invasive as heck. I introduced them to the pond up at my former home up in old Harris where they’ve filled it, proceeded down into the creek and are making their way to Alderpoint. Ooops.
San Anselmo… (sigh). The community there has a laundromat for all walks of life, that accepts electronic payment slide cards, for both wash and dry machines. Don’t get caught short without a few spare quarters, to finish out the drying if needed, as it takes at least that in electronic funds to restart the dryers.
Is it just me or are the mocking birds particularly obnoxious this year? The one in my ‘hood sees the people pass out on Main Street, looking at their hand-helds, and he starts right in with:
“Whatch lookin’ at? Whatcha lookin’ at? Whatcha lookin’ at? Twitititititer. Tweet tweet tweet — snigger-snigger-snigger. Whatcha lookin’ at? Whatcha lookin’ at? [loop]”
And another thing: The mourning doves. Well, they’ve been mourning the passing of country crooner Chris LeDoux for long enough — I mean it’s been a dozen years since he died, and sure he had a couple of hits, but let’s get over it; Others have passed, as well, and yet never a mention of the singer-songwriters who died last year, such as Prince, David Bowie, Leonard Cohen — no all the mourning doves ever have to say is, Chris LeDoux, Chris LeDoux, Chris LeDoux, et cetera, etc, ad infinitium… Sure they miss him more in Wyoming than they do here, but go to Wyoming and all you hear is the meadowlarks singing about what a pretty little place Jackson Hole is. They never shed a tear over Chris LeDoux — in fact, his classmates at college in Laramie used to tell him not to bet the ranch on his talent as a singer-songwriter: Keep the day job, Chris.”
Funny, BM. Thanks for the chuckle.
Giants: The San Jose Mercury summed the game up ‘April ends fittingly with bullpen collapse in loss”. Bochy “It’s got to happen. We can’t just sit around and keep saying, “Well, there is a lot of baseball left.” It such be noted the Sacramento River Cats are in last place in their division with a record of 7-16 – not much here for the Giants to bring up to the bigs.
A’s lost another game against the Astros 7-2. I would note they have been hit hard by injuries.
O ye of little faith. The season is young, the pitching will come around, the relief pitchers will put out fires all summer.
Bruce, I’d love to talk baseball (among other things) with you over a few Boont Ambers, but until then call me one of the faithless.
Turning the calendar page to May will not reverse the Giants woes. Their poor play is endemic to the team that they are: 39-59 since last year’s All-Star game, a.398 winning percentage. My scapegoat is Bobby Evans; he did not address the outfield, which is the worst in baseball. Span did not produce last year and he isn’t producing this year. He is who he is – an oft injured, washed up, overpaid veteran. Neither left or center field are even AAA quality. Hunter Pence is the outfield foundation but starting to show his age. The Giants have no power and no speed, which makes Bochy’s job essentially impossible. He can’t play for the 3 run homer or small ball. This is a seriously flawed team with no identity and it’s not due to the injuries.
It seems Evans had tunnel vision, focusing solely on signing Melancon at the expense of everywhere else. Posey’s power numbers have declined since 2014; he’s 30 and I don’t think those numbers will trend upward. Last year I wondered why Minnesota practically gave away Nunez and now I know. Hundley is awful, a typical Giants veteran backup signing. I know Trevor Brown is not lighting it up in Sacto but he’s at least better defensively than Hundley and last year delivered some clutch hits while getting rave reviews from the entire pitching staff. Going after Ryan Braun would be a huge mistake and tie up even more money.
It’s not in their DNA, but I think they should tear this team down and build it back up, a la the Cubs and Yankees. Screw the consecutive sellout record and give some young hungry players a shot. What Jim wrote about the River Cats is true, but the Giants have some players in Single and Double A who potentially have great upside. If they can’t be traded, DFA Hill, Hundley, Hernandez, Stubbs and Span. Trade Nunez and Belt and give Tomlinson a chance to play on a regular basis. In my opinion he is the most underrated player on the team, along with Gillaspie if he, too, was given a chance to play regularly. If the guys they bring up don’t perform, a lot of money is coming off the books in the next two years and a lot of high quality free agents will be available. My only question is is Evans up to the task? Personally I’d offer the job to Ned Colletti.
Stephen – you speak my mind!!
Yes, Little Dog, I know you do your best, but they are indeed yellow flag iris, and, as noted in an earlier comment, a very vigorous and invasive plant. I still like them,though, and I have a few related hybrids that are even more lovely in my garden.
Some of The Boys are coming over for poker tonight — Little Dog is not invited.
Two things.
First, last time I went out for a stroll w/ LD&co. we passed a barroom and somebody suggested going in for a cold one. Only prob., a big sign hard to miss proclaimed No Dogs Allowed!
No Prob., my editors proclaimed, shaking out pairs of Foster Grant sunglasses, and hooking ’em o’er their ears — It was early in the day, barman setting up, polishing glasses and said, “Hey! Waddaya blind? No Dogs Allowed — don’t tell me you didn’t see the sign!
The Editor In Chief said, “Dude, this is a seeing-eye dog, I’m like blind; can’t you see?”
The barman came scurrying around, drawing up a bar stool, making apologies, accommodating Little Dog w/
SlimJim pepperoni sticks and beef jerky, so the rest of us — me and the Major — put out sunglasses on and, as thy say, followed suit –!
Well. I’ve never been ejected so rudely in my life!
And for what?
A seeing-eye cat.
So, no, Little Dog cannot get a seat at the poker table no matter how many chips he brings tot he game; and that’s final!
Only one other patron asked about reason No. 2.
No. 2: It was His honor Dan Hamburg, at the end of the bar, w/ his teacup chichi-wow-wow in his breast pocket. (Companion animals of course are allowed even in the most hallowed halls of libation — however, not at my poker table.)
Admit it, Bruce, those “three years in another life” made you the man you are today.
It is ridiculous to take the Demopublicans seriously. They illustrate the reasons why political parties aren’t mentioned in the Constitution.