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  1. BB Grace December 19, 2015

    Why blame Silicone Valley for a State process of creating low income housing and then evicting low income for tax paying jobs?

    When I see low income housing being established, that tells me that the State is looking for tax paying industry.

    It’s not Silicone Valley evicting the low income. It’s the state. And while these low income have portability, including to Hawaii, the State does not always make the effort to tell people, because the state is not going to pay for the move. Many folks come to Mendocino on portability vouchers.

    I see displacement of low income coming to Fort Bragg within a decade, no doubt there will be some industry, could be plans for a North Pebble Beach (Thank you climate change), and all those low income renters will be evicted to make room for tax paying jobs.

    Capitalists you see, would prefer to put the low income to work rather than evict them. The State perfers to trap people in it’s system by evicting them so they need social services, when what most really need is a living wage and a job they enjoy.

  2. Jim Updegraff December 19, 2015

    Mr. Grace speaks my mind.

  3. Zack Anderson Post author | December 19, 2015

    One Income Housing is the only kind we need.

    • BB Grace December 19, 2015

      I don’t know what One Income Housing is.

      • Zack Anderson Post author | December 19, 2015

        everyone gets the Same Kind of House. i suggest a teepee or yurt with high-speed wifi.

        • BB Grace December 19, 2015

          I’d rather Mike Reynold’s Earthship communities myself.

  4. Michael DeLang December 19, 2015

    Rotating the blame from Silicon Valley, to the state, to unfeeling wealthy neighbors, to the ineffectiveness of County implemented measures, to the evaporation of the federal funds formerly disbursed to address and allay social ills becomes a facile method allowing us to merely push around the problem of homelessness. Capitalism is, and has always been, a zero sum game that inherently breeds misery among the losers. The alarming widespread increase in the volume of misery being created under what we can only hope are the final decades of an unjust system, can be attributed to the fact that the 19th and early 20th century winners of the game diverted a portion of the spoils to the appropriation of government, in order to create the web of laws that have thoroughly rigged the game in their ongoing favor. As J.P. Morgan once said to an impertinent reporter, “Class war? There’s no class war. There was a class war. Your side lost.”

    • BB Grace December 19, 2015

      Blaming has always failed me. I would rather approach the issue of displaced homelessness from one of responsibilty.

      Where does a person get low income housing?
      The State? Silicone Valley?

      How could Silicone Valley force the Federal Government, The State, and Santa Clara County to evict low income people? Are the hundreds of corporations that make Silicone Valley armed with nukes, tanks, F-16s and standing armies like the Federal, State and County govenments?

  5. Jim Updegraff December 19, 2015

    Mr. Grace continues to speak my mind.

    • BB Grace December 19, 2015

      Thank you Mr. Updegraff. It’s beginning to feel alot like Christmas suddenly!

  6. LouisBedrock December 19, 2015

    “Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the young or be deserted by them, for the test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members”. –

    Pearl S. Buck

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