A FORT BRAGG READER WRITES of the late Janice Owings that “she was the best example or could have served as “poster child” for people who are unable or unwilling to care for themselves. Her gait through town was a daily spectacle. Her dress or state of undress was another spectacle. Her state of drunkenness was so far out there. Yet, we observed from the sidelines. And yes, after looking closely at her picture last night, she must have an interesting story. She might have tried to call for help, but couldn't or the phone might not have worked. There is a story for sure. I will inquire.”
ACCORDING to this week’s Fort Bragg Advocate: The ambulance was called to the Boatyard Shopping Center for a medical aid request. According to Greg Van Patten, Mendocino County Sheriff's Office public information officer; when it arrived, ambulance personnel found Janice Ownings [sic, it’s Owings], 67, of Fort Bragg, on the ground next to a pay phone. Life saving efforts were unsuccessful, Van Patten said. The cause of death is pending while awaiting blood alcohol and toxicology analysis reports.”
JUDY VALADAO OF FORT BRAGG OBSERVES: There are many Janice Owings on the streets in Fort Bragg. Sadly those are the ones who won’t be getting help from the group at the Old Coast Hotel. Don’t forget “If you have drugs or alcohol on board and are declared 51/50 you are no longer a mental issue, you are instead a law enforcement problem.” Those words were from an OMG employee. So, the Mayor is proud of all his work for the homeless and mentally ill? Think about it. What has the city really done in the way of help? Approve a grant and sign the check so they can collect their share, that’s what. All this caring is nothing more than a quick fix for financial problems for the city and a few more bucks in the pockets of those claiming to help. A human is dead. I wonder if she had qualified for help if she would be alive today? This group can pat themselves on the back all they want the truth is those who really need the help are not getting it.
FORT BRAGG HIGH SCHOOL has a red hot quarterback in Kaylor Sullivan. Friday night, Sullivan, a senior, and FB's all-time passing leader, threw for 480 yards and a bunch of touchdowns in a lopsided rout of overmatched South Fork High School. But look out for Boonville with a starting 8 who would be starting at any or all of the local big schools. Prediction: Boonville will romp undefeated this season.
A UKIAH READER ASKS: Have you heard anything about the dental clinic at Ukiah's Hillside clinic? No more coverage or services for Medi-Cal or CMSP citizens. No suggestions for where people should go or what they should do. I think kids can still get appointments. But no dental services for poor adults. Even DSS (or whatever Social Services is called now) had no idea they weren't taking patients as recently as last week. No explanations, no nada. More toothless wonders shopping at Walmart…”
IF SAN FRANCISCO MAYOR ED LEE is serious about getting the chronic inebriates and such off the streets, he is going to have to cross the line and call for the imposition of prolonged stays at residential programs until the homeless who are so out of it they can't take care of themselves can get a grip on their lives. He will be criticized by the do-gooders and do-wells, and he will have to come up with a program that can survive the court challenges that killed such efforts in the past. But if he can prevail, he will receive the eternal gratitude of 600,000 or 700,000 residents of this city, as well as a million visitors who come to work and play. — Willie Brown, SF Chron, Sunday, August 30th
YUP, THERE'S THE RUB. The instant you mention compulsion, not only does the homeless-industrial complex set up a funereal howl at the prospect of losing their thousands of sinecures, the naive begin their keening, as if people “so out of it they can't take care of themselves” can somehow be talked inside and into treatment.
THE DOUBLE-RUB is that there isn't room in existing programs, and there certainly isn't the political will to build facilities for all the out-of-it people now living on the streets of every town of any size in California. Here in Mendocino County, the hard-unto-hopeless cases are simply ignored by everyone except the police, whose duty it is to book them into the County Jail for brief stays, over and over and over again.
THE SHERIFF, backed by the Supervisors, has the green light to expand the County Jail to house an ever-increasing number of damaged people, but every day it is more and more obvious that it will take a federal investment in revived hospital programs to even begin effective rehab strategies, here, there or anywhere. Have you heard any of the candidates even mention a national effort to roll back homelessness? Have we done anything locally except enrich a private individual based in Yuba City who cherry picks his patients? Do we have as many people employed allegedly helping the homeless as we do actual street people?
CASE IN POINT: The street death last week of Janice Owings, 67, of, I guess, Fort Bragg. Janice drank herself into premature eternity, and did it publicly. A familiar staggering spectacle on Fort Bragg streets, the old girl died at a phone booth at the Boatyard Shopping Center. Maybe Janice was trying to call for help, maybe she wasn't. We're trying to track down her backstory, but whatever that story turns out to be, it's shameful that this woman ended the way she did. Janice belonged in a hospital, a place where she was locked away from the booze until, or if, she ever regained herself. Ditto for almost everyone out there, and there are millions of them.
A READER WRITES: The AVA covers the issues regarding the Coast Hospital frequently, not so much coverage of the Adventist Hospital in Ukiah. [Ed note: Coast Hospital is a public hospital with an elected board, subject to the Brown Act and the Public Records Act; Adventist and all the other private hospital chains are not…] Recently the AVA prominently featured the single physician whose contract was not renewed at the Coast Hospital. I don't know who wrote that article. But that reporter may be interested in knowing that the same thing is going to be happening in Ukiah, but on a bigger scale, probably involving 20 physicians. Basically this has been an issue all across the country with the disappearance of small private and group practices, as hospitals turn up the pressure forcing doctors into employee/employer relationships. Suffice it to say the contracts generally favor hospital interests to the detriment of the physicians. Because Mendocino has been a small area this has not happened so much here, for example, there are probably more solo and small group practices in Mendocino County than there are in San Francisco. In San Francisco there is no shortage of physicians. If an individual doesn't want to work for Sutter or Kaiser or another big group, he can always be replaced by someone coming out of residency who wants to live in San Francisco. But, despite its beauty, it is very hard to recruit young doctors to this area. If things go as badly as I think they will, Ukiah will lose 8–10 adult primary providers, a similar number of pediatric providers, as well as general surgeons and ophthalmologists. The Adventist Health system is far from being an open organization, all top tier executives must be of the Adventist faith, and control of the two local hospitals (Ukiah and Willits) resides largely with their corporate offices in Roseville. There has been an uneasy relationship here: on the one hand Adventist is the largest employer in Ukiah, on the other hand it is far from being a community oriented hospital. I foresee a train wreck, with the loss to our community of many doctors who have been here for decades. This would largely affect primary care for the underserved, namely adult Medi-Cal patients & pediatric patients. So maybe your colleague would like to look out for this — I anticipate this playing out in the spring of next year.”
ALL OF THE ABOVE adds up to an absolute imperative for Coast residents to demand competent management at Coast Hospital, one of the last community-owned hospitals in the state. If Coast Hospital goes broke and is scooped up by Adventist, a for-profit medical chain whose profits support its church, Coast residents, will see a big increase in the costs of their care.
WHICH REMINDS ME to update my standing order with Boonville's emergency responders: Whatever my medical emergency, or the severity of my gunshot wounds, or my state of consciousness, I am to be hauled to Coast Hospital Fort Bragg, not to the Adventist complex in Ukiah.
GREGORY MURREY, 60, of Alpharetta, Georgia, plummeted over a balcony during the seventh inning of the game between the Atlanta Braves and New York Yankees. Witnesses said Murrey fell onto the concrete at field level near where the player's wives sit. People seated near the deceased said he was drunk, and had jumped out of his seat into the aisle to yell at Alex Rodriguez who had just been announced as the next hitter for the Yankees. Umpires did not stop the game. Years ago, a Giants fan at Candlestick Park had similarly met his end, drunk and raining abuse down at the Giants for their poor performance when, leaning over railing, fell some sixty feet to his death.
A FACEBOOK GUY who variously posts as the Willits Daily News, Ganja Farmer, Willits Tomorrow, and Emerald Triangle has reported that the City of Willits has put up a number of abatement orders on inside-city-limits properties with marijuana grows that don’t abide by the city’s code: no more than 6 plants per lot, no matter the number of authorized patients, in a “fully enclosed and secure structure” — that means a foundation, not just a plastic greenhouse, and a building that can be locked. Only one person has been abated, and that person had a large outdoor grow going in flagrant violation of Willits' generous rules. Willits' code enforcement officer, John Sherman, an entirely reasonable man, whose thankless task it is to deal with persons beyond reason, hasn't abated anyone except this one person. At ease, stoners. Willits is not on an anti-pot crusade.
AT SOME POINT, our somnolent Supervisors will be forced to revamp its dysfunctional Health and Human Services apparatus. KC Meadows of the Ukiah Daily Journal gets to the heart of the prob, pointing out editorially that even First 5, a kind of sub-affiliate in helping the helpless, is concerned that the Health and Human people, mindlessly and automatically supported as they are by the Supervisors, has got to do better:
MS. MEADOWS WRITES: “A local child development organization has taken the unusual step of adding its concerns about the county’s Family and Child Services to those expressed by the grand jury earlier this year,” local child development org being First 5.
FIRST 5's indictment lists under-educated social service workers, unfilled positions in Family and Child Services, lack of transparency about where money is being spent, problems with the county’s recruiting system, the loss of federal and state funding through county penny-pinching, lack of training for workers in emergency situations and a deep morale problem in the social services department overall.
FIRST 5 cites “two horrendous failures of the county’s system: Failing to respond, “even after numerous reports to them — the 13 years of child sexual abuse and torture being carried out by a couple in Talmage, called 'the most atrocious case of child sexual abuse in decades' by the Sheriff’s office; and the failure of the county to order a neurological study of a 5 month old on the coast who died of what was found to be swelling and bleeding in her brain, after the county had been alerted by local Early Start staff of a potential abuse problem.”
FIRST 5 suggests solutions, all of them having been promoted for a year now by former CPS worker James Marmon. Marmon, as is the way in Mendocino County, was fired on clearly manufactured charges that a couple of his colleagues “felt” threatened by him. The true reason Marmon was sacked was for refusing to engage in illegalities in his function as a CPS worker. Marmon wasn't “a team player” on a dangerously irresponsible CPS team. Marmon, incidentally, won a claim against the County for, basically, false termination.
SO, now we have First 5 seconding the Grand Jury's findings that Health and Human Services is wayyyyyy outta whack. Will the Supervisors act, or will they simply continue to pretend that all may be unwell but that all is getting better?
NON-RESPONSIVE County Counsel Doug Losak, the perfect choice to prepare a non-response, prepared the Supes non-response to the Grand Jury's well-documented blast at the perennially troubled performance of the Family and Children’s Services. Losak was of course non-responsive, but several supervisors said that whatever the problems were with protecting the best interests of dependent children and their families, they were confident that the department was sorting them out. If there are problems with protective services they certainly couldn't be the result of years of incompetent leadership and lethal placement decisions because… Well, just because. Whatever problems there are alleged to be with basic protection for endangered children may be because the County simply doesn't have adequate funding to solve them. Of course the County has no prob giving over about $8 annual millions, no questioned asked, to a privately-owned mental health business based in Yuba City. That private business is assessed for the Supervisors by a former employee of Ortner Management Group called Tom Pinizzotto, who now is the number two guy in Mendocino County's unprivatized Mental Health bureaucracy. The two of them together do, well, what do they do? There has been no reduction in the numbers of mentally ill persons wandering the country roads of bucolic Mendocino County. Anywhere else in the country, the cozy arrangement between Pinizzotto, the Ortner Management Group and the public entity called Mendocino County would be under multiple investigations.
SUPERVISOR WOODHOUSE seems to get it. “I have a number of comments to make. This is a new process for me. I’ve always followed the Grand Jury reports from the public and I appreciate that they are getting together and working on something. They are bringing together a lot of outside perspective. It’s like hiring a consultant for $50,000. And to ignore it, or just debate and talk about the fine points— I understand that we don’t want to admit we’re not doing the best we can, but I think maybe we’re getting too much of the details rather than the spirit of what’s being said. I think it makes us look less informed about the challenges we have and I don’t want to appear that way to the public. So I think the public has a higher regard for the Grand Jury’s input than we do and I don’t mean to be insulting in any of this I’m saying. I’m trying to explain that I have a different approach to criticism and try to welcome it and get something from it. Even if it’s 90% wrong there’s always a kernel of something you can learn from. So thank you for letting me say that.”
BOARD CHAIR CARRE BROWN, perhaps inspired by County Counsel Losak's inscrutable non-response, went into compatible Zen mode: “And I can agree with you even though I can’t say I totally disagree with you.”
THE BOARD THEN VOTED 4-1 (Woodhouse dissenting) to rubberstamp Losak’s non-response to the Grand Jury assembled from the non-responses of the County departments criticized by the Grand Jury.
GUALALA WATER. So what does it mean to not be able to meet river bypass flows when diverting water for a public, municipal water system? In the case of The Sea Ranch, when bypass flows are below legal limits, it means the water company must resort to off-stream, stored water, and if there is no water in the reservoir during those times, the Water Company must file for a Temporary Urgency Condition with State Water Resources Control Board. Thus it is incumbent on The Sea Ranch Water Company to manage the resource wisely and when it rains and adequate river bypass flows can be met, to fill the reservoir, enforce conservation, monitor use, and attempt to crystal ball the weather. Even with such a large landmass in the watershed, it can be done.
DOESN'T WORK this way in Gualala, just a few miles north of Sea Ranch on Highway 1. There is no, has been no, and so far has not been any effectively planned off stream storage facility as deemed a requirement in the North Gualala Water Company permit. The permit does allow for alternate source supply (wells that are not influenced by river flows). What are the implications?
BACK IN 2008 or so, North Gualala Water Company violated the terms of their permit by drafting from the wells at Elk Prairie (the location of the subterranean supply wells) when bypass flows dropped below permitted levels. The Water Board imposed $500/day fines, yet the California Department of Public Health stood behind the water company (by default) in that the water company was a purveyor of a vital resource, and that for the protection of health and safety through the provision of a vital resource the health and safety of customers in Gualala, were insured. A hold was imposed on the fines (the costs of which would be passed to the customers).
IT SHOULD be mentioned that the river bypass flows are somewhat severe for the North watershed, in that they are low in the summer, yet in October they rise tenfold, which puts the water company at risk of violation since winter rains to support the required flows have not been enough to raise the river to the required amounts to legally divert water.
SOUTH COAST HISTORIANS say that when (the year) the bypass flows were initiated, winter began in October, and the river began flowing. Be all this as it may, we're talking family when we talk Gualala Water. Handing the water company ownership down from father to son has its problems as has been demonstrated from John Sr. to John Jr. and now to David, the son of John Jr. … The recipient always receives the benefit or the non-beneficial attributes of ownership.
SOMEWHERE along the line, the North Gualala Water Company purchased the Anchor Bay water system, and the system again evolved into a much larger enterprise than when first built, thus increasing demand for product, i.e., water, out of the Gualala River. It should be mentioned that North Gualala Water Company does contain water in two rain filled basins just east of Highway One in Gualala, and they do supply makeup water during the summer until the creek supply runs out in summer. But they are not a viable source of supply during the dry years, and when the water flows anyway the rates rise from the expense of the required filtration (a cost-added affair with surface water).
AFTER THE STANDOFF of 2007-08 between the Water Board and the Health Department a solution was required. On the one hand, river flows were not as mandated, on the other hand a health crisis might ensue should the water supply be shut off. Then enters the Public Utilities Commission (another agency overseer of our water systems) to help hammer out a resolution.
A DEAL was made between North Gualala Water Company, SWRCB, SWRCB Division of Drinking Water (formerly California Department of Public Health). It allowed the water company to remain in non-compliance, and instituted CPUC rule 14.1, which allows for mandatory water rationing and all of its implications during low river bypass flows — even and odd street numbering for watering outdoors, water cops of sorts, reporting waste, water company monitoring of wasteful practices, possible raised rates to make up for lost revenues, etc.
ANOTHER ASPECT of this fuzzy puzzle is that the Bower family maintains land holdings in the area surrounding Gualala in acreage only rivaled by Gualala Redwoods Timber (formerly Gualala Redwoods, Inc.). The Bower family has approval from the Gualala Municipal Advisory Committee, and Mendo County to develop a good portion of the lands within the sphere of Gualala. But because of the low river flows, a development moratorium has been instituted, and the Water Company is limited to approximately 1048 water connections. That said, to apply for one of the 40 existing and remaining services is impossible as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has limited the hookups until the water company achieves non violation status through off stream storage or alternate supply — to paraphrase CDFW: “The endangered fish are at risk as a result of illegal diversions.”
JOHN BOWER JR. wants to develop the land into housing, but can’t because he does not have the water or permission from regulatory agencies to do water distribution correctly. But the Bowers tend to do what they want. When the California Coastal Commission instructed Junior not to allow fireworks in the town of Gualala back in 2007, he went ahead and did it anyway. The Coastal Commission subsequently made it clear that Bower wouldn't have an easy time of it with the Coastal Development Permit within the Coastal Zone if he desires to build out his undeveloped acres.
IF JOHN BOWER JR. decides not to build the required reservoir because right across the river there's a reservoir on The Sea Ranch… Well, the South Coast might see a kind of rural repeat of “It's Chinatown, Jake.”
(Background: https://www.theava.com/archives/46678#12)
MOST SENTIENT AMERICANS know that we've reached the sub-basement of mass decadence, at least as represented by mass culture. The reality we share is… Well, not that tattoos are necessarily are devolution indicators, but put in the same package as contempt for women, gratuitous violence, celebration of criminal conduct, and aberrant behavior generally, with the whole pathological package set to music, or a semblance of music… We have this old white man paying $7 to see Straight Outta Compton at the air conditioned Fairfax Theater. There was me, and a much younger pair of white women I took to be mother and daughter. Three of us for the 4 o'clock showing. After the show, we smiled at each other, an insider's smile like, “Golly, that was interesting.” Considered as entertainment, at least in the narrow sense in that the movie draws you in because the story line is plausible, you like the characters and they're skillfully acted, and the film is certainly energetic, it was a pretty good movie, not that much of it didn't zip past my rheumy powers of understanding. Straight Outta is about a group of dope crooks with a gift for doggerel, a doggerel that expresses the reality of their lives, and when they put it in a kind of dance performance with rhythmic, repeat recommendations to “fuck the police, shoot the muthafuckas dead,” etc., the show definitely holds your interest as you wait to see how the muthafucking police are going to react, post-coitus, so to speak. Not well — and I must say the cops got no break in this one. They're depicted as showing up for no reason and proceeding to muscle black kids around for no reason other than to out-macho them. The cops, including black cops, insult everyone and drive off. Which was true enough of LA back in the day, but this portrayal is a little too black and white, sic. There's a lot of in-movie mention about which rapper did what to the other rapper, and there's an implication of anti-Semitism, which, with other subjects that are mentioned but never explained, makes the story frustrating to outside people like me, assuming I'm not the only old white guy in the country to pay his way in out of curiosity about rap. I wanted to know what the accusation of anti-Semitism was about; I wanted to know at least cursorily why the rappers thought they were getting ripped off by their managers. All-in-all, though, Straight Outta seems to be an accurate reflection of the serious alienation that we know is characteristic of black ghetto areas. And rap music has come to resonate with millions of young people of all races, a sign that the times have a'changed, and probably not for the better.
THE MOST TANTALIZING item from the August 18th Supervisors meeting was an odd exchange between Supervisor Tom Woodhouse and Board Chair Carre Brown about the Board’s responses to Grand Jury reports. It was odd to see them fall all over themselves to set up a special committee to prepare the Board’s own response to the Grand Jury’s complaint that the Library Director be paid out of General Funds instead of the Library’s 1/8th cent sales tax increment.
BUT COMPARE this intense level of interest in a minor dispute about library funding to the Board’s bland dismissal of the Grand Jury’s much more consequential report about the many deficiencies of Children's Services. After Supervisors McCowen and Gjerde excitedly volunteered to be on the special committee to negotiate and respond to the Grand Jury’s library report we heard this weird exchange:
Brown (to Supervisor McCowen): “Sorry Supervisor [McCowen] your yellow pen was sitting on your yellow paper and they both have black print.”
McCowen: “Color coordination. — Well! I’d like to serve on that [Library] ad hoc as well if the board approves, you know, I’m willing to devote the time to it, so…”
Brown: “Ok.”
Woodhouse: “Madam Ch…”
Brown chuckles, as if, 'Oh no, not another comment' but recognizes Woodhouse who begins, “I know we want to be quick but I have something to say.”
(IN LIVING FACT the Supervisors have no desire “to be quick” as every Board meeting proves unless there's so much as a hint that Gjerde, McCowen, or Woodhouse has strayed from the party line. Hamburg, shall we say, is “disengaged.")
WOODHOUSE, who always seems obligated to reassure everyone he means no harm: “I’m very happy that the volunteers have stepped forward to sit on this. I want to say something about the grand jury report in general. At the last meeting I stated that we needed to be more open to criticism and think of it as constructive criticism rather than struggling with the library. And as a side comment, I’d like to get this in, that, I try to do that in my life. I was— I got a letter from our board chair regarding my communication with staff and it tried to give me constructive criticism and it certainly— I’m not used to getting criticism…”
Brown (interrupting): “Supervisor?”
CONTINUING, WOODHOUSE SAYS, “I just want to finish, if I may. But I want to thank you for that and it’s just an example of how we need to be able to take criticism, even on emotional issues, and I appreciate the input.”
BROWN: “Well, it should be on the agenda item before us.”
Woodhouse: “This is just a comment from—”
Brown: “Ok.”
Woodhouse: “…that I’m making.”
Brown: “…on the item. All righty.”
Brown then immediately went to “public input.”
WE WEREN'T THE ONLY ONES who noticed this odd exchange. In this week’s Willits Weekly, their excellent Supes reporter Mike A’Dair addressed it in a short piece titled “Board chair urges Woodhouse not to talk to county employees.” In it, Woodhouse tells A’Dair that the letter he got from Brown contained “pushback there about me talking to employees too much. Being the new supervisor, a lot of employees come to me with problems. I find them all to be very kind. They’re not angry, they’re not bitter. They just want to make things better. It’s not about doing an audit or having this firm come in to do a study. The answer to the problem we are having with our employees is standing right in front of us. It’s the employees. All we have to do is listen to them. The strange thing to me is the consistency about it. They all described the same thing. They feel like speaking out is not something the County leadership wants to hear. They are all concerned about — well, I don’t want to use the word retribution, so I’ll just say they are concerned about paying a price for coming forward and being honest. I feel strongly these people all want the best thing for our County. They are kind people. They are good people.”
IN FACT, “retribution” is exactly the word the grand jury used when explaining the “poor morale” in Family and Children’s services:
“When asked [by the Grand Jury members] why morale was so poor, every interviewee listed among the factors the perception that Management had received back their 10% pay cuts, whereas staff had not. HHS Management has not received back their 10% pay cut. Further, the 10% pay cut has been made permanent. Several interviewees stated that they considered the recent raises given upper County Management as a slap in the face. FCS currently works a four-day work week. In an attempt to address client access concerns, a proposal was made by users of FCS services to return to a five-day work week. During discussion of returning to a five-day work week in a Board of Supervisors meeting, there was anecdotal evidence offered that, because of the 10% pay cut, some staff have taken second jobs.
Other factors affecting morale include: loss of collegiality; loss of the leadership team consultation; abrupt personnel changes;
lack of adequate staff; lack of adequate equipment; lack of respect for experience and dedication; fear of retribution.”
WOODHOUSE DESERVES major atta-boys for saying in public what's been obvious in private for a long time — many County employees work in an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.
SUPERVISOR BROWN confirmed to A’Dair that she had indeed sent Woodhouse “a confidential communication regarding personnel matters,” but declined to elaborate further. “Although some people do not respect confidential communications, I do, and I can’t discuss it,” Brown told A’Dair. “Everyone has a right to privacy in California regarding personnel matters, and I am respecting that right by maintaining confidentiality in this matter.”
BUT SUPERVISOR WOODHOUSE is not “personnel.” He’s an independently elected Supervisor who does not work for Ms. Brown. And Brown invoking “confidentiality” as an excuse to avoid the issue is comparable to the Children’s Services staff invoking “confidentiality” and “protection of the children” to cover their errors and lethal failures. In fact, email communications between Supervisors regarding County business are subject to the California Public Records Act and we are considering making such a request.
SO WHAT DO WE MAKE OF ALL THIS? Simple: Woodhouse probably asked a question (or some questions) of staff which CEO Carmel Angelo didn’t want asked unless it went through her. (Everyone on the Board is afraid of offending Ms. Angelo, and Ms. Brown obviously is going to make sure Ms. Angelo isn’t offended. Any day now, we can expect the Supervisors to begin addressing CEO Angelo as ‘Mommy.’) Brown probably sent a note to Woodhouse — who continues to express legitimate if mild interest in various aspects of the Health and Human Services Agency — the subject of complaints from the Grand Jury and even First 5 Mendocino regarding children's services — Ms. Angelo’s pet department. And School Marm/Board Chair Brown is going to make sure that not only is CEO Angelo in complete control, but that Supervisors will be quickly rebuked and reined in if they try to go around her. And Supervisor Woodhouse is clearly prepared to take it like a man as “constructive criticism,” and not offend Ms. Angelo.
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