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A READER WRITES: I thought your summary of the Supervisors' dead-trees meeting was accurate but for one important and overriding omission: Supervisor Brown should not get a pass on her handling of that meeting, which was antagonistic and dismissive toward most of the people who attended. This probably goes back to her history with some of the people who were there, along with her position on the issue, but she made the mistake of letting that history bias her handling of the meeting, which put it on a more adversarial footing than was healthy, or even necessary.
The worst part of it all was making everyone wait for so very long before finally allowing public comment on the main event. The schedule for the whole enchilada was 1:30-3, but public comment didn’t end up beginning until after 4. Many people who came ended up leaving before they could speak, or even hear what others had to say on the subject. Instead of making any attempt to adjust or accommodate the big turnout of motivated citizens — or even offer a simple acknowledgement of the inconvenience to all who came and patiently waited — Chairwoman Brown managed the meeting like she really didn’t want to hear from the rabble, and she may have been purposely stretching the delay out as long as possible, hoping to wear the people down and out. It became obvious that the masses, and their voices, were not very welcome in madam's chamber.
At the very end of the meeting, sometime around 7pm, the board finally got around to placing their votes. Once Supervisor McCowen made it clear he was voting no, essentially killing the resolution, what was left of the crowd groaned their disapproval. It wasn’t anything untoward or out-of-line, just tired people audibly venting their frustration with yet one more example of unresponsive government. I thought it was a restrained reaction, given the situation. Chairwoman Brown’s response to this was to hiss into her microphone, “Well, now I know how I’m going to vote on this issue.” She spit those words out like a vindictive grandma withholding love from a wayward child. It was a thoroughly unprofessional and petty finish to a very memorable meeting.
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Imazapyr: 4,066 gallons; 24,150 acres [estimated to be over 5 million trees killed]
Glyphosate [aka Roundup]: 779 gallons; 3,921 acres
Triclopyr [aka Garlon]: 806 gallons; 2,535 acres
Atrazine: 161 gallons; 289 acres [by Soper Wheeler only]
Clopyralid: 42 gallons; 227 acres [by Soper Wheeler only]
Notes: It is assumed that imazapyr is used for frill application (aka “hack & squirt”) on hardwood trees, while the four other herbicides would be used for foliar (leaf) spraying on brush (such as manzanita) and broadleaf weeds. Various “surfactants” are sometimes added, to make the medicine go down more smoothly. Mendocino Redwood Company and Soper Wheeler were the only two companies to register surfactants, totaling another 600 gallons.
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READER’S COMMENT ON HACK AND SQUIRT SUPE'S MEETING: Went to the Board of Supe’s fiasco meeting on hack & squirt. That was an exercise in futility. Let’s drag out the meeting so long that the 250 people who came won’t have any time to speak — and they did.
* * *
A READER WRITES: I thought Chief Avila's [Boonvile fire chief] report framed the issue accurately and the content was based on facts and experience — something lost on some of the public who addressed the Board on Tuesday, most of whom were very sincere but relatively few of whom had much to offer in the way of facts or logic. The report clearly indicates that, at least for now, MRC is sensitive to the concerns of its neighbors and is willing to work with them. And that is a pretty common story from Nash Mill Road, to Albion Ridge, to Comptche. In fact, MRC comes across as way more reasonable than many of their critics. Beth, Naomi and others like them undercut people like Mike Kalantarian and Linda Perkins who do their homework and put a lot of thought into what they have to say, instead of just hitting the hysteria button. After Beth polarized the room, there was very little space to have a reasonable discussion on next steps. If the reso had been amended to call for the independent fire study, which no one opposed, and a community dialogue with the fire chiefs, the timber companies, Cal-Fire and the neighbors, the meeting could have ended on a positive note with a 5-0 vote.
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"Girdle, Hack and Squirt, maybe Biochar."
Greetings Interested Parties and Concerned Public: Draft letter release: April 23, 2015 7:21 pm
With tongues wagging firmly in cheek, clearly the County of Mendocino Board of Supervisors audience on Tuesday April 21, 2015 became restless as the afternoon wore on.
Elements of natural sunlight were grasped by the Board of Supervisors gazing up through their front room skylight bay vantage point, until western ridge of Ukiah, shut them out of direct sunlight clarity, as tinges of anger with frustration emerged from some of those impatiently giving public comment.
Looking at the ceiling, anyone can see there is a framed out heightened recessed area for a second skylight alcove placement, deep in the rear of the seated public area.
Numerous retrofit constructions of hallway and rooms around the Supervisor chambers have occurred since original building retrofit, benefiting to new use for county administration, over the past decade, including work done as recently as last week.
Why is the funds never allocated to finish completion of the original design plan of County Supervisors meeting room to have a second sky light area, that would help improve audience input with enlightened public comment binding solution building.
The truth is that rule of elected governmental officials is a dirty messy affair. These public servants are beholden to the big money interests, that don't have to sit in those cramped mostly artificially lit audience seats just to squeak three minutes of concerns.
The small resource and home dwelling common folk who have hope that they can have a say to captains of agriculture, commerce, and industry, as the political elected surrogates age as sometimes craven former idealists enjoying their cushioned padding seats on the compromised Board of Supervisors. From a cynical viewpoint, this is business as usual.
The concerned public attendees can simply stew in their cramped shaded seating as the daylight diminishes, and their creativity fades along with hopes for a viable solution to conflicting roles of governance, so they think twice about coming back to another meeting for more of the abusive meeting room design.
The Supervisors switched to action minutes record keeping years ago, was supposedly as a cost saving measure. But the reality, is to keep transpired meeting details of comments and nitty gritty context of how government mechanisms fit together, difficult for outside observers to comprehend in a cohesive manner, without spending much time at it.
This may have been how the County pension obligation liabilities were delayed from widespread public knowledge, and the vested rich through their dictates, keep the ideal spiritual optimism idealism of the body politic cottage dwellers in time wasting bondage. This is also how career elected political office holders maintain an edge on retaining their seats in successive election cycles.
Whether Mendocino supervisors Woodhouse or McCowen will recover sufficiently, to call for reconsideration of the recently failed timber resolution or preparation of new resolution language is unknown, now that Woodhouse has taken to task Hamburg to the woodshed so to speak, by balking on the matter after seconding to endorse presentation of the motion before the County Board of Supervisors.
One alternative floating around, that may or may not be true to rattle scientific understanding, is a revised resolution to request the tan oaks cambium bark layer to be girdled sufficiently, immediately before a below the belt lower slash squirt happens, so that herbicides travel primarily downward to prevent sprouting of the root trunk. Girdle, Hack and Squirt, maybe Biochar.
Because of the partial cut through the tree, the tan oak subsequently falls perhaps years earlier, depending on wind exposure and biological decomposition, reducing sooner standing tree fire hazard. Or the standing weed tree can be taken down for onsite biochar portable retort kiln bio-remediation, for forest soil incorporation timber productivity in reduced rainfall climate shift.
Extended late afternoon and early evenings of the county Board of Supervisors, might be better reconvened at the County office of Education on Old River Road in Talmage, as the sun sinks in the Western skyline.
Fortunately, a self selected group of sectors of Mendocino economy and environment and political key leaders, will be on a now closed enrollment, private non profit tour this week, to view some practicalities of timber growth biochar production carbon sequestration, in terms of tan oak hardwood and timber slash utilization.
Mendocino Redwood Company representative is slated to be participating in the biochar production tour, as a primary interest of MRC as expressed by company executive Mike Jani at this past Tuesday county Supervisors meeting, is health of soil to regenerate forests for market timber on company lands.
Simply killing tan oaks to decay standing dead is not necessarily wise use, beyond the fire hazard rhetoric. The result is much loss of carbon to atmosphere over time. Reduced carbon loss policy could translate into government political arm twisting carbon sequestration tax credits, and possible grant funds in terms of global climatic change reversal adaptation , that may come down the pike from Washington DC, as biochar moves closer to the front burner mainstream, with recent new climate focus from Obama administration.
Otherwise sound environmental economics business sense may prevail without subsidy, with California policy implementation of climatic adaptation, as water conservation become the driver to rapidly blunt the unfolding desertification, that biochar holds promise to help alleviate those certain elements of California's water concerns, both in the near term and the long hot drying predicted future for the West Coast resource dependent human and wildlife populations.
Eric Sunswheat, Potter Valley
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"Hack and Squirt"; The Epitome of Cynicism in Forest Management
by Betty Ball (1994)
First, they deplete the forest, then they poison it, in the name of "increasing regeneration."
The use of the technique known as "Hack and Squirt" to kill Tan Oaks and other "competing vegetation" in the forestlands of Mendocino County has continued all summer, and by this time, well over 10,000 acres has been turned into a poisoned potential firestorm. Forestlands owned by G-P, L-P and Barnum, State-owned Jackson State Demonstration Forest, Jughandle State Park, and Cal-Trans' roadsides have all been treated with a variety of potent poisons, including (but not limited to) Garlon 3, Garlon 4, Oust, and 2-4 D.
Without our consent, we are being exposed to increasing levels of poisons in our environment, witnessing the effects of these poisons on vegetation, fungi, lichens, wildlife, fish and other aquatic life, and living with increasing risk of a catastrophic fire. Worse yet, the people being employed to apply these poisons, to a large extent unsuspecting Mexican workers, are doing so without proper training, protective clothing, or even any common-sense safety precautions. The companies running these spray crews have absolutely no regard for the health, safety or well-being of their employees. In fact, when the Management at Hastings Lumber was confronted by one of their employees about their utter disregard of safety regulations, they became vindictive. Using misrepresentation of facts and outright lies, Hastings Lumber has caused Louis Kragler to lose his Unemployment Benefits, and to "owe" restitution of benefits already received as well as fines and penalties. (See related story in this issue.)
Numerous efforts are underway to attempt to deal with this outrageous situation. Research is being done and meetings are being held to educate people about the potential fire danger, human health risks, and impacts to the forest ecosystems that can result from this so-called "Hack and Squirt" practice. Citizen groups have approached CDF, the Board of Forestry, the County Agricultural (Ag) Department, the Department of Pesticide Regulation and the Boad of Supervisors. In each and every instance, the groups were told "this agency doesn't have any jurisdiction" over this practice. The killing of thousands of acres of hardwoods, applying hundreds of gallons of poisons, jeopardizing the health and safety of employees, and exposing thousands of people to the threat of catastrophic fire is essentially unregulated by any agency!
CDF and the Board of Forestry say this is an herbicide practice, and the Department of Pesticide Regulation has jurisdiction over herbicide use. Department of Pesticide Regulation says use of herbicides is monitored on the County level by the Ag Department. The Ag Department says that Garlon is an unrestricted chemical, so they have no regulatory responsibility over its use, just a requirement that applicators report its use to them (after the fact). The County Board of Supervisors heard a request that they consider declaring this practice a "public nuisance", and call for its abatement. They asked County Counsel Peter Klein for an opinion. The County Counsel said that the County has no jurisdiction, because this is an herbicide practice, and State Statute says that only the designated State Agency (Department of Pesticide Regulation, under the California EPA) can regulate herbicide use. Mr. Klein synopsized for the Board of Supervisors the history of the Mendocino County Herbicide Ordinance, and how it went through years of legal challenge, finally, being upheld by the State Supreme Court, only to be overthrown by the passage of a new law, reserving the right to regulate herbicides and pesticides solely for the State.
Supervisor deVall tried to separate the fire danger from the herbicide issue, pointing out that the trees were killed and left standing before the application of the herbicide. But County Counsel Klein wouldn't hear of it, and insisted that since herbicides are involved, that is the key criteria, so only the State has jurisdiction.
To the Supervisors' credit, and mostly thanks to Supervisor deVall, they did recognize the seriousness and urgency of this situation, and on October 18th, voted unanimously to adopt the following resolution:
"Resolution of the Mendocino County Board of Supevisors Requesting the California State Board of Forestry and/or Other State Agencies to Protect Mendocino County Forest Lands and Residences from the Extreme High Fire Danger Caused by the Girdling and/or Use of Herbicides Resulting in Dead But Not Downed Hardwoods"
WHEREAS, Mendocino County has approximately 1,000,000 acres of commercial Forest Lands; and
WHEREAS, thousands of acres have been treated and hardwoods have been killed and left standing; and
WHEREAS, such standing but not downed dead hardwoods present an extreme fire danger, which threatens the health and safety of thousands of rural and urban residents; and
WHEREAS, there are no current regulations on the practice of girdling of hardwoods, or the use of herbicides, or any requirements that such trees although killed be downed to reduce fire danger; and
WHEREAS, this forest management practice continues despite the protests of many residents who would be the most immediately affected by any resulting fire storm; and
WHEREAS, the fire hazard and public health danger is compounded because thousands of acres bear not only dead hardwoods, but also large amounts of dead brush, much of which has been treated with herbicides, including Garlon (Triclopyr), the impacts of which, under fire conditions, have not been properly assessed.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors is extremely concerned on behalf of the citizens of Mendocino County, and the risk to standing timber lands in the event of fire, and requests the California State Board of Forestry and other appropriate state agencies to:
Call an immediate halt to any practice which leaves large acreages of killed hardwoods standing but not downed, and
Take immediate action to reduce the present and existing fire danger, and
Call an immediate halt to the use of herbicides including Garlon, in this manner, and to assess the impacts of such use, and
Determine management practices which will not result in creating fire danger, public health hazards or any toxically contaminated soils or vegetation.
Consider the above concerns when issuing a Timber Management Plan.
Lawsuit Being Prepared
It is wonderful that the Supervisors passed this resolution unanimously. It is a step in the direction of corralling this out-of-control practice. But, it is only a small step. Much more remains to be done before any real change results. Legal action is being considered. A local attorney and a para-legal are preparing a "Public and Private Nuisance" lawsuit on behalf of people who are being directly impacted by the "Hack and Squirt" practice. People who wish to participate in this legal action, either as a plaintiff, or in a support role, should contact the MEC at 468-1660.
Help is needed with many tasks, including research and fundraising. Expert witnesses both in the fields of fire and toxicology will be necessary, and expert witnesses are costly. Continuing work must be done on the worker-safety issues. We need support for Louis Kragler's continuing battle with Hastings Lumber and the EDD, and we need continuing organizing efforts to see to the implementation and enforcement of proper working conditions for the workers who, in good faith, are continuing to work for the herbicide applicator companies. Call the MEC if you can help with this effort.
Volunteers are also needed to help with community education/organizing efforts — to research and put together up-to-date information sheets; and prepare presentations for schools, radio shows and community/watershed groups.
We will call a halt to this situation only if we organize a well-orchestrated, multi-pronged, but unified, campaign. For that, we need your help! Any skill, time, and or funds you can contribute will be greatly appreciated, and will help us stop this lunacy.
On Monday, April 27, 2015, the Fort Bragg City Council will consider approval of a “forgivable loan agreement” to provide $1.1 million in State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to the Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center (MCHC) for acquisition of the Old Coast Hotel at 101 North Franklin Street.
MCHC plans to reuse the former offices, hotel and restaurant as a facility to provide homeless and mental health services to local residents. These services would include: counseling, case management, a “wellness center,” a mental health access center, transitional housing units, and, in the future, a café. If approved, the loan agreement would bind MCHC to various restrictions regarding use of the facility for a term of 20 years.
The loan agreement was tentatively scheduled for consideration at the April 13, 2015 City Council meeting, but the item was postponed in order for City staff to complete a thorough analysis and presentation of the project. The staff report for the Old Coast Hotel Forgivable Loan Agreement is available on the City’s website: https://cityfortbragg.legistar.com.
The report is also available for review at the City Clerk’s Office at Fort Bragg City Hall, 416 North Franklin Street, Fort Bragg.
Fort Bragg City Council meetings start at 6pm and are held at Fort Bragg Town Hall (363 North Main Street, Fort Bragg). The public is welcome to attend and address the City Council. Fort Bragg City Council meetings are streamed live on the City’s website at https://city.fortbragg.com. Video of each meeting is made available on the website within 24 hours of the meeting.
(City of Fort Bragg Press Release)
NIKKI AUSCHNITT of Petit Teton Farms in Yorkville writes:
Did another month really zoom by? Not having had any real winter this year has thrown us for a loop. We don't know what season it is or when to sow the crops. There were two days of heavy frost in December and nothing hard since then which means that none of the bugs have been killed off. The fruit, horse and house flies are bad right now which is abnormal. The bug problems for our crops could be very bad this summer. But the chickens are aware of seasons and know it's spring. They lay on a perfect bell curve with the apex being April and its lengthening days and renewal of growth. They are laying tons of eggs — even our nearly spent hens are laying. Easter and Passover, also at the apex, were conceived by humans and their conception was born of these natural rhythms. How we humans concluded that we stand outside of nature which is deemed inferior to both them and their religions, we'll never understand. To us it's all the same sort of goofiness as bunnies bringing eggs. We've had some good publicity lately and have attached a blog post which includes a picture of our chickens drinking from the swales which still have a bit of water in them. The writer dropped in on us one Sunday when he noticed our road signs on his way to interview several businesses in the valley. He spent an hour chatting and taking pictures. We were happy he included us and amazed that we received a post ahead of the wineries...usually the first in any advertising about the valley.
Take care and enjoy.

ON APRIL 17th at about 7:55 PM Ukiah Police responded to the 600 block of Holden Street for a stabbing. The victim reported having an on-going dispute with a neighbor, 31 year old Kevin Gary Pike, and that evening suspected Pike had thrown a soda container at the victim’s house. The victim found Pike in his front yard and confronted him. Pike respond by spitting on the victim, then stabbed the victim in the stomach with scissors. Officers determined Pike was on probation for threats and subject to search and seizure but found Pike was not at his residence. At about 10:30 PM officers learned Pike was seen entering his residence, and arrived to hear voices inside. After an extended period of time Pike’s girlfriend answered the door, and Pike was locked in a room inside the residence. Pike argued through the door with officers and finally opened the door and took a fighting stance. Pike resisted the officers and was eventually handcuffed but remained physically resistive and yelled loudly. Pike was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon, resisting arrest, and violating probation.
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ON APRIL 19th at about 5:10 PM Ukiah Police responded to the Ukiah Valley Medical Center Emergency Room for a restraining order violation. Offices learned 26 year old Kelisha Sheree Alvarez had been transported to the Emergency Room by ambulance, and was evaluated and found not to have any medical emergency or condition whatsoever. Alvarez was refusing to leave the facility. Alvarez is on probation and prohibited from being at or contacting the hospital except for a medical necessity as she has a history of feigning illness and wasting medical resources. Alvarez was arrested for violating probation.
CATCH OF THE DAY, April 23, 2015

LELAND BEAN, Willits. Probation revocation.
NATHAN CLARK, Albany/Ukiah. DUI.
SHANNON CULBRETH, Willits. Drunk in public, resisting arrest.

MARK HILL, San Francisco/Ukiah. Under influence of controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia, vandalism.
JOHN HOAGLEN, Willits. DUI-Drugs, parole violation.
GEORGE HOAGLIN SR., Covelo. Failure to register.
OSCAR NORIEGA-FELIX, Ukiah. Pot cultivation and possession for sale, armed with firearm.

MARIO PANIAGUA, Willits. Domestic assault, county parole violation.
BRISA RICHARDSON, Eureka/Ukiah. Under influence of controlled substance, resisting arrest.
BRIAN TIPTON, Hopland. Pot cultivcation, sale of PCP.
ANTHONY WILBURN, Covelo. County parole violation.
For Tuesday, April 28, 2015:
On Wednesday, May 20, 2015, the Mendocino County Water Agency and the University of California Cooperative Extension Service will hold an educational forum on groundwater. The presenter, Thomas Harter, is a Hydrologist with the Department of Land, Air and Water Resources at the University of California, Davis. Mr. Harter will give an overview on the facts of groundwater, provide details on current legislation and deadlines in order to understand future implications.
“It is very important for everyone to stay engaged in this process within the Ukiah Valley, especially water managers, as it is the only groundwater basin presently in Mendocino County that falls under the mandate of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014” stated First District Supervisor Carre Brown, who also chairs the Mendocino County Water Agency Board of Directors. “However, others throughout the County may want to take advantage of Mr. Harter’s excellent presentation to understand their own groundwater basins.”
Members of the public are encouraged to attend this meeting. The discussion will take place at 5:30 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, Room 1070, 501 Low Gap Road, in Ukiah. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and receive up-to-date information.
There will also be further discussion on the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act of 2014. At the last meeting, held on March 26, participants were asked to take information back to their constituency, or local governing bodies, for discussion and to develop a recommendation for the creation of a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA).
For more information, or to reserve a spot, please contact Jason Claunch at the Mendocino County Executive Office at (707) 463-4441 or claunchj@co.mendocino.ca.us.
Released by:
Carmel J. Angelo
Chief Executive Officer/Water Agency Director
I'm gonna love you
Like nobody's loved you
Come rain or come shine
High as a mountain
Deep as a river
Come rain or come shine
I guess when you met me
It was just one of those things
But don't ever bet me
Cause I'm gonna be true
If you let me
You're gonna love me
Like nobody's loved me
Come rain or come shine
Happy together
Unhappy together
And won't it be fine
Days may be cloudy or sunny
We're in or we're out of the money
But I'm with you always,
I'm with you rain or shine
— Johnny Mercer
(from “Red on Red” by Edward Conlon)
One almost sympathizes with movie star Ben Affleck, who, unlike the rest of us, must in effect undergo his education in public.
HENRY LOUIS GATES: This is the slave schedule of the 1850 Census. In 1850, they would list the owner of slaves in a separate Census.
AFFLECK: There’s Benjamin Cole, owned 25 slaves.
GATES: Your third great-grandfather owned 25 slaves. He was a slave owner.
GATES (in voiceover): These holdings put Benjamin Cole among the southern elite. Only about 10 percent of all slave holders owned 20 slaves or more.
AFFLECK: God. It gives me kind of a sagging feeling to see, uh, a biological relationship to that. But, you know, there it is, part of our history.
GATES: But consider the irony, uh, in your family line. Your mom went back fighting for the rights of black people in Mississippi, 100 years later. That’s amazing.
AFFLECK: That’s pretty cool.
GATES: That’s pretty cool.
AFFLECK: Yeah, it is. One of the things that’s interesting about it is like we tend to separate ourselves from these things by going like, you know, oh, well, it’s just dry history, and it’s all over now, and this shows us that there’s still a living aspect to history, like a personal connection. By the same token, I think it’s important to recognize that, um, in looking at these histories, how much work has been done by people in this country, of all kinds, to make it a better place.
I’ve got a nephew from my wife’s side who dropped out of high school, and after some time doing nothing, was given a job training opportunity by some program in the state where kids of majority age can learn to do something in a place about 150 miles distant. I was heartened to hear he’d signed up for their carpentry program; after all, that is first a sensible thing to learn, and a good use of my taxpayer resources. But it became too hard for the lazy bum, and he switched classes to roadside traffic “management” (i.e., sign holder). Turned out he was unable to hack that, coming home for a weekend but failing to return due to some inconvenience whatever it was. So they dropped him from the program, and the lazy bum moved onto selling drugs and is now free on bond waiting for trial for distribution of something – not sure, it’s cocaine, pills, heroin, I’ve heard all three. So, now he and his girlfriend (also scheduled for trial on same charges) whose mother is a stripper/dancer, are holed up in a hotel screwing and doing drugs all paid for by her prostitution as they push the system (trial date) back farther, screwing with the graciousness of the judges who see potential salvation (whereas I do not) and stealing from department stores in various states to return items in order to pay for their drugs. That’s America for a lot of the youth today. Laziness, and corruption and there’s nothing anyone wants to do about it.
Follow-up Is the Key
In our information era it shouldn't be so hard, but it is. Many callers to Community Care's Senior Information & Assistance (I&A) Program have called or web-searched several other agencies before reaching us to discuss their needs and questions. So when they make the connection, it is important for them to understand that after we talk their specifics and appropriate resources, we would like to check back with them within the month. It's OK if they prefer to take the info we discuss and not receive a follow-up call or e-mail, but most are pleasantly surprised to know that we're even interested in checking back with them. Follow-up helps keep us all on track during hectic or challenging times. It can serve as a reminder of referrals discussed; it can help trigger further discussion about other needs not talked about in an initial conversation; it can identify barriers individuals might have in connecting with resources/agencies that they've reached out to; and it can help the Senior I&A team to stay fine-tuned in the referrals it makes in the shifting landscape of services designed to meet the needs of our aging population. On a subtler level, it makes more human a phone or e-mail interaction. So, here is the way that those who contact Senior I&A know that the goal is to help them know and link to solutions: "Hi, we're checking back to see if you were able to connect with the Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program to discuss your Medicare supplemental plan options."; or "Did you talk with the Veterans Service Office about applying for Aid & Attendance improved pension benefits?"; or "If Agency X didn't return your call, would you like us to try and call them with you via conference call to make sure you make a connection?" Accurate referrals and helpful follow-up are the heart of Senior I&A. Kathy Johnson is the Community Resources Specialist for Community Care's Senior Information & Assistance Program, serving Lake and Mendocino County Seniors Monday through Friday at 468-5132 or 1-800-510-2020.
RICK WEDDLE WRITES: A couple weeks ago, some wheel (ret) from the self-proclaimed 'intelligence community' offered an insight that should be made more common knowledge. This guy, yet another of the ex-intelligence-persons making an effort to come clean, said that the military model doesn't work well in the intelligence business. Astute observation. He might have noted further that the military model doesn't actually work for anything you'd want to claim or have associated with your name. I never made more than buck sergeant, but I could have told you that. So can lots of others far more qualified.
Please tune into KMUD on Thursday, April 30th at 7:00 p.m. for the Sanctuary Forest Radio Hour. Sanctuary Forest Executive Director Tasha McKee and board member Galen Doherty will lead a discussion on the concepts of restoration forestry and how they are being implemented locally. In particular, they will be talking about the Whitethorn Grove Project, which is on property owned by Sanctuary Forest and is the planned site of a restoration timber harvest — through which Sanctuary Forest hopes to promote and encourage forest thinning practices that are both sustainable and restorative. The project will be the first of its kind in the Mattole headwaters, and is based on studies that show the damaging effects of young, overly-dense and previously-logged forests on drought-stricken watersheds. Any revenues generated by this one-time thinning will be reinvested back into the grove to pay for other restoration projects. Joining Tasha and Galen in the studio will be Tim Metz whose company, Restoration Forestry, is conducting the selective thinning. Also on hand will be Chris Larson of Lost Coast Forestlands, which recently purchased a large parcel of land in the Mattole headwaters, now under conservation easement with Sanctuary Forest. Sanctuary Forest and Lost Coast Forestlands plan on utilizing a number of restoration techniques on the property, including groundwater recharge projects and sustainable forestry.
On Tuesday, April 21, Biologists with the Department of Agriculture caught 3 adult male moths in the Fort Bragg area. Confirmation that the moths were indeed Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM) was received from the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) diagnostics lab on April 22, 2015. The finding of this many moths triggers the requirement for a quarantine. As a result, the CDFA will work cooperatively with the Agricultural Commissioner to establish quarantine boundary lines for the Fort Bragg area. Once established, these boundary lines will be posted on the CDFA-LBAM webpage as well as the County Agriculture Department’s webpage.
The moths were detected in traps placed in response to a single male moth find at the end of October, 2014. Those traps were placed the first week of April and our first checking of the traps detected the moths. Our high density trapping will be expanded to encompass the larger area now required to monitor the extent of the infestation.
The Mendocino County Department of Agriculture has begun the process of enacting the necessary procedures and protocols to address the establishment of a quarantine. An informational meeting will be scheduled for agricultural producers, nursery owners, and others in the area to go over the requirements necessary to facilitate the continued movement and commerce of their commodities. Information on where and when the meeting will be held will be released after the quarantine boundaries are established.
LBAM was first detected in California in March of 2007 in Berkeley and is now known to exist in 16 other counties. It is native to Australia and was subsequently introduced to New Zealand, Tasmania, New Caledonia, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Hawaii. In Australia, it is considered a significant pest of apples, pears, oranges, and grapes. LBAM has a host range in excess of 50 plant families encompassing over 190 plant genera and well over 2,000 plant species. Over 250 fruits and vegetables are considered host for LBAM as well. The ornamental and native plant hosts for LBAM have allowed it to become established in certain areas. For more information on the Light Brown Apple Moth, please visit the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s pest profile site at:
The Mendocino County Executive Office is accepting applications for anticipated vacancies on the following Board or Commission:
- Airport Land Use Commission, (1) Member at Large (Aviation Expertise)
- First 5 Mendocino (1) General Representative
- Mendocino County Fish and Game Commission, 5th District Representative
- Potter Valley Cemetery District, Trustee
Broadcast Premiere of Four-Part Film Series, Timed with Asian-Pacific American Month. Debuts on WORLD Channel Beginning Sunday, May 17 at 9:00 PM (ET). Through Sunday, June 7 (check local listings)
Berkeley, CA — Standing on Sacred Ground, a four-part documentary series, eight years in the making, on Indigenous struggles over sacred sites, enjoys its national broadcast premiere on the WORLD Channel, Sunday, May 17 at 9:00 PM (ET) (check local listings).
The next three episodes will run weekly through June 7, 2015. In addition, public television stations nationwide will have access to the programming via the National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA), which has also accepted the series for broadcast distribution beginning in April 2015. The WORLD Channel delivers the best of public television’s nonfiction, news and documentary programming to U.S. audiences through local public television stations and streaming online. WORLD reached 35 million unique viewers 18+ last year.
Standing on Sacred Ground, produced by the Sacred Land Film Project,shares stories from eight Indigenous communities around the globe resisting threats to lands they consider sacred in a growing movement to defend human rights, protect culture and restore the environment. In the series, Native people share ecological wisdom and spiritual reverence while battling government megaprojects, consumer culture, competing religions, resource extraction and climate change.
In episode one, Pilgrims and Tourists, Indigenous shamans of the Altai Republic of Russia and a northern California tribe find common ground resisting government projects: Shasta Dam and a Gazprom pipeline.
In episode two, Profit and Loss, from Papua New Guinea to the tar sands of Alberta, Canada, Native people fight the loss of land, water and health to mining and oil industries.
In episode three, Fire and Ice, from the Gamo Highlands of Ethiopia to the Andes of Peru, Indigenous communities protect their sacred lands from development, competing religions and climate change. In the final episode Islands of Sanctuary, Aboriginal Australians and Native Hawaiians reclaim land and resist the erosion of culture and environment.
“Public television viewers will now have the opportunity to access global perspectives from a chorus of Indigenous voices defending against attacks on their resources, and on the future we share,” said producer and director, Christopher “Toby” McLeod. “We are proud to partner with The WORLD Channel, NETA, Vision Maker Media and Pacific Islanders in Communications (PIC), who are constantly striving to provide public television stations with diverse, enlightening programming for their audiences.”
The films are now available for public television stations to schedule in time for broadcasts timed around Earth Day on April 22, 2015. The WORLD Channel premiere of episode one of Standing on Sacred Ground on May 17 coincides with Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month (May).
“We know having these films available to public television stations in May, timed with Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, will allow local stations to provide their viewers with important content that focuses on the issues facing many Native cultures in their areas,” notes Leanne K. Ferrer, Executive Director of Pacific Islanders in Communications (PIC). “We also understand some stations may choose to hold some or all of the films to air in November during Native American Heritage Month.”
The film series has screened to great acclaim around the world since its release at the Mill Valley Film Festival in October 2013. It received the Best Documentary Feature Award at the Native American Film Festival 2013 and director Toby McLeod received the John de Graaf Environmental Filmmaking Award at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival 2014.
The Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian screened the series last year as part of the U.S. Environmental Film Festival, and the films were featured at the World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia, last November. The films have also been screening in the Altai Republic, Moscow, Peru and Papua New Guinea.
Praise for STANDING ON SACRED GROUND: <em> “Beautifully illuminates Indigenous peoples’ resistance to environmental devastation and their determination to protect our common future.” —Robert Redford
“Some of the finest minds on the planet are featured in this documentary—and they’re talking about the biggest problems our planet has ever faced!” —Bill McKibben </em> In addition to the WORLD Channel premiere in May, NETA has distributed Standing on Sacred Ground to the full public broadcasting system for April 2015. To find out more about the series, visit www.StandingOnSacredGround.org .
About the Partners:
Standing on Sacred Ground is a co-production of Sacred Land Film Project and Pacific Islanders in Communications (PIC) in association with Vision Maker Media (VMM), with funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB).
About Pacific Islanders in Communications:
The mission of Pacific Islanders in Communications is to support, advance, and develop Pacific Island media content and talent that results in a deeper understanding and appreciation of Pacific Island history, culture and contemporary challenges. Established in Honolulu in 1991 as a national nonprofit media arts corporation, PIC is a member of the National Minority Consortia, which collectively addresses the need for programming that reflects America’s growing ethnic and cultural diversity. Primary funding for PIC and the Consortia is provided through an annual grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Visit www.piccom.org for additional information.
About Vision Maker Media:
Vision Maker Media shares Native stories with the world that represent the cultures, experiences, and values of American Indians and Alaska Natives. Founded in 1977, Vision Maker Media, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) which receives major funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, nurtures creativity for development of new projects, partnerships and funding. Vision Maker Media is the premier source for quality Native American and Pacific Islander educational and home videos. All aspects of our programs encourage the involvement of young people to learn more about careers in the media—to be the next generation of storytellers. Located at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln, we offer student employment and internships. For more information, visit www.visionmakermedia.org.
About the National Educational Telecommunications Association (NETA):
NETA is a professional association that serves Public Television licensees and educational entities in all 50 states, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Since 1967, our reason for existing is to connect Public Television people and ideas, by providing quality programming, educational resources, professional development, management support, and national representation. For more information, visit www.netaonline.org.
About the Sacred Land Film Project:
For 30 years, the Sacred Land Film Project has produced documentaries, journalism and educational materials—films, DVDs, articles, photographs, school curricula and website content—to deepen public understanding of Indigenous cultures and environmental issues. Our 501(c)3 fiscal sponsor is the nonprofit Earth Island Institute.
About Christopher (Toby) McLeod, Producer/Director:
Toby McLeod circled the globe for five years filming the Standing on Sacred Ground series. McLeod founded the Sacred Land Film Project in 1984 to make high-impact documentary films relevant to indigenous communities and modern audiences. He produced and directed In the Light of Reverence (P.O.V., 2001) and other award-winning documentary films: The Four Corners: A National Sacrifice Area?, Downwind/ Downstream, and NOVA: Poison in the Rockies. Awards include the Council on Foundation’s Henry Hampton Award, the John de Graaf Environmental Filmmaking Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship for filmmaking and a Student Academy Award in 1983. His first film was The Cracking of Glen Canyon Damn – with Edward Abbey and Earth First! McLeod holds a master’s degree from U.C. Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism and a B.A. in American History from Yale.
About The WORLD Channel: The WORLD Channel delivers the best of public television’s nonfiction, news and documentary programing to US audiences through local public television stations and streaming online at worldchannel.org. WORLD reached 35 million unique viewers 18+ last year (55% adults 18-49) and over-indexes in key diversity demographics. Online, the WORLD Channel expands on broadcast topics and fuels dialogue across social media, providing opportunities for broad and diverse audience interaction. (Source: Nielsen Local Buyer Reach Scorecard 01/13-12/13)
WORLD is programmed by WGBH/Boston, in partnership with American Public Television and WNET/New York, and in association with the American Public Television and National Educational Telecommunications Association. Funding for the WORLD Channel is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Ford Foundation. Additional funding for “America ReFramed” is provided by the MacArthur Foundation.
Major funding for Standing on Sacred Ground was provided by: The Christensen Fund,
Robert Friede, Kalliopeia Foundation, Grousbeck Family Fund, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Newman’s Own Foundation, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Paula and William McLeod, Weeden Foundation, Paula and James Crown, Compton Foundation, Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation, The Tides Foundation, George Appell, Annenberg Foundation, Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program and Fund—a complete list is available at www.StandingOnSacredGround.org.
Contact: Diane Buxton
On and On Marketing and PR
There is much anticipation in Cloverdale and Geyserville as new sculptures will be installed on May 7th and May 8th in downtown Cloverdale and Geyserville for the 2015-2016 Sculpture Trail. The Sculpture Trail is a year-round, outdoor exhibit with sculptures changing every May, produced by the Cloverdale Arts Alliance and the Geyserville Community Foundation. The new contemporary sculptures range from the humorous to thought provoking and one with a message. “One-Eye Jack” by sculptor Joe Bologna of Alamo, is an humorous red steel head, 60” tall by 36” by 24” deep, watching the people passing by in Geyserville with his one good eye. In Cloverdale, Santa Rosa artist, Peter Crompton’s thought provoking sculpture is “Wing Obelisk”. Its measurements of 129” in height by 46” wide by 46” deep are based on the golden mean or ratio principal. On display in Cloverdale is “GMO Heifer” by Michael Seymour of Forestville. The artist through his abstract vision of a genetically altered calf is sending a message. 10 new sculptures in Cloverdale and 8 new sculptures in Geyserville will be added to the sculptures already on display. The sculptures can be viewed until May 5, 2016 when new sculptures will replace the current exhibit. Additional information can found at www.101sculpturetrail.com.
The general public is invited to celebrate the 2015-2016 Sculpture Trail at an Artists’ Reception from 4:30 to 6:30 pm at the Cloverdale Performing Arts Center, 209 N. Cloverdale Blvd., Cloverdale. Meet some of the participating sculptors, enjoy refreshments and music. A special feature of the evening will be a continuous video showing the sculptors at work and some of their other sculptures.
An informational meeting is planned for any woman 18 years or older.
May 2, 2015, 10am
293 Seminary Ave Ukiah, CA 95482
For more information please e-mail:
Thank you, Denise Houx
Re: Comment of the Day:
Nothing changes. Believe it or not, there were always a lot of “lazy bums” around. Else why would the term have been around for so long? Think about it, then go back to you wistful, though untrue, notion of how much better things were back in the olden days … when you were young, of course. At least there were jobs then.