- Marianne Summit-Pardini
- Navarro Mouth Closed
- Michelle Mixon
- Deadzone Flyover
- Firesafe Ordinance
- Winery Losses
- Complaint Form
- Frost Protection
- Noise Back
- Catch of the Day
- Naomi's Wild Ride
- Pot Menu
- Pre-Internet
- Which Way Out
- Crow Graphics
- Greywater Solution
- Water Restrictions
- Wine Country Safari
- Massey Letters
- Foodshed News
- Promotional Progress
- Mei Tai
- Within You Without You
- Woodcutting Permits
- Believe It
- Unshared Sacrifice
THE ANDERSON VALLEY was shocked Friday morning to learn that Marianne Summit-Pardini, 63, had taken her own life. The matriarch of two prominent local families, her loss shocks and saddens a large extended family and friends throughout Mendocino County.
THE NAVARRO RIVER is closed at the mouth, and it's only the first week in April, and probably not enough rain coming this weekend to blast it open again. (Local predictions say one or two inches may fall over Easter Sunday through Tuesday.)
On Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at approximately 5:48 PM, Mendocino County Sheriff’s Deputies were detailed to the northern coastal bluffs of the Caspar Headlands State Park in Caspar, as a California State Park Ranger had reported locating a deceased female adult, near the waterline, below a 70 foot cliff. Sheriff’s Deputies arrived and learned that two visitors from out of the area were hiking along the coastal bluffs when they discovered the deceased female's body at the base of a cliff. The hikers immediately called 911 and requested law enforcement assistance. California State Park Rangers responded and confirmed the discovery and notified the Mendocino County Sheriff's Office. Fort Bragg Volunteer Fire Department personnel responded to the scene and launched a technical rope recovery and successfully recovered the deceased female. A coroner’s investigation was initiated and at the time of the incident the deceased female’s identification was unknown and the cause of death was not obvious.
On Thursday, April 2, 2015, Mendocino County Sheriff’s Deputies continued the investigation and the deceased female was positively identified as Michelle Mixon, a 42-year-old adult female from Caspar. Sheriff’s Deputies conducted a search of the bluffs and located personal property belonging to Mixon which had been neatly placed next to a freshly planted tree at the top of the cliff. The personal property was approximately 275 feet from where Mixon had been discovered. A forensic autopsy was performed on 04-02-2015 and official results are pending blood alcohol and toxicology analysis. Injuries were noted on Mixon’s body during the forensic autopsy that would be consistent with a fall from the cliff. Nothing uncovered thus far in the coroner’s investigation has suggested that Mixon’s death was the result of foul play.
(Sheriff’s Office Press Release)
HACK & SQUIRT methods of killing unwanted oaks in timber harvest areas has left increasing numbers of standing dead trees that are considered by many to be an extreme fire hazard.
— Charlie Acker
Concerned about Community and Firefighter safety, the Albion Little River Fire District Board of Directors has been evaluating avenues for addressing a known public nuisance and fire hazard. Brought forward by the THP Committee, comprised of Board members Chris Skyhawk and Scott Roat and Fire Chief Ted Williams, an ordinance has been drafted which would levy potential fines on land owners within the District who intentionally kill trees then leave them standing.
Because over half of the forty-four square mile District is composed of forest lands, this presents a significant threat to property owners. The breadth of this threat is self-evident from aerial photographs posted at DeadForest.org, which show dead standing timber in nearby forest lands. The killing of trees with little commercial value is often accomplished with herbicides. Through the years Timber Companies have repeatedly stated this is the cheapest method available to them. As a whole, Mendocino County has tens of thousands of acres of these dead standing trees.
“Our District residents came to us and expressed legitimate fears about the increased potential fire hazard and the danger it presents to their lives and property”, said Roat. “We are a rural District. Many people could find themselves trapped by roads that have only one way in and out. It is our duty as a Fire District to protect our neighbors, their lives and property.”
“Dead trees can act as a fire ladder,” said Chief Williams. “Standing dead timber are known as widow-makers and are prone to falling. This presents a danger to the Firefighters who are operating in their vicinity.”
“Although Cal Fire has ultimate responsibility for fighting wildland fires,” continues Williams, “our volunteers are frequently the first on the scene. These men and women already know the risks involved in their service to our community. I worry about practices that knowingly add to that risk level. Part of my job is to assess fire risk and, when I see it, suggest remedy. Studies show that herbicide-treated lands increase fuel loads.”
“This is a difficult issue for our Board to face,” said Skyhawk. “The state has, to this point, not provided study, direction or regulation. We are in the midst of a multi-year drought. I am concerned about practices that may be economically favorable to a private interest but potentially dangerous to the public interest.”
The situation creates a dilemma for the Board. Cal-Fire Chief David Shew says, “From my education and experience, a forest with dead standing timber can pose additional and different risks versus a healthy forest.” Yet to date, the State has not taken action on this issue. Some on the Board have suggested engaging a consultant to provide a third-party independent analysis.
The ordinance has been submitted to County Counsel for review. Depending on legal advice and public comments, the ordinance may be revised before being brought to a vote before the full Board.
“Among Board members there is broad concern for the safety of our District residents and the volunteers who serve them”, said Skyhawk. “We await advice from County Counsel as we continue to gather input from Board members, first responders, residents, and stakeholders”.
The Albion Little River Fire Protection District is located in Mendocino County, Ca.
Aerial Overview of Dead Standing Timber:
March 27, 2015
CONTACT: Chris Skyhawk hawkwork@mcn.org 707.937.4295
Scott Roat Scott@MendocinoRealEstate.net 707.331.4120
THURSDAY EVENING County Counsel Doug Losak spoke to KZYX newswoman Valerie Kim, telling her that requiring petitioner Mark Scaramella who is trying to get the County to enforce its own noise ordinance so Anderson Valley locals can get some sleep to post a million dollar bond is nothing but routine a procedural step and isn’t even related to the lawsuit. PS. Apparently the County is more worried about some theoretical — not actual because Scaramella isn’t asking the vineyards to stop using vineyard fans, just that they be quieter — crop loss which the County itself wouldn’t even suffer. Yet here’s the County doing the industry’s bidding by asking for a bond for private individuals — not the County government — who could ask for a bond themselves if they think they need to.
* * *
Kim: The County of Mendocino is being sued for not enforcing the county's noise ordinance. They have requested a $1 million bond. But the bond isn't actually related to the lawsuit at all. You heard from the plaintiff Mark Scaramella on last night's Community News. He is the Boonville resident who filed a nuisance suit against the County and three wineries who use wind machines and they are also named in his lawsuit. But the million dollar bond requested by the County pertains to an injunction that Scaramella and his lawyer Rod Jones filed earlier this month. They filed a temporary injunction against the county to cease and desist approving wind fan permits and to revoke existing permits. Interim County Counsel Doug Losak contacted me today to clarify the County's reason for the bond request.
Losak: I believe Mr. Scaramella mentioned that the request for a bond if granted would affect the lawsuit that he filed. The County's request for a bond was in response to Mr. Scaramella's request for a preliminary injunction. And the county is opposing that request and also asking the court that if they do order a preliminary injunction that they require Mr. Scaramella to post a bond in the amount of $1 million.
Kim: I spoke with Mark Scaramella yesterday about the million dollar bond request.
Scaramella: I think the whole thing is sort of exaggerated and an attempt at intimidation and prior restraint on ordinary citizen lawsuits.
Kim: But Losak says the bond request is actually a matter of procedure.
Losak: Under the California Code of Civil Procedure, that's 529, a bond is required if a preliminary injunction is issued and we are requesting a bond in the amount of $1 million which is probably a low amount. If an injunction is issued and a frost occurs and vineyard owners are not allowed to use the frost fans they may incur a substantial loss to their crops.
Kim: So the million dollars would be in that case to reimburse the actual wineries for their losses. Losak didn't want to speak on the particulars of the case but he said that the brief he has filed as well as the two briefs from two of the wineries named in the suit center around the Right to Farm ordinance. If you are interested, those briefs are a matter of public record.
AS I HEAR THE MACHINES going again today. I again urge you to fill out and send in a complaint form. The more complaints the more they must start to take us seriously. There may be no hope but there certainly is none if we don't do lot's of something besides talk.
David Severn, 895-2011
Mail or fax to:
Mendocino Planning Dept.
Ukiah Office: (707) 234-6650
860 North Bush Street, Ukiah, CA 95482
Fax: (707) 463-5709
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm *(Permits are not issued after 4:30 pm)
Complaint form is at:
http://www.co.mendocino.ca.us/planning/pdf/Complaint Form.pdf
PS - I just remembered that yesterday at the Unity Club meeting Sheriff Allman emphasized how effective clear, hand written letters to the Board of Supervisors can be.
THE QUIET WAY TO FROST PROTECT Without Using Water That Some Vineyard Owners Are Paying Way To Much To Avoid.
by Steve Hammersmith, President Shur Farms Inc.
If you are in an area that has limited (or maybe zero) water available for frost protection, is there anything that you can do to mitigate the frost risk to your vineyard? In some areas, such as Mendocino County or Pope Valley for example, the conventional wisdom is that water is the only effective method to protect against frost. But is that true?
Well, the answer is…maybe. To clarify, first we must understand the frost risks and how different methods protect and then choose the correct tools to deal with the problem.
The blunt fact is that areas such as Pope Valley or Mendocino County simply are not suited to growing wine grapes. It gets too cold, too early. Plants are genetically predetermined to come out of dormancy at a particular time and if that time is prior to when the region would normally experience its last winter storm of the season (called advection freeze), then that crop or variety is not suited to growing there. The judicious advice is to plant crops and varieties that come out of dormancy after the time the region normally experiences its last winter storm event. When economics make it viable to overcome the occasional deep freeze such as it is in these areas then extraordinary measures might be appropriate and financially beneficial, and after all isn’t that what it’s all about?
Since advection freeze conditions are caused by a cold mass of air moving (usually from the north arctic regions) over the ground and there is no temperature inversion, only two of the four frost protection categories can help to stave off frost damage.
Those 4 catagories are; 1. Warming the air, 2. Preventing heat loss from the ground, 3. Covering the crop with a warm ‘blanket’ to shield from the cold, and 4. Modifying the natural growth patterns of the crop. Only 3 and 4 can offer potential help under advection conditions.
Pruning later is effective because it delays bud break and modifies the natural growth patterns. Over-vine water is effective because it puts a coat on the vines to shield from the cold. All other methods of frost protection require an inversion to be effective.
During advection conditions the cold air that causes damage is not due to ground cooling (which in turn cools the air from the ground up causing an inversion layer), but rather the cold air mass that causes frost damage comes in above the ground at varying heights and from varying directions. True advection freezes are cold winter storms complete with wind, clouds, snow, hail, sleet, and Santa Claus. Under these conditions, even water might not be effective and can actually make the situation worse under extreme conditions. Luckily, true advection freezes rarely happen during the growing season. If they did, no one would grow that crop there.
So then, what are we really dealing with?
What we are dealing with is called a ‘regional temperature deficit’. These events are radiation frost but the warmest air in the region is below the safe temperature for growing the crops. There are clear skies, no wind and an inversion layer. This means that the accumulation areas (frost pockets) will be colder than the areas that have good cold air drainage, but even the warmer areas are too cold and must be protected.
These regional temperature deficits occur more frequently than full on advection freezes in these areas, but do not happen every year. A good estimate is that Pope Valley and Mendocino County will experience this about once every three or four years. Under these conditions, over vine sprinkling is a necessity, but be aware that the temperature differences between the non-accumulation areas such as hillsides and the frost pockets remains the same as in any radiation frost event. This means that if a cold pocket is 6 deg. F colder than the regional temperature and the regional temperature is 29F, then the cold pocket will be 23F. This is beyond the range of micro sprinklers. To protect, even the higher areas that normally do not get damaged will need to be sprinkled. To protect the frost pockets under these conditions a secondary frost protection method that is compatible with water must be employed simultaneously.
The goal then should not be to eliminate water for frost protection, but to minimize water usage and to protect the entire vineyard under the most severe conditions. Under normal conditions, only the cold air accumulation areas get cold enough to get frost damage and these areas can be controlled with other non-water methods. Because of the risk of a regional deficit, these other methods must be compatible with the over vine sprinklers. If your water grid is controlled by a sensor located in the coldest spot, then you will be using water over the entire vineyard when only a small portion may need frost protection. Under the most severe frost conditions then only the warmest areas will be protected and the colder areas may suffer even greater damage with water than if nothing was done at all. This is the downside of over vine sprinklers, they go from complete protection to catastrophic failure with not much middle ground. On their own, they are not at all a perfect solution under these conditions.
Conventional wind machines of the type that are causing the severe noise pollution in Anderson Valley are not compatible with over vine sprinklers. Wind machines blowing over water will cause evaporation and evaporation results in cooling, (think ‘evaporative coolers’). The air temperature will drop causing more damage than what would have occurred without any frost protection at all. Since sprinklers must be turned on when the air temperature is several degrees above the critical point to compensate for evaporative cooling that will occur, these types of wind machines could only be employed under very mild conditions. If water is turned on first wind machines cannot be employed at all until the vines are completely dry. Wind machines are simply not suitable for areas that could experience regional deficits.
Cold Air Drains® are compatible with over vine sprinkling and work synergistically with them, enhancing the value of both. CAD machines remove the cold air in the coldest areas eliminating the need for sprinklers until such time as a regional deficit occurs. The effect of cold air drainage is to reduce or eliminate the temperature differentials between the colder ‘frost pockets’ and the areas that are sufficiently drained and normally would not experience frost damage. Since both methods may be used simultaneously, even under the most severe conditions all areas of the vineyard would be protected.
In Anderson Valley as well as Pope Valley there are dozens of Cold Air Drains® being used successfully even under the most severe radiation frost conditions for over a decade.
These are the machines that nobody hears.
(Steve Hammersmith, President Shur Farms Frost Protection, is also the author of “Cold Air Accumulation and the Grower’s Guide to Frost Protection.” He served for more than a decade as a hydraulic systems designer and regional manager for Motion Industries and then for another nine years as president and chief hydraulics designer for RPT Industrial Technologies. He has devoted much of his spare time to introducing underprivileged children to outdoor sports such as fishing and hunting through a nonprofit organization called the Annual Wild Game Feed. He now lives in Crestline, California, and enjoys weekends at the lake with his daughters. His articles and research in frost protection are regularly published in trade journals throughout the world.)
Bombarding vineyard customers with wind machine noise is a great idea since it hits the vineyards where it hurts the most - in their wallets. However, it would be cheaper and safer to use a high watt stereo system and play a real life recording of the wind (noise) machines. Also, does anyone remember our meeting last year when the vineyards said they would stop using the machines when the "drought" is over? From what I can see out my window, the vineyard ponds are full, yet they still are running the machines. Another lie?
CATCH OF THE DAY, April 3, 2015

EDUARDO ALVAREZ, Ukiah. Drunk in public, probation revocation.
CURTIS BETTENCOURT, Fort Bragg. Drunk in public.
JOHN BOWMAN, Fort Bragg. Court order violation, probation revocation.
IRMA CASTANON, Ukiah. DUI, violation of protective order.

DARLENE DAVIS, Covelo. Child endangerment, probation revocation.
NIAZ KHAIRZADA, Laytonville. Pot possession for sale. (Khairzada is typically an Afghani name.)
SAMIR KHAIRZADA, Laytonville. Pot possession for sale.
TODD MESHEKEY, Alameda/Ukiah. Loitering.

MATEO PACHECO, Ukiah. Unspecified misdemeanor.
JAMES PELLEGRINE, San Mateo/Ukiah. Probation revocation.
DONALD WALDMAN II, Los Angeles/Ukiah. Use of drug while driving, suspended license, probation revocation.

On Sunday, March 29, 2015 at about 9:15am, Ukiah Police were dispatched to the 700 block of West Smith Street, regarding a suspicious female subject inside a white sedan. This female was later identified as Naomi Mannonen. Officers were advised that Mannonen had parked in the driveway of a residence and when the resident attempted to speak with her she refused to explain why she was parked in the driveway. Due to this odd behavior the police were called. Upon officers arrival Mannonen began driving away from the area. When officers attempted to stop Mannonen she refused to yield and a pursuit ensued. Mannonen proceeded to lead officers through the residential streets of N. Spring St, Walnut Ave, N. Bush St, N. Pine St, Grove Ave, and Snuffin St. reaching a speed of 60 MPH. Once at Snuffin St and N. Oak St, Mannonen turned southbound onto N Oak St and began driving south reaching a speed of 50 MPH as her vehicle passed through the intersection of Scott and N. Oak St without stopping and continued southbound on N. Oak St. through the intersections of Standley and Oak, Perkins and Oak, to W. Clay and Oak where she passed a stopped vehicle on the left and continued to W. Mill St turning Eastbound to S. State St. Mannonen proceeded to lead officers north onto S. State St weaving through traffic as she proceeded north to the highway 101 northbound off ramp. Once here Mannonen turned onto this off ramp passing oncoming traffic as she drove southbound in the northbound highway 101 lanes. Mannonen continued south to River Street where she attempted to make a U-turn colliding with a dirt embankment. Upon colliding with the embankment Mannonen’s vehicle became stuck and officers assisted by the CHP and MCSO were able to block Mannonen’s vehicle preventing further flight. Mannonen was ordered from the vehicle yet she refused to comply. Due to this officers approached her vehicle and were forced to remove Mannonen from the vehicle. Once removed Mannonen continued to refuse officers orders and resisted them when they went to place her in handcuffs. Once handcuffed, Mannonen was found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia commonly used for smoking methamphetamine. Mannonen was arrested and booked into the Mendocino County Jail for evading a peace officer, resisting arrest, and possession of drug paraphernalia. (Ukiah PD Press Release)
This March, researchers for the United States updated the official menu of the only supplies of federally legal marijuana in the world.
COMMENT OF THE DAY: Surely the thinking folk out there must be asking themselves: What is the way out of this Federal Reserve three-card-monte, one-percenter-stuffing, so-called “economy,” and what is the destination of this society when that mendacious model for living fails?
— James Kunstler
READER Erin Matson of New York writes: "The crow graphics I've been admiring in the AVA for some time are totally marvelous. Would you please write a bit on who makes them?"
WE FOUND the prototype, as I recall, in an old magazine and have since xeroxed and collected them up and down to fit, keeping a whole file of them handy for late paste-up holes. I think they're beautiful, especially against the marching columns of grey.
by Daniel Brodell-Lake
By now, we have all heard of the drought in CA. We are in a state of uncertainty, and inaction. To reduce household consumption really only has an effect on 10% of the water usage, because industry and agriculture use the rest. Driving along the Salinas and Central valleys, it is clear that overhead spraying irrigation is a continued practice during sunny and windy days, which causes the most evaporation and water loss of any other irrigation technique.
Gov. Jerry Brown did indeed speak of emergency drought legislation, however, this legislation did not touch upon Greywater, which comprises a practical solution to recharge aquifers, reuse household water on site, reduce loads on municipal water treatment plants, and create local green jobs.
I propose an “Emergency Greywater Policy Reform & Jobs Program” to address jobs, drought, recharging groundwater, reducing loads on municipal systems and training a modern workforce all at once. Rain Gardens, Mulch Basins, Laundry to Landscape systems and other low cost and low tech strategies must be outlined in detail so that landscaping contractors, plumbers and other contractors in the field may offer these services to clients. City, County and State rebates and incentives must be made available for homeowners who choose to become part of the solution, just as we now have rebates for irrigated lawn removal. By making these lawn removal rebates available, we have addressed part of the problem, but neglected to address the solutions. What I propose is to effectively address the solutions in the form of a statewide emergency legislation.
by Linda Williams
The Department of Water Resources conducts a snow survey at Phillips Station on April 1, 2015. Below-normal precipitation, combined with unusually warm weather, has produced meager snowfall during the traditional wet season. The snow pack at this site is normally 66.5 inches. (Photo, courtesy of the Department of Water Resources.)
* * *
Governor Jerry Brown has declared new wide-reaching water restrictions aimed at conserving the scant water resources within the state after California’s snowpack dropped to 5 percent of normal.
Brown has directed the State Water Resources Control Board to implement mandatory water reductions in cities and towns across California to reduce urban water usage by 25 percent compared with 2013 usage. If successful this would save approximately 1.5 million acre-feet of water over the next nine months, according to Brown’s press release.
On April 1, Governor Jerry Brown went to Philips Station, a snow survey site at 6,800 feet in the Sierras and found no snow. The average snow depth at this location on April 1 has been 66.5 inches since measuring began in 1941. There was no significant snow visible even at higher elevations.
Reservoir levels throughout the state are significantly below the historic norms heading into the normally dry months.
When Governor Jerry Brown asked Californians to cut back on urban water use in 2014 by 20 percent, many municipalities were slow to respond. Actually all of California was slow to respond. Only in December 2014 did the state actually meet the 20 percent target but it didn’t last, by January 2015 it had lapsed to only 8.8 percent.
One of the measures of water efficiency now being used to compare water use within communities is residential gallons per person per day. January’s statewide average daily water consumption by residential customers was 72.6 gallons per day. In Willits the average resident used 47 gallons and Brooktrails used 39 gallons.
Executive Order
Brown’s executive order directs the State Water Resources Control Board to impose restrictions necessary to achieve a statewide 25 percent reduction in potable urban water use through Feb. 28, 2016 as compared with 2013 use.
The restrictions are allowed to consider the relative per capita water usage of each service area and require those areas with high per-capita use to achieve a proportionately greater reduction than those with low use.
The Department of Water Resources is directed to lead a state wide initiative, in partnership with local agencies, to collectively replace 50 million square feet of lawns and ornamental turf with drought tolerant landscapes. The Department “shall provide funding to allow for lawn replacement programs in underserved communities, which will complement local programs already underway.”
The California Energy Commission shall implement a time-limited statewide appliance rebate program to provide monetary incentives for the replacement of inefficient household appliances.
Water Board is to impose restrictions requiring commercial, industrial and institutional properties such as campuses, golf courses and cemeteries to immediately implement water efficiency measures to cut usage by 25 percent.
Prohibits irrigation with potable water of ornamental turf on public street medians.
Prohibits irrigation with potable water outside newly constructed homes or commercial buildings that is not delivered by either microspray or drip irrigation methods.
The Water Board is to “direct urban water suppliers to develop rate structures and other pricing methods, including but not limited to surcharges, fees and penalties, to maximize water conservation consistent with statewide restrictions.”
The state will update model ordinances detailing expected water efficient landscape standards for new and existing landscapes. The Department of Water Resources is directed to provide technical assistance and give priority for grant funding to public agencies applying these standards.
Agricultural water suppliers are to provide the Department of Water Resources with a detailed drought management plan.
Water agencies in high and medium priority groundwater basins (Willits is not one of these) are to immediately implement the new groundwater monitoring programs.
The California Energy Commission will adopt emergency regulations establishing new efficiency standards for water appliances including toilets, urinals and faucets allowed to be installed in new and existing buildings.
State agencies will work with counties to provide temporary assistance to persons moving from housing due to a lack of potable water. This would only occur where “all reasonable attempts to find a potable water source have been exhausted.
State permitting agencies “shall prioritize review and approval of water infrastructure projects and programs that increase local water supplies. The governor’s office is to be apprised of any applications that have been pending for more than 90 days.
Some limited state regulations which could delay required emergency actions are suspended.
State agencies will take emergency actions as needed to implement drought salinity barriers.
Willits Situation
The Willits area has received 35.52 inches of rain compared with 45.54 inches of rain—the average for the prior 110 years. Willits city reservoirs now hold 1,165 acre feet of water. In 2014 at this time, Willits had 1,291 acre feet and in 2013 it had 1,208. Willits water customers used 865 acre-feet in 2012. The lack of rains since December has prompted the city to cancel plans for system wide water main flushing to conserve water.
Mendocino County remains in the “severe drought” category according to the National Drought Monitor. Much of the state remains in “extreme drought” or “exceptional drought” status
While some weekend showers are forecast for the region, they are not predicted to provide much drought relief.
(Courtesy, the Willits News)
Mr. Arteaga,
Thank you for your note to me. You must be an avid volunteer for KZYX and your loyalty shows this!
Unfortunately, my letter you address didn't appear in the AVA, so I am sending a copy of it to the Editor for the understanding of the readership.
(Original Letter): Questions Still Unanswered
To the Editor:
To Mr. Ole Wik:
I’m not sure where you’ve been for six months. Let’s fast forward, shall we?
Here are but a few real and current questions. (And a couple from the past.)
How many KZYX listeners became first time members during the recent drive which failed to reach its financial goal?
How many donors (new or renewed) live in which communities, and/or counties, given that KZYX reaches 100,000+ households in Mendocino County alone?
How many members rolled their pledges over to become sustaining members and what is the dollar total?
How many donors restricted their donations? (Earmarked their gifts for a specific purpose such as replacing old equipment.)
Were NEW underwriters brought into the fold to help offset program costs during the recent fund drive? (Not in-kind.)
Why is there no General Manager’s fund drive report on the website to inform the membership base? Perhaps the February fund drive report will be available and distributed at the KZYX Annual Membership Meeting on May 4, 2015 in Ukiah. Place TBD.
With respect to the GM “rescuing the station” — are you clear on what that GM did with the $80,000 budgeted for news when he rid the station of its department staff years ago? How much of the $80,000 was from the membership base? Where’d the money go?
Or, are you clear on how the GM spent the restricted money earmarked for the Ukiah studio that has yet to materialize?
Mr. Wik, if the GM has “rescued the station” why aren’t the answers to these current and past questions made available on the website to inform the entire membership since the media has tried to help the public find these answers for over one year.
You mentioned in your letter that two board candidates ‘are sympathizers.’ Does this mean the election is problematic for the GM and/or he (or the current board) find themselves at odds with two volunteers who have stepped forward to represent the membership?
Why would you mention these individuals willing to serve the community, if not for management bringing it to your attention? Could this mean the election is weighted against two candidates?
Please, explain what you mean.
Finally, how is it that the station continues to ask for community dollars when the FCC hasn’t even renewed its license?
* * *
To that letter I will also add:
KZYX/Z has been off the air completely, poor web streaming, drop offs and regularly broadcasting "noise" over programming content, TEN (10) times since January 2015. Yes, that's ten times in the first quarter of 2015! (January-March.)
How do you think that will play out when the community is experiencing an emergency, such as fires due to drought, or a Code Red Alert from the Sheriff's office for criminal activity? (Remember Aaron Bassler?)
This is one of the station's primary services to the community that donates to KZYX and is in essence, paying for this service through those dollars.
Your letter to me isn't about Mr. Wik. It's about Mr. Coate and Ms. Aigner.
BTW, Ms. Aigner aired profanity on Women's Voices this past Monday. It was a pre-recorded interview she “doesn't have time to listen to.” Ms Aigner was the host, producer, and engineer that night.
Hmmm. Where I worked, that's grounds for not doing one's job and being fired immediately. In fact, two volunteer programmers were thrown off the air by Ms. Aigner because of profanity.
But, the GM and Board looked the other way this week.
M Kathryn Massey, Mendocino
In our rush to get the newsletter out, we forgot some additions.
In the AV Farm List:
Diaspora Seeds - on facebook at Diaspora Seeds and at the Winter Market
4 Bar K Ranch - Boonville - Grass Fed Brangus Cross 1/4's - dkooyers@gmail.com
Pennyroyal Farm - Boonville - Artisan chesses - www.pennyroyalfarm.com
AV Bee Club will meet Sat Apr 4 at 13461 Airport Rd, Boonville, at 12:30 (new time) for a hive dive and potluck lunch on the back deck. We'll check on the new bees and then eat and share our recent bee experiences. We brought at least 10 new hives into Anderson Valley last weekend!
Beginners or those just interested in bees are welcome to join us, either just for the hive dive, or for the potluck in addition. Directions or info by reply email or Cindy at 895-2949.
* * *
The Boonville Winter Market is entering its final month on Saturday, Apr 4. Our final market on Apr 25 will be at the Fairgrounds in Boonville, as part of Goat Fest - see the next article. If you are a regular attender of the annual Wildflower Show, we hope you will be pleasantly surprised to find "all things goat" in the grove and surrounding area. And between the Home Arts and Ag buildings, there will be a zumba-thon fundraiser for AV Foodshed.
At market this week you will find:
Bramble Olive Oil - Marianne and I will be selling extra virgin olive oil on Saturday.
Judy Nelson - I'll be there with jewelry.
Petit Teton will be at market with eggs, some greens, their large selection of canned goods, and meats: pork (sausage, chops, bacon, shoulder and leg cuts), beef (stew meat, steaks, liver, hamburger), and whole stewing chickens.
WildeAcre will have sauerkraut, yogurt, creme fraiche, eggs and muffins.
Plus more - maybe some music this week? See you in front of the Boonville General Store, 10:00-12:30, rain or shine.
* * *
From Jim Devine:
The First Annual AV Goat Festival, scheduled for Sat Apr 25 at the Mendocino County Fairgrounds in Boonville, is really coming along. An excellent crew of local food activists and goat enthusiasts are working hard to create a full day of Family Fun, Goat Education, and Goat Celebration.
Along with such fun events as "Best Dressed Goat Contest" and "Celebrity Goat Milking Competition," we are developing an all day schedule of workshops on two themes: Goat Dairy Products and Goat Husbandry. We are also hosting a Birria Cook-Off, a Zumba-thon, and a dance at The Apple Hall.
Did I say full day?
As you might imagine, we have plenty of opportunities for people to get involved. If you are interested in being a volunteer, a presenter, or a vendor, please use one of these ways to connect:
on Facebook at Anderson Valley Goat Fest
Call Jim Devine (707) 496-8725
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WildeAcre Mini Farm in Boonville still has volunteers of a variety of herbs, veggies and fruits available for the digging, today thru Tuesday. Please call Cindy at 895-2949 or email wildeacre@gmail.com, if you are interested in anything for your spring garden.
Report from the Business Improvement District (BID) Ad Hoc Committee (Board Agenda #6(B), April 7, 2015.
(Previous Board/Board Committee Actions: November 10, 2014: the Board appointed Supervisors Gjerde and McCowen to the Business Improvement District (BID) Ad Hoc Committee; December 2, 2014: the BID Ad Hoc Committee reported to the Board that additional time was needed to work with the BID stakeholders; February 17, 2015: the BID Ad Hoc Committee reported consensus had been reached on key issues, but that additional work was needed prior to considering a revised BID ordinance and resolution; March 21, 2015: the BID Ad Hoc Committee provided a written update to the Board, including 17 points of agreement (see attachments) that were recommended for approval by the Mendocino County Lodging Association (MCLA) and Mendocino County Promotional Alliance (MCPA) Boards of Directors.)
Summary Of Request: The MCPA, MCLA, and Visit Mendocino County (VMC) Boards of Directors have voted to endorse the recommended 17 points of agreement and the following three part implementation process: 1) renew the existing BID, including the current 1% assessment, to insure continuity of BID operations; 2) reform the governance structure in line with the 17 points of agreement; 3) subsequently propose an increase in the BID assessment from 1% to 2% as a stand alone item subject to the protest process as mandated by state law. It is anticipated that the BID Advisory Board annual report will be submitted to the Board for approval on May 5, 2015 at which time the Board will be asked to adopt a resolution renewing the existing BID with the current 1% assessment. Also on May 5, the Board will be asked to consider amendments to the Mendocino County Lodging BID consistent with the Ad Hoc Committee recommendations. Supervisors Gjerde and McCowen have met with staff to update them on the recommendations and seek assistance in identifying appropriate ordinance amendments and implementation procedures; have met with Advisory Board members to update them on the recommendations; have identified a need for at least one more meeting with the MCLA and MCPA representatives; and intend to participate in a series of informational meetings regarding the proposed recommendations.
by Valeria Luiselli
(March 8, 2015) In the park, while I read the newspaper and my daughter glides back and forth on a swing, an old Chinese woman is showing her son how to carry his newborn baby in a mei tai. The woman has a battle-hardened look, an authoritarian voice, and is very small — a combination that would normally indicate an obnoxious human being, but in this case has produced one that is somewhere between soulful and hilarious. Her white hair hangs over her forehead and neck like a well fitted helmet.
She gives brief, concise instructions. First she lifts the baby out of the stroller, and while talking continuously, she raises him up and gently bites him on the nose. The baby cries. I fold up the newspaper and put it by my side. My daughter continues swinging — in her own world. The little old woman continues her demonstration. The inside straps of the mei tai go crosswise over the chest like a cartridge belt and are tied in a knot at the back. With one hand she bends the baby's knees and with the other wraps him up in the fabric. Once inside, the baby curls up and stops crying. The old woman, without ceasing to talk, wraps two straps over the baby’s shoulders, crosses them in back, and brings them back in front of the child while she ties a huge knot under the backside of the baby which now resembles something between a cocoon and a birthday present.
As if this maneuver were not enough, with only one hand she deactivates the safety on the stroller and gives it a shake to fold it up. Then, with the velocity of a cowboy, presses her foot — as if it were a lever, against one of the wheels, the stroller flies up off the ground, and she grabs it by a handle and tucks it under her arm. When she has finished, still standing up, she adjusts her jacket, and she smiles showing the aperture between her tiny front teeth. She executes a small, slightly awkward bow. The young father watches stoically. I want to applaud, but control myself. I think to myself: A goddamn genius!
My daughter, from her now immobile swing, is watching the woman with her mouth open.
(Courtesy, El País Semanal. Translated by Louis Bedrock)
We were talking
About the space between us all
And the people who hide themselves
Behind a wall of illusion
Never glimpse the truth
Then it's far too late
When they pass away
We were talking
About the love we all could share
When we find it
To try our best to hold it there
With our love, with our love
We could save the world
If they only knew
Try to realize it's all within yourself
No one else can make you change
And to see you're really only very small
And life flows on within you and without you
We were talking
About the love that's gone so cold
And the people who gain the world
And lose their soul
They don't know, they can't see
Are you one of them
When you've seen beyond yourself
Then you may find
Peace of mind is waiting there
And the time will come
When you see we're all one
And life flows on within you and without you
— George Harrison
WILLOWS, Calif. – Starting Monday, April 6, personal use firewood permits will be available for purchase from the Mendocino National Forest.
Permits are $5 per cord of wood, with a minimum purchase of four cords for $20. The permits are good through December 31, 2015. The wood does not have to be cut at the same time. All firewood removed must be dead and down. It is illegal to remove firewood from the National Forest without a valid permit.
Permits are available in person or by mail order from one of the Forest offices listed below. Mail order forms are available online at www.fs.usda.gov/mendocino. If a person is unable to cut the wood themselves, they can obtain a third party authorization when they purchase their permit that will allow someone else to cut or gather the wood.
All firewood permit sales are final, with no refunds. Permittees will receive tags and a map of the Forest.
Permit holders should be aware that federal and state quarantines to prevent the spread of sudden oak death (SOD) are in effect for Lake and Mendocino Counties. Any firewood cut in these counties can only be transported into other SOD quarantine counties, including Alameda, Contra Costa, Humboldt, Marin, San Francisco, Monterey, Napa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano and Sonoma.
Firewood permits can be purchased from the following offices:
Mendocino National Forest Supervisor’s Office/Grindstone Ranger District Office
825 N. Humboldt Ave., Willows, CA 95988
Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
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Stonyford Work Center
5171 Stonyford-Elk Creek Road, Stonyford, CA, 95979
Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 8 a.m.-12 p.m., 1- 4:30 p.m.
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Covelo Ranger Station
78150 Covelo Road, Covelo, CA 95428
Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-12 p.m. 1-4:30 p.m.
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Upper Lake Ranger Station
10025 Elk Mountain Road, Upper Lake, CA 95485
Hours: Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-12 p.m., 1-4:30 p.m.
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Gathering firewood is important to many individuals and families surrounding the Mendocino National Forest. Following are some tips for a safer experience.
Plan your trip – check the weather, bring plenty of warm clothes for spring and fall through winter cutting, water, emergency food, and the appropriate gear for the season when you are gathering firewood. Make sure you have a full tank of gas when you leave and are prepared for changing conditions in the mountains! Also, let someone know where you are going and when you plan to be back.
Keep vehicles on designated roads and be aware of changing weather and road conditions. Wet dirt roads can quickly turn to mud, making it possible to get stuck and causing damage to road, soil and water resources. If there are puddles in the road, mud flipping off the tires or you can see your ruts in the rearview mirror, consider pulling over and taking a hike to look for wood, or turning around and finding a different area to cut your firewood.
As we enter fire season, be aware of fire restrictions or closure orders that may be in place restricting where you can go. Make sure you have a spark arrester on chainsaws and any other mechanical equipment being used.
Make sure you are cutting firewood on the Mendocino National Forest and not from other federal, state or private lands.
For more information, please contact the Mendocino National Forest or visit www.fs.usda.gov/mendocino.
“Easter Mythology “response:
William Edelen’s article on Easter mythology was very interesting.
However, as most people do regarding religion, he’s missing the point.
Its not just that Jesus was a god man, nor anything else about eating his flesh, risen from the dead, etc.
The point is what he said regarding how we’re supposed to treat our fellow man.
Feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, help the poor, love your enemies, visit the sick and the imprisoned, clothe the naked, bury the dead, all the beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount, etc., etc.
When he said to believe in him, he doesn’t mean believe that he existed, or exists.
He meant believe in what he said.
John Rensen, Potter Valley
New Analysis Finds Harm in Gov. Brown’s Drought Order: Suspends CEQA, Abandons Public Rulemaking
Drought Barriers for up to 10 Years, Decimate Fisheries, But No Restrictions on Mega-Farms
Stockton, CA – Restore the Delta (RTD), opponents of Gov. Brown’s rush to build water export Tunnels that would drain the Delta and doom sustainable farms, salmon and other Pacific fisheries, today responded to Gov. Brown’s executive order.
“While urban water conservation measures are desperately needed, Governor Brown is not calling for shared sacrifice,” said RTD Executive Director Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla. “What he is enacting is sacrifice by 98% of Californians, and the sacrifice of the most magnificent estuary on the west coast of the Americas, for the top 1% of water and land barons on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley.”
Waters upstream and downstream of the barriers within the Delta will stagnate. When the dilution action of flows is greatly reduced during summer heat, water temperatures increase, salinity is projected to increase, and pollutant and contaminant concentrations will increase as well.
With the drought barriers installed to limit flow, Delta smelt are likely to face extinction this year. And the Delta itself will become an even less hospitable place for the vulnerable fish species that remain.
Restore the Delta released a detailed analysis of how the order will harm the Delta, the estuary and coastal fisheries (see below).
The Governor is trying to expedite installation of drought barriers in the Delta, which will decimate coastal and Bay-Delta fishing economies, Delta farms, and water quality for a myriad of uses in the Bay-Delta estuary, even though the law states that Delta users have the right to use the water for beneficial uses first. Governor Brown’s declaration never made mention of the impacts on the Bay-Delta estuary, and, instead, has buried within it, a suspension of CEQA, a provision of the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, or, that these barriers are not temporary, but a ten-year plan that could destroy numerous fish species and ruin water quality for Delta communities. The governor is also suspending the Government code for rule-making procedures. Will this enable the California Water Commission to skip this process to expedite water projects that voters were promised would undergo strict review under the intent of Proposition 1?
“Governor Brown fails to lead on the harmful impacts of agricultural water exports from the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary. Growers on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley are not receiving regular water allocations this year, so the governor orders only enforcement of agricultural water use reporting. But these mega-growers aren’t tearing up thousands of acres of almonds they planted along the I-5 corridor during the last ten years, even in drought. California water law and contracts for export water projects make it clear that their water supply is variable, depending on how much water can be safely shared from the Delta,” said Barrigan-Parrilla.
Top 1% water users and growers, like Stewart Resnick of Paramount Farms, are not being asked to reduce water use by 25%, but 38 million Californians are. We are all being ordered to make heavy sacrifices so billionaire farmers can continue to export almonds to China. As a recent report from E&E News revealed, Paramount Farms, Westlands Water District and Metropolitan Water District, have been lobbying to gut federal ESA protections for Delta fisheries to free up more water they can grab from the system.
Governor Brown’s declaration imposes measures that will ruin the health of the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary, and seriously harm the Delta communities directly impacted by installation of the drought barriers. He places the burden on 38 million urban water users who have no control over where water is sent by State and Federal projects. We paid for the lack of rigorous conservation implementation over the last four years by local agencies like Metropolitan Water District.
Restore the Delta Policy Analyst Tim Stroshane said, “The proposed drought barriers project for the Delta will allow the Department of Water Resources and the Bureau of Reclamation to continue managing upstream storage so that the pain of the drought will be borne by Delta residents and ecosystems, and not by Delta water takers. The barriers will have drastic consequences on fisheries, commercial and recreational fishing economies, various Delta farming communities, recreation economies, all so that water will be made available beyond what is needed for health and human safety, but for what purposes we don’t know.”
“California must save water first through agriculture reductions on polluted drainage impaired land, which uses two-thirds of the Delta’s exported water. To protect urban areas, we need a Marshall plan to implement conservation, groundwater storage, storm water capture, cisterns, recycling and effective drought planning. Estimates show that it will cost tens of billions to repair urban water systems alone.” Barrigan-Parrilla said.
In the last 28 water years (since the beginning of the 1987-92 drought), wet and above normal years have occurred just 11 times (39 percent of the time) in both the San Joaquin and Sacramento River basins. This means that the premise of “emergency” drought barriers is false. “Emergency” connotes an event that is short-lived and infrequent, if it occurs at all. But below normal to critical water years occur more than half the time (as they have for almost the last three decades). “Emergency” becomes meaningless.
“The Department of Water Resources plans to install and remove barriers simultaneously with when juvenile salmon would be attempting to rear in, or emigrate through, the Delta before they leave for the Pacific Ocean. The most invasive and disruptive activities associated with the barriers proposal occur at critically sensitive times in the life histories of these most magnificent and vulnerable listed species,” Stroshane added.
“Whether it’s the barriers or the Delta tunnels, it is apparent how little Governor Brown cares for the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary. He has not insisted on the fallowing of fields during the drought by junior water rights holders. He is pushing Delta smelt to extinction, setting up our salmon fisheries for failure, and sacrificing sustainable six-generation Delta farms for almonds, fracking, and speculative desert development,” concluded Barrigan-Parrilla.
(Courtesy, RestoreTheDelta.org)
Surely they must, since you are the darling of the so-called thinking people.
“The point is what he said regarding how we’re supposed to treat our fellow man.”
Got news for ya: the guy said nothing new. In fact, in terms of morality, he simply repeated what other had said, and written centuries before. What Christians call the “golden rule” had been around forever; it’s just common sense, which is all morality is really about, all the blathering of “smart people” to the contrary.
re: James Kunstler…
‘…the thinking folk out there…’ wherever those lonely souls may be. Yes, some extremely good questions…if your aim is getting at the truth. And sidestepping the many ‘truths’ being defined for us by those who’s Truths are all hard and cold, here’s what I think of as Economics 101, version 1.0; ‘How Our Economy Works’:
1. It’s not an economy.
2. It’s not ours.
3. It doesn’t work.
(l.) An economy is some organized exchange of goods and services for the mutual benefit, support, and prosperity of its participants; this ain’t it.
(2.) The Helm of Power has gone so far into the hands of the corpirations, the filthy wealthy, the military/industrial/media cult, it’s not ‘ours’ by a long shot…and counting.
(3.) This model, ruling by decree, bent on exploitation to infinity with specific and particular disregard for even mortal consequences, contains Failure as it’s Other Half. It’s not working now, never has, and won’t.
They may fool enough of the people enough of the time, and they may not.