FIRE WEATHER loomed over in the area Tuesday afternoon with some locals getting an eerie, heavy, clammy, all-too-still nervous feeling that dry lightning was on the western horizon. Some Bay Area weather people later confirmed that there was some chance of dry lightning and thunderstorms in the overnight forecast. Local firefighters were on their toes.
Help support our Olde Time 4th of July event this July 4, 12-4pm at the Mendocino County Fairgrounds in Boonville.
If you haven't been before, it is an absolutely delightful family event with a kid's parade, balloon toss, tug-o-war, bounce house, face painting, watermelon eating contest, delicious BBQ, local beer and wine, a cake auction & more!
We still need more volunteers for the following:
Cake Auction: Want to bake a cake?
Parade: Love helping celebrate kids' creativity?
Bouncehouse: Experienced in keeping kids safe?
Face Painting: Need a creative outlet?
If interested, send me a text, or call (415) 713-3833. It Takes A Valley!
This year, the Olde Time 4th of July event will again be a collaborative event benefiting our local AV Firefighters, AV Elder Home, AV Skate Park, and AVUSD Wellness Committee's “Fresh Food” program.
(1) I sure wish we were getting a dog park instead of a skate park here.
{2) Remember the youth really need more activities in the valley…
(3) It’s going to end up being a place where they all go and do drugs and dump their trash anyway. They do it already in the parking lot. Young kids might like it but it won't be a very family friendly place with condoms and beer cans lying around.
Another Anderson Valley artifact from e-bay.

The scene I know, but I don't recall the hay barn in previous versions.


To the left is 28, now Hwy 128 heading over the hills to Anderson Valley, and down the Navarro to the coast Highway 1.
KZYX STATION MANAGER Marty Durlin announced Friday morning on her “Inside KZYX” show that this would be her last day and last show at KZYX after about five years running the small Philo station. Former Project Sanctuary Director (and current Board Chair) Dina Polkinghorne will replace Durlin as General Manager as of Monday and will preside over the pending re-location of KZYX’s main studio to the house they bought in Ukiah a few years ago. Apparently, Ukiah city permit issues have delayed the move to Ukiah. But they now hope to be moved in by the end of the year with a residual “studio” (aka trailer) in Philo at the Philo Fire Station. Durlin noted that the station’s most recent two-week-long fundraising drive in May fell thousands of dollars short of expectations. Durlin interviewed the station’s new “programmer representative” on the KZYX Board of Directors, a Fort Bragg-based music show host named Jeff Zolitor. Zolitor told Durlin that “terrestrial radio” is suffering like many other older forms of media to compete with cellphones, streaming services and video-oriented entertainment, especially with younger listeners.
(Mark Scaramella)
Hello Valley friends and family!

As you know, our kids have been members of the Ferreira Family Fight Academy. They have represented the academy and competed in many jiu-jitsu tournaments and super fights over the last 2 years. They have been given the opportunity to compete at the International Con Kids Tournament in Vegas in August. Over the next 2 months, keep an eye out for their Lemonade Stand. They will also be baking and selling cookies, and their paper fire bricks. If you would like to contribute, please contact myself here or our professor at the information below.
Their hard work and dedication has gotten them so far and we thank all their supporters.
Just what we need in these violent times….a “Fight Academy”. Maybe throw in a few Glocks for a door prize?