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Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Warming | Siri Ranch | Fishing Closure | Willits Cowboy | Insurance Cancelled | Kenny-Boyle | County Run | Art Show | Snowy Plovers | Shoreline | Ed Notes | Biden Fireman | Resilience Meetings | Westport Landing | Gold Standard | Bridge Time | Training Opportunities | Yesterday's Catch | Woodstock Gig | Hastings Saved | JW Convention | Knocker Contract | Extreme Weather | Swallowed Up | Child Development | Old Waterpark | Lacks Guts | Attaboys | Richmond Tune | Great Humans | Dear MAGA | Real Stupidity | Irish Laborer | Hopkins Sentenced | Spot Cafe

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TEMPERATURES WILL HEAT UP to above average Wednesday through Thursday with building high pressure. An extended troughing pattern then develops, knocking down temperatures, and bringing a chance for thunderstorms Thursday afternoon into Thursday night. (NWS)

STEPHEN DUNLAP (Fort Bragg): A cooler 54F under clear skies this Wednesday morning on the coast. I think the tropical influence has moved on. The big fog is down south leaving some thinner fog behind, hence our forecast is for mostly clear skies with overnight light fog. Haze is in the forecast again but we did not have any yesterday?

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The Siri Ranch, Philo

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The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) announced that as of 12:01 a.m. Friday, Sept. 1, 2023, the 50-fathom Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA) boundary line for the Mendocino Groundfish Management Area (GMA) (Cape Mendocino to Point Arena), San Francisco GMA (Point Arena to Pigeon Point) and Central GMA (Pigeon Point to Point Conception), will take effect.

In these GMAs, recreational boat-based groundfish fishing will be ‘offshore only’ and allowed only seaward (away from land) of the 50-fathom boundary line, defined by straight lines connecting waypoints (50 CFR Part 660, Subpart G). Shelf rockfish, slope rockfish and lingcod may be taken seaward of the 50-fathom boundary line, while it will be unlawful to take or possess nearshore rockfish as defined in Title 14, Section 1.91(a)(1), cabezon or greenlings at any depth. In the Southern GMA from Pt. Conception to the U.S.-Mexico border, these same ‘offshore only’ rules will take effect as originally planned on Sept. 16.

During the ‘offshore only’ fishery, fishing gear shall not be deployed shoreward of the 50-fathom RCA boundary line when shelf rockfish, slope rockfish or lingcod are possessed onboard the vessel, however vessels may transit shoreward of the 50-fathom RCA boundary line with these species in possession if no gear is deployed. Additionally, vessels fishing in the adjacent Southern GMA and transiting back to the Central GMA must adhere to the ‘offshore only’ provisions effective in the Central GMA and shall not return with nearshore species aboard. These changes do not apply to shore-based anglers or divers.

CDFW is carefully monitoring the harvest of quillback rockfish from both the recreational and commercial fisheries throughout the state and has taken a series of steps in an effort to reduce quillback rockfish mortality. On Aug. 7, retention of quillback rockfish was prohibited statewide, followed by closure of the recreational nearshore fishery in the Northern GMA, on Aug. 21. Newly available recreational data from the Mendocino, San Francisco and Central GMAs for the second week of August showed double the estimated recreational take and indicated the 2023 quillback rockfish harvest limit specified in federal regulations has been exceeded. This additional in-season action authorized by Title 14, Section 27.20 (e) to adjust the fishing depth is necessary to prevent further overage.

CDFW urges anglers to use best fishing practices to reduce impacts to quillback rockfish and other prohibited groundfish species. These include reducing mortality when releasing fish by utilizing a descending device and relocating to different fishing grounds or switching targets if quillback rockfish or other prohibited species are encountered. CDFW recommends reviewing the Summary of Recreational Groundfish Fishing Regulations page before each trip to ensure anglers are up to date on the most recent groundfish regulations, including a complete list of authorized species.

For details regarding the quillback population estimates and how these changes were developed, please see CDFW’s Quillback Rockfish In-Season Informational Briefing. For information on all groundfish regulations visit CDFW’s Marine Region Groundfish page.

Pursuant to California Code of Regulations Title 14, section 27.20(e), when federal harvest limits are exceeded or projected to be exceeded, CDFW has authority to make in-season changes, including adjustments to bag and sub-bag limits, seasons and depths.

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Willits Cowboy Mannequin In Barn Opening (Jeff Goll)

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MATT BARNES: Home Owner’s Policy Cancelled… We got the dreaded policy cancellation notice last night from our Farmers Insurance subsidiary Foremost Insurance, who we’ve had as our policy holder since I bought my home here 20 years ago. I’m wondering if anyone has any references for a local Insurance company who is still writing policies. We’ve never filed a claim, and we’ve invested heavily in fire hardening our property. Thanks in advance.

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August 21, 1911 - Mary Brien Boyle Kenny died at the age of 69. She had been in poor health for some time, and the previous week, she had fallen and broken her arm at the elbow. The Beacon attributed the shock of that injury as a contributing cause of her death.

Mary was born in New Brunswick in 1842, and when she was young, she emigrated with her parents to Maine, where she grew up and met her first husband. She married Thomas Boyle in Bangor, Maine when she was 18 years old. In 1863, Thomas went to California, and Mary and their infant son John followed a year later. The Boyles settled in Albion and later moved to Greenwood (Elk) and the south coast.

Mary and Thomas had 8 children together, and Mary was pregnant with their youngest daughter when Thomas died suddenly from a heart attack in 1878 at the age of 42. Mary remarried in 1881. The Beacon described her as “a woman of great moral courage, strong character, and loving disposition.”

Studio photograph of the Kenny - Boyle family, c. 1888. Seated in front, L to R: Thomas Kenny (step-father) and Mary Brien Boyle Kenny, mother of the children. Standing in back, L to R: Mary "Mayme", Charles "Charlie", Francis "Babe", Jennifer "Jennie", and Walter "Fred". (Gift of William and Marie Ferrill)

Mary’s funeral was held at the Catholic Church, with Rev. Father Edwards officiating. Following the service, she was buried in Hillcrest Cemetery. Survivors included her second husband, Thomas Kenny; sons, Edward, William, and Charles Boyle; daughters, Mrs. George W. Burke, Mrs. A. J. Jennings, and Mrs. G. W. Fairbanks; sisters, Mrs. John Conway and Mrs. Jerome Rafter; and brothers, Charles, John, and Albert Brien.


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ROBERT SITES: Mendocino mental health was more efficient and effective when it was county run. Then the out sourcing disaster to Ortner and now Redwood. Just talk to a mental health worker who experienced all three. Unfortunately our supervisors don’t value or respect the employees of our county that we rely on for services.

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Hiding in Plain Sight: The Western Snowy Plover

Guest Presenter: Alison Cebula

Wednesday, August 23, 6PM on Zoom

You’ve probably heard of them, but have you actually seen a western snowy plover? They are masters of disguise. With their sand-colored feathers, speckled eggs and chicks they blend in perfectly to their beach and dune environment. Despite this clever camouflage, snowy plovers are a threatened species due to habitat loss, predation, and human-caused disturbance.

Join local State Park biologist Alison Cebula for a presentation on the lives of these remarkable little shorebirds and the challenges they face. Learn not only how to tell a plover from a sanderling, but also how you can help protect one of our most charming wild neighbors.

Alison grew up in Fort Bragg and studied coastal ecology and natural history with Teresa Sholars and Greg Grantham at College of the Redwoods. Her adventures in field biology include habitat restoration at the Grand Canyon, reintroduction of Aplomado falcons in Texas with the Peregrine Fund, raptor migration counts and nest surveys for HawkWatch International, ecosystem monitoring with the Great Salt Lake Ecosystem Project, and volunteering for the Winter Wolf Study at Yellowstone National Park.

For the past 12 years her passion for conservation has focused on snowy plovers. She currently coordinates the Western Snowy Plover Management Program for California State Parks Mendocino Sector.

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Mendocino Shoreline, Newport (Jeff Goll)

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CHRON PROSE “Many San Franciscans have come to believe their city is in crisis.”

ANY EDITORS left at the Chron? Is there room for objective comment? How about starting with recognizing the obvious: San Francisco is in crisis, evidenced by fleeing businesses, conventions, tourists, and residents; and by the inhumane conditions on the streets in mid-Market, Civic Center, the Tenderloin, south of Market, many tourist areas, and on public transit; and by rising crime; and insane public school policy. SF “residents” are concerned because the tax base is evaporating before their eyes.

COMPARE AND CONTRAST, CLASS. Both passages describe Biden's visit to Maui:

(1) THE NEW YORK TIMES: “President Biden toured the scorched remains of Lahaina, a coastal town on the Hawaiian island of Maui, on Monday in his first visit since devastating wildfires killed more than 100 people and left behind scenes of twisted metal and hollowed-out homes. Mr. Biden, who broke away from his summer vacation on Lake Tahoe in Nevada, met with survivors of the fires and with emergency workers and state and local officials. The president hugged Gov. Josh Green, a Democrat, and walked arm in arm with him to Marine One for a 20-minute aerial tour of the wreckage. Sporting a green and yellow lei, he told community members, “the entire country is here for you.”

‘The devastation is overwhelming,’ Mr. Biden said as he stood near a 150-year-old banyan tree, a cherished landmark in Lahaina. He said the tree symbolized the resilience of the Maui community.

The president, who was joined by Jill Biden, the first lady, also sought to assure residents of Maui that they would be involved in the recovery process. ‘We will be respectful of the sacred grounds and the traditions,’ he said, ‘and rebuild the way the people of Maui want to build, not the way others want to build’.” And respectfully on...

(2) THE RIGHTWING BRIT TABLOID DAILY MAIL: “The President's motorcade was met with screams of ‘fuck you’ after he finally arrived in Maui — two weeks after the inferno which left 850 people missing and destroyed the historic city of Lahaina. Biden compounded the anger in a garbled, meandering speech about the deaths of his wife and daughter in 1972, before comparing the horrific blaze to a kitchen fire at his Delaware home in 2004. The 80-year-old capped off his disastrous five-hour tour by asking a rescue team whether their boots were reinforced, noting the ‘hot ground’ beneath their feet in a tone-deaf attempt at humor. Hawaiian residents and politicians have unleashed a torrent of criticism over Biden's failure to visit the island sooner and a paltry $700 offered to each affected family.”

WHAT WE HAVE HERE is a failure to communicate. I read a transcript of Biden’s remarks in Maui and they were, objectively, the verbal wanderings of a man deep in his senescence, The liberal media, — Maddow; MSNBC; NPR, the NYT, etc., in Democrat lockstep on all issues, most notably Biden’s functioning, pretends Biden is all there. The fascist media, of course, gleefully seizes on Biden’s every stumble. No, the truth doesn’t lie somewhere in between, Mr. and Mrs. Purple Pants-Seminar. Biden is out of it.

AND RIGHT HERE let’s dispose of the left-right construct. It no longer serves. Reality these days has outstripped the old ways of shorthand political assessments. 

I GOT a comment from a woman today who said I should get off my admiration for the Confederacy! I had to wonder if she reads my newspaper. Another guy declared I’d gone MAGA. 

ONE MORE TIME: I, me, myself am about three clicks (at least) to the left of Bernie Sanders. I think both political parties and all their candidates, to me, are irremediably contemptible. I will be voting third party in ’24 as I have since McGovern.

BUT ON THE ISSUE of Biden’s functioning, the rightwing is obviously correct, the lib media is lying by omission. Left, right or the eunuch middle, our president is not present. 

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County Of Mendocino Hosting Community Resilience Public Outreach And Listening Sessions

The County is hosting resilience meetings in census tracts designated as demonstrating high-hazard exposure and social vulnerability that will offer the public an opportunity to communicate their resilience goals. The input provided will be used to help determine resilience projects for which to pursue grant funding. Discussion topics to include: Emergency Preparedness, Community Planning and Capacity Building, Infrastructure Systems, Economic Resiliency and Sustainability, Health and Social Services, Housing, and Natural Systems and Cultural Resources.

For meeting information, please contact Disaster Recovery at: (707) 234-6303 or

(County Presser)

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Westport Union Landing (Jeff Goll)

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Dear AVA,

One economy is the one of business and trade and the other is government distribution and confiscation. How did we ever get along without big brother? 100 years ago we had gold and silver money and paper backed by a stable currency. Now we have inflation. Who benefits from inflation? Do you think you who own your house benefit? Because the value of your house keeps going up, also your assessment is going up. So you will be paying more taxes or rather rent to the government because you really never own your own house, you are a tenant. How can you overcome this treadmill situation where you seem to be paying more and more of this devalued currency that buys less things? Who benefits the most in this game? Are the political elite getting poorer? They hope to overcome this morass by becoming filthy rich. If you can get rich enough you will always stay ahead of inflation. For example, as they raise interest rates right now to 5%, if you have $1 billion, 5% of $1 billion is $50 million risk-free, tax-free in municipal bonds which would be a favored way of benefiting. Those who are the architects and stakeholders of this inflationary taxation distribution system.

So you are on the road to having that magic $1 billion and that free $50 million in interest compounded over time. The problem is by the time you get your magic $1 billion most other people will have also have $1 billion or $2 or $3 billion and there will be trillionaires by that time. Most of them will be government employees living in gated communities and large estates with bodyguards, etc. like they do now.

The big problem is the whole world suffers from inflation. One big Third World where currency is created from nothing to aid in food distribution for the masses and keep the economy going for the little people and the big guys.

Either you produce something and sell it or you are part of the cancer economy. People don't like talking about it, but the last time I read in the paper there were 77% of the people working for the government and 23% producing stuff and that number is shrinking. By government I mean federal, state, county, city, municipalities, etc. the growth of government is a real problem. Inflation is the junk food of runaway government. 

In 1972 the top 10 employers in Mendocino County were #1 Southern Pacific, #2 Masonite Corporation, #3 Louisiana Pacific, #4 Georgia-Pacific, then PG&E, AT&T, and county, state, city, federal. What do you suppose this list looks like today? That's right, government holds all the top positions along with lawyers and bail bondsmen. You don't believe me? Get a phone book from 1972 and look at the Yellow Pages then and now.

We are heading in a very depressing direction. Where did we go wrong? Was it the 30s? One day gold was money, the next day you are getting confiscated and going to jail. It's very strange. Who was president in the 30s? Oh yes, Franklin Roosevelt. You can't say anything bad about him. He is a big hero. Within the same year of 1933, Roosevelt, Hitler, Stalin, the Queen of England, all outlawed goal for their subjects. This paved the way for future inflation. Inflation is highly addictive especially for bureaucrats and Third World dictators. So whenever you are contemplating the doomsday machine in all its parts, don't forget inflation. Think Zimbabwe.

Tom Madden


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Upcoming Training Opportunities Provided by Redwood Community Services

Register Today! Call: (707) 467-2010

  • Removing the Shame & Stigma of Substance Use Disorder (SUD):Monday, August 21, 2023, 2:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Ensuring Youth Safety by Understanding Mandated Reporting: Tuesday, August 22, 2023, 3:30pm - 5:00pm
  • Parenting Children with Exposure to Trauma: Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
  • Supporting Native American Youth in Care: Wednesday, August 23, 2023, 1:00pm - 3:30pm
  • Foster Youth Bill of Rights & Prudent Parent Standard: Thursday, August 24, 2023, 3:30pm - 5:00pm
  • Motivational Interviewing: Friday, August 25, 2023, 9:00am - 11:00am
  • Compassion Fatigue & Vicarious Trauma: Friday, August 25, 2023, 3:30pm - 5:00pm
  • Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC): Friday, August 25, 2023, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
  • Tactile Activities to Improve Child & Adolescent Behavior: Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 10:00am - 12:00pm
  • Foster Youth Reproductive & Sexual Wellness: Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 3:30pm - 5:00pm
  • Trauma Effects on the Student in the Classroom: Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 0:00am - 12:00pm
  • All Brains Are Beautiful: Supporting Children with ADHD, Autism, & More: Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 9:00am - 12:00pm
  • Trauma Informed Care: Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
  • Developmental Trauma: Wednesday, August 30, 2023, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
  • Ensuring Youth Safety by Understanding Mandated Reporting: Friday, September 1, 2023, 10:30am - 12:00pm
  • Parenting Children with Exposure to Trauma: Friday, September 1, 2023, 1:00pm - 3:00pm
  • In-Person Training Opportunity, Compassion Fatigue & Vicarious Trauma Workshop: Thursday, September 7, 2023, 9:00am - 2:00pm

Ukiah Valley Conference Center

200 S. School St.

Ukiah, CA 95482

To learn more, email

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CATCH OF THE DAY, Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Ambrose, Buckingham, Cordova

SEAN AMBROSE, Ukiah. Disorderly conduct-alcohol&drugs, resisting, probation revocation.

JOSEPH BUCKINGHAM, Ukiah. Failure to appear, probation revocation.

ARLEN CORDOVA-DALSON, Covelo. Reckless driving, registration tampering, evasion.

Gonzalez, Mayfield, Mora

HENRY GONZALEZ, Ukiah. Ammo possession by prohibited person, probation revocation.

RAESHELE MAYFIELD, Redwood Valley. Controlled substance for sale, conspiracy.

PABLO MORA, Ukiah. Dumping commercial quantities. (Frequent flyer.)

Ortiz, Perez, Renick

LUIS ORTIZ, Ukiah. Controlled substance for sale, conspiracy, county parole violation.

DANIEL PEREZ, Manchester. DUI with priors, suspended license for DUI, battery on peace officer.

LATOYA RENICK, Ukiah. Suspended license for DUI, probation revocation.

Reynosa, Turner, Wyse


ROY TURNER, Fort Bragg. Disorderly conduct-alcohol, prohibited park hours.

DANIEL WYSE, Ukiah. Failure to appear.

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To the Editor,

I am the living son of the devil, God saved.

Based on years past and what you all saw since my youth from Fort Bragg to Willits then back home again to Fort Bragg. I have homies in both towns. Everything I've endured since that day growing up watching cruel morbid bad things I was taunted and tricked by the devil of 666, the sons of disobedience, demons lurking, I remained faithful to God, County, traveling for Columbia Helicopters, falling timber in three different states. I never gave up.

Staying strong to my nation, my people of kind and most importantly Jehovah God, his son the Christ. I saw that his angels came forth in 2016. I was saved from Babylon the great Christendom. I stopped attending Calvary Chapel. God didn't want me involved there. False religion can involve demonism, sects, divisions, tarot, fortune telling. Things of the world of this nature can cause a deception and added grief. However, as I continued to remain loyal to Jehovah I saw that these things had come to pass. The past was the past and always remains something I no longer thought about. Until certain idiots forced me to document facts about my past on facebook, it didn't bother me any watching God destroying Nazi torture not just of our cities, towns, countries and states, but of the whole world. You all watched Satan and his demons. His rule over mankind was crumbled around wherever I walked right before your eyes. I showed you all that Jehovah God it was god of the living. In many of my actions as the devil and his demons left me in 2016. Just remaining humble and faithful and being appreciative that Jehovah God used me to give you all hope. It would be very wise of you, many of you, to let go of your past and of your negative feelings. 

This has been a simple warning sent by World Judge Hastings of the Republic!

Rex Hastings

Mendocino County Jail


Rex Hastings

PS. Goodnight my followers of sorts, from your chaplain of honors of Navy Department stock. Rest easy tonight.

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Fairfield Assembly Hall to Host First Large Conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses Since 2019 

After a three-year pandemic pause, one of the largest convention organizations in the world has once again chosen Fairfield to host its global three-day event, the 2023 “Exercise Patience”! Convention. 

Prior to 2020, summers in Fairfield were marked by Jehovah’s Witnesses filling hotels and restaurants as they attended their annual conventions at their Fairfield Assembly Hall, which they built in 2004. In 2020, the pandemic interrupted that tradition in Fairfield when the Witnesses canceled their in-person events throughout the world and held their convention programs as virtual events in more than 500 languages. In May, the Witnesses brought the tradition back to Fairfield. They will once again host the three-day program on the weekend of August 25-27, 2023. 

“The return to in-person conventions is so exciting. We will be able to rekindle old friendships and make new ones with fellow attendees from various parts of the Bay Area,” said Ty Petersen, local spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses. “My family and I look forward to experiencing the excitement, joy, and love that characterize our conventions, especially after a three-year pandemic pause.” 

Some 6,000 conventions will be held worldwide as part of the 2023 “Exercise Patience”! Convention series. In the United States alone, more than 700 conventions will be held in 144 host cities. From Friday through Sunday, six convention sessions will explore the quality of patience, highlighting its modern-day relevance through Scriptural examples. A live baptism will be performed following the Saturday morning session and a prerecorded drama will be featured in two parts during the Saturday and Sunday afternoon sessions. 

“The convention theme is very timely. While impatience can lead to stress, strained relationships, and even tragedy, patience can help us endure life’s challenges successfully,” said Petersen. “We are excited to learn from the Bible, as well as from creation, how to be more patient in our everyday lives.” 

Jehovah’s Witnesses have been holding public conventions in stadiums, arenas, convention centers, and theaters around the world for more than 100 years. After resuming smaller in-person meetings and their public ministry during 2022, the summer of 2023 marks the first time they will gather at much larger regional events around the world since the lifting of pandemic restrictions. 

The convention is open to the public and no collection is taken. For more information on the program or to find other convention locations and dates, please go to and navigate to the “About Us” tab.

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A mix of devastating wildfires, tropical storms, mudslides and heat waves foreshadows a future of intensified extremes as the world warms.

by Somini Sengupta

July was the hottest month in modern times. Now, August is shaping up to be a month of extremes.

In the United States alone, a tropical storm swept across the Southwest, another struck Texas, Maui burned, and a blistering heat dome sat atop the middle of the country. In India, torrential rains triggered deadly landslides, Morocco and Japan hit new heat records, and southern Europe braced for another scorching heat wave.

Those extremes have also brought high-stakes tests for public officials: Where public alerts and education worked, death and destruction were minimized. Where they didn’t, the results were catastrophic. Maui has so far recorded more than 100 deaths from the blaze that started Aug. 8, and that number is projected to rise.

Not all of the extreme weather events can be immediately attributed to climate change. But they reflect the hazards that much of the world needs to prepare for as El Niño, a natural weather pattern that can play out over several years, aggravates the weather extremes fueled by the burning of fossil fuels.

Compared with the start of the industrial age 150 years ago, the average global temperature is at least 1.2 degrees higher, and rising still, as the world continues to burn more fossil fuels, the principal cause of global warming. Scientists have repeatedly warned of more heat, wildfires, droughts and intense rainfall with every degree of future warming. For local communities and their government officials, that means having to adapt to sometimes unpredictable hazards and making hard choices about where and how to rebuild after disaster strikes.

The Union of Concerned Scientists said that 103.7 million Americans live in areas that are under extreme weather alerts on Tuesday.

“Twenty years from now, a summer like this is going to feel like a mild summer,” said Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at the University of California Los Angeles, in an online briefing Monday afternoon. “In terms of incredibly frenetic pace of global extremes we are seeing this summer, in terms of temperatures and precipitation, that’s only going to get worse as the climate continues to warm.”

Weather records have been broken all summer long around the world. Southern Europe saw record hot days in July, so much so that one Italian newspaper likened it to a “tongue of fire.” Beijing recorded more extreme-heat days this year than ever before since record-keeping began. The fires that raged across the breadth of Canada in July eclipsed annual fire records. In the Florida Keys, sea-surface water temperatures were the hottest on record, climbing into the 90s.

Then, on Sunday came Hurricane Hilary. It dropped a record 13 inches of rain in 24 hours on the Mexican state of Baja California Sur before turning into a tropical storm, barreling up the bathwater-hot Gulf of California and bringing record rainfall to Southern California.

Tropical storms are rare for this part of the world. But in a hotter climate, scientists said, California can expect to get more extreme rains. Southern California got a taste of that earlier this year, with a parade of powerful storms that drenched the region.

“Regardless of the source of the rain, we need to prepare for a lot more of it, even in our drought-prone state,” said Morgan E. O’Neill, an assistant professor of atmospheric science at Stanford University.

By and large, the two biggest cities in the region, Los Angeles and San Diego, escaped deaths and major damage, according to local and state officials Monday. It will take several days to thoroughly assess the effects on smaller towns and rural communities in desert and mountain areas in Southern California. Homes flooded in and around Palm Springs, parts of Riverside County were knee-high in mud and Death Valley National Park was closed, its 3.4 million acres of desert wilderness littered with debris from flash floods.

Speaking at a news conference in Los Angeles Monday morning, Paul Krekorian, the City Council President, urged city residents to look ahead and get ready for the next disaster. “Use this as your opportunity to consider what can you and your family do better to prepare for the next incident,” he said. “Because we know there will be one,”

The contrast with Maui is striking.

The wildfires centered around the historic town of Lahaina are one of the country’s deadliest disasters. Local officials are under mounting scrutiny for failing to activate the island’s network of emergency sirens.

A spokesman for the state’s emergency management agency said other alert systems were activated, including on cellphones, but many residents said they didn’t receive warnings. Damage to cellphone and electric lines played a role. Ten days after the fire, Maui’s emergency management director resigned.

Maui’s fire risks have been steadily growing.

Hawaii overall has been getting less rainfall over the past 30 years. More than a third of Maui county has been classified as severe or moderate drought this summer. Invasive grasses, left unmanaged, have become ready fuel for fires. Average temperatures have risen, as they have worldwide, drying out vegetation even faster. In short, Hawaii is more flammable.

Maui County cited those growing wildfire risks when it sued oil companies for what it called a “coordinated, multifront effort” to conceal that the burning of their products fuels climate extremes. A spokesman for the American Petroleum Institute, a trade group, has called the litigation “meritless.” The case is pending.

(NY Times)

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LIFE WILL BREAK YOU. Nobody can protect you from that, and being alone won't either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel. It is the reason you are here on earth. You have to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes too near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness. Tell yourself that you tasted as many as you could.

— Louise Erdrich

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Telling a child that he or she is in the “wrong” body — in other words, that he or she is a “mistake” or some sort of joke on God’s or Mother Nature’s part — is the absolute epitome of cruelty.

And introducing children under the age of 10 to sexual material is a form of psychosocial child abuse. The ONLY purpose it serves is to groom children for predators. It is rape of their psyches and murder of their innocence.

Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t know a damn thing about child development. Read Piaget, for the love of God!

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MEGAN McCAIN: A presidential candidate should be more than a stringy, blond bouffant and an ego. The debates are the best format for showcasing candidates' competency, health and ability to win. Trump is 77 years old and not immune to the issues that dog sleepy, stumbly Joe. Is Trump still up for this job? Frankly, we don't know. I, for one, would like to see him in action if he is to face off against Biden again. Don't forget that even tongue-tied Joe absolutely trounced Trump in their first presidential debate in 2020. And if Biden drops out of the 2024 race, which I'd say is about 50/50 at this point, how would Trump do against California's slick and savvy Gavin Newsom? Not well, I'd guess. Governor Chris Christie says Trump lacks “the guts to show up.” He's right. A debate exposes weakness.

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A song by the previously unknown Oliver Anthony struck a chord with conservative pundits. Its quick trip to No. 1 relied on tactics that help pop stars go viral.

by Joe Coscarelli & Marc Tracy

The unadorned video suddenly appeared on social media earlier this month: a young man with a bushy red beard and a guitar in a backwoods locale, dogs at his feet and bugs buzzing in the background. In an impassioned drawl, he sings a country-folk anthem about selling his soul “working all day,” and being kept in his place by inflation, high taxes and the elites he holds responsible: “Rich Men North of Richmond.”

Boosted early on by influential conservative pundits and media figures like Jack Posobiec and Jason Whitlock, Mr. Anthony’s “Rich Men North of Richmond” was praised for its stripped-down sound and workingman relatability. “The main reason this song resonates with so many people isn’t political,” Matt Walsh, a podcast host and columnist for the conservative Daily Wire, wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “We are suffocated by artificiality.” On Instagram, the mega-podcaster Joe Rogan added, “You can’t fake authentic.”

The song’s populism unmistakably leans rightward, resulting in an original track perfectly primed for a hyperpolarized moment when conservatives perceive themselves as embattled and politics unrelentingly washes into every other aspect of culture, be it sports, movies or pop music.

“People are just angry over the way that I would say the woke universe has taken over so much of content,” said Clay Travis, the talk-radio host and author of “American Playbook: A Guide to Winning Back the Country From the Democrats.” “And I think what you’re seeing is a backlash and a rebellion.”

Mr. Travis also cited the conservative activism against Bud Light earlier this year, in which boycotts following the beer brand’s promotional collaboration with Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender influencer, were followed by decreased sales and marketing executives going on leave. “What we’re seeing,” he added, “is a lot of people exercising their purchasing power.”

Scrutiny over the song’s origins, ideological intent and disaffected lyrics, which include references to welfare cheats and pedophile politicians, stoked interest from all sides, pushing “Rich Men North of Richmond” toward the center of the zeitgeist and the top of the charts.

It’s a pattern that has played out repeatedly across popular culture this summer. “Sound of Freedom,” a feature film about fighting child trafficking, was championed by conservative politicians, including Donald J. Trump, while its star sometimes promoted QAnon conspiracy theories. Its nearly $180 million in domestic box office receipts have already made it one of history’s most successful independent films.

The veteran country singer Jason Aldean rode a wave of controversy to commercial success with “Try That in a Small Town.” Following a backlash against its lyrics, which critics said promoted racist vigilantism, and after Country Music Television pulled the song’s music video, which was filmed in part at a courthouse in Tennessee that was once the site of a lynching, the languishing track catapulted to No. 1 on Billboard.

Oliver Anthony

But the stunning success of Mr. Anthony, whose real name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford, testifies not only to the potency of confrontational works that cater to an audience that believes it is underserved, but also to something else: the increasing savvy of promoters and fans — including conservative ones — who have mastered digital platforms and guerrilla marketing tactics to dominate the very culture industries that they say have marginalized them.

Interest in “Rich Men North of Richmond,” which was streamed 17.5 million times on services like Spotify and Apple Music in its first week of release, partly grew in the manner of a typical viral track, according to the service Luminate, whose data fuels the Billboard charts.

Polarizing lyrics also ginned up the discourse. Mr. Anthony gives voice to the longstanding conservative critique of public assistance — he sings of “the obese milkin’ welfare” and adds, “Well, God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds/taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds” — and links politicians to “minors on an island somewhere.”

Conversation flared on social media — “That’s a big reason why Oliver Anthony went viral,” said The Daily Wire’s Mr. Walsh — but there was a more targeted digital savviness at play, too. Much of the consumer activity that drove the track to No. 1 came via 99-cent digital downloads from outlets like the iTunes Store — an outdated format that is declining in popularity faster than CDs.

Despite streaming now accounting for more than 80 percent of music consumption overall, paid downloads are weighted more on the charts, a quirk exploited regularly by pop superfans devoted to acts like Ms. Swift or the South Korean group BTS. In often coordinated efforts, they use downloads to show support and earn chart milestones that are celebrated like wins in sports or political elections.

Jaime Brooks, a musician and cultural commentator, said that since most listeners spend about $10 per month for unlimited access to everything on services like Spotify, those who purchase downloads are overpaying with purpose.

“You do that out of a sentimental attachment to an old way of listening, or because you’re getting something else out of it,” Ms. Brooks said. One such thing, she added, could be “representation for their favorite artists on the charts, which means something to them. And now you’ve got these people with an obvious stated interest in using the charts to give the impression that their niche beliefs or views are popular.”

“Rich Men North of Richmond” sold 147,000 downloads in its first week, more than 10 times the sales of Mr. Combs’s “Fast Car,” the No. 2 song on the overall singles chart. Mr. Aldean’s “Try That in a Small Town” benefited from a similar surge last month, with just 822 downloads the week before its music video became a culture war battleground, according to Luminate. Following the backlash, the track sold 228,000 copies.

Mr. Anthony, who did not respond to requests for comment, has attempted to float above the political fray. “I sit pretty dead center down the aisle on politics and always have,” he said in an introductory video posted to YouTube earlier this month.

He described himself as “just some idiot and his guitar,” a high-school dropout who has struggled with depression and alcohol abuse. But he added that he had recently found religion and a passion for calling out the “atrocities” of human trafficking and child abuse, which he said were “becoming normalized.”

“Just like those once wandering in the desert, we have lost our way from God and have let false idols distract us and divide us,” he wrote on Facebook last week.

Social media and the increasing reach of low-barrier platforms like podcasts enabled both “Sound of Freedom” and “Rich Men North of Richmond” to communicate directly with their target audiences in a manner unthinkable just a short while ago, said Neal Harmon, the co-founder of the movie’s distributor, Angel Studios.

“Wrote a great song, and the audience loved it,” Mr. Harmon said of Mr. Anthony, adding, “The key moment is that people can stand up and do it themselves instead of answering to those who have traditionally been the ones to say what should succeed or what should fail.”

The writer and musician Winston Marshall, formerly of the chart-topping group Mumford & Sons, said Mr. Anthony and “Sound of Freedom” succeeded “without the creative industry’s institutional support.”

This underdog mentality among conservatives in creative fields has long been a talking point and consumer motivator in book publishing, where right-wing titles by the likes of Mark Levin and Dinesh D’Souza routinely ascend sales lists.

Such books exploit concentrated promotion on one television channel — Fox News — and the power of a specific yet deep appeal above sales across the ideological spectrum, according to Eric Nelson, the editorial director of the conservative imprint Broadside. (Broadside and Fox News are both owned by companies led by Rupert Murdoch.)

“The less something is in mainstream media, the better it will be for the best-seller list,” said Mr. Nelson.

Similarly — and like activist pop-music supporters across the ideological spectrum — many of those pushing “Rich Men North of Richmond,” “Try That in a Small Town” and “Sound of Freedom” have encouraged a self-awareness in which financial support for a cultural artifact is part of being a good fan. “Sound of Freedom” even encouraged fans to purchase tickets for other filmgoers.

“This whole thing came out of resentment for the music industry,” said Tom MacDonald, a Canadian rap provocateur who has made digital download campaigns for songs like “Fake Woke” and “American Flags” a key part of his appeal and relationship to listeners.

Achieving chart success with savvy grass roots support was the ultimate repudiation of mainstream gatekeepers, Mr. MacDonald said. “I feel like we’re standing in a room right now where we’re not supposed to be standing, so let’s go,” he added. “That’s turned into a culture of its own.”

(NY Times)

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Sonny Rollins

“I try to envision the eternity of the universe, I guess that’s bigger than thinking of coming back as a musician again, maybe next time around just playing a little better. I think it’s that this life made me think more about what it means to be a human being, a good person. I was taught the golden rule as a boy: do unto others what you would want them to do unto you.

“I didn’t always do that when I was young. In the jazz world back then, Charlie Parker was into drugs – and a lot of people that were following him started to use drugs because he did. That was the worst thing that Charlie Parker felt about himself; it was what destroyed him. He was so torn up by all the young guys that were following him into using drugs. I know that, because I experienced it from him.

“But I think, while a lot of us did stupid things, once you’re playing music, there’s something special you’ve been given by the gods above, or whatever it is.” Like Rollins on that bridge, his peers also were playing to the sky. “I’ve heard people saying: ‘No, he’s not a good human being,’ about some of the musicians I’ve known, but I never found that. Every one of them – Monk, Miles, Coltrane – was good to me, and I realised that they were all spiritual people and great human beings.”

* * *

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by Norman Solomon

At first, I admit, I was a bit flattered to learn that online entrepreneurs are selling study guides for my new book. I thought of CliffsNotes from long ago, helping fellow students who were short on time or interest to grasp the basics of notable works. Curiosity quickly won. I pulled out my credit card, paid $9.99 plus tax for one of the offerings, and awaited its arrival in the mail.

The thin booklet got off to a reasonable enough start, explaining with its first sentence, “The U.S. media coverage that makes it easier to sell wars to the public, as well as the often-hidden cost of civilian casualties from errant U.S. attacks, are all harshly criticized by journalist Solomon.” That wasn’t a bad sum-up of my book.

But the study guide’s second sentence was not nearly as good: “He guarantees that when Russia designated Ukrainian communities during the new attack, the U.S. media was everyone available and jumping into action with compassionate, piercing revealing.” Rereading that sentence a few times didn’t improve it, and I began to worry.

To the extent that meaning could be grasped, the next pages seemed to include some praise: My book “constructs a convincing case that an excessive number of mysteries are being kept from people in general.” What’s more, “the creator presents a sharp and provocative outline of the outcomes of the media’s horrifying disappointments in spreading the word.”

But the study guide also included mild criticism amid the odd wording: “Solomon might have offered a fairly more profound examination of why American newscasting neglects to satisfy its beliefs in covering war and the justifications for why political pioneers could feel a sense of urgency to deal with misdirection while tending to people in general.”

The computer-programmed assaults on the English language escalated. And so, the “war on terror” became the “battle on dread.” A key source of meticulous research that I cited in my book, the Costs of War project at Brown University, became “the Expenses of War project at Earthy Colored College.”

At one point, my book’s actual title -- “War Made Invisible” -- shifted to “War Caused Imperceptible.” But the laughable malapropisms provided by artificial intelligence became more serious matters when I saw several dozen words forming badly mangled phrases -- all attributed to me -- inside quotation marks. I could imagine bleary-eyed students cramming on the night before a test or a term-paper deadline, reading the ostensible quotes and thinking that the author of my book must be an idiot.

Likewise, any would-be scholars seeking to glean the gist of the book’s themes in exchange for their $9.99 purchase will surely come away mystified at best after reading sentences like: “It’s totally unsuitable for writers to toe the conflict line for a really long time, and afterward, at last report, essentially, it tends to be informed years past the point of no return.”

I’m not among the authors who claim to never read reviews of their books. In fact, I remember them. So, I could recognize the uber-clumsy efforts of artificial intelligence that sifted through nearly a dozen reviews of “War Made Invisible,” lifting bits and pieces while weirdly substituting supposed synonyms to steer clear of plagiarism lawsuits.

So, let’s hear it for digital “free enterprise.” Or maybe that’s “unshackled business.” Nice AI work if you can get it.

Which brings us to a vastly more substantive matter. Artificial so-called intelligence is hardly immune to a dynamic that computer experts long ago dubbed “GIGO” -- garbage in, garbage out. With AI, no matter how sophisticated it might seem, the consequences in war are apt to be horrific. Six decades after Martin Luther King Jr. warned of “guided missiles and misguided men,” the missiles are even more terrible, the people ordering launches are no less misguided, and the mentalities bent on war are eager to twist AI technology for their own lethal purposes.

A couple of weeks ago, the Department of Defense announced “the establishment of a generative artificial intelligence task force, an initiative that reflects the DoD’s commitment to harnessing the power of artificial intelligence in a responsible and strategic manner.”

If they were still alive, the 4.5 million people who have died as direct and indirect results of U.S. wars since 9/11 might doubt how “responsible” the Defense Department’s manner has been.

Let’s hope that the people running the Pentagon’s task force for artificial intelligence didn’t graduate from Earthy Colored College.

* * *


Accounts describe workers spending their final moments crawling along the roadside in the direction of their homes. Far from having their wants relieved, thousands of laborers had been effectively worked to death and the health of tens of thousands gravely affected. 

— ‘The Truth Behind The Irish Famine’: 72 paintings, 472 eyewitness quotes 

* * *

MADNESS: American Satirist C.J. Hopkins Sentenced in German Speech Case

by Matt Taibbi

Just when you may have thought things couldn’t get any crazier: American playwright and humorist C.J. Hopkins, profiled in this space on numerous occasions, has been sent a “punishment order” by a German judge, offering him a Sophie’s Choice of 60 days in jail or 3,600 euros. His crime? Essentially, insulting the German health minister in a tweet, and using a scarcely-visible image of a Swastika on a mask in a book critical of the global pandemic response, The Rise of the New Normal Reich. He was first accused of this “crime” in June, shortly after Roger Waters was placed under investigation for wearing his clearly satirical “Pink” costume in a stage performance in Berlin. As I wrote when C.J. was charged weeks later, authorities claim that through the use of the mask image, C.J. was “disseminating propaganda, the contents of which are intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization.”

The judge in C.J.’s case has already heard free-speech argumentation from his lawyer, and this technically being a non-jury misdemeanor offense, has already ruled against those arguments. C.J. will apparently have a chance to argue for mitigation, but the decree has already been handed down:

As noted previously, here are some images currently on sale in Germany that have not been made the subjects of hate speech prosecutions: No amount of drugs exist that if consumed would allow a rational person to conclude that the writing of C.J. Hopkins furthers “the aims of a former National Socialist Organization.” Agree with him or not, and I increasingly do, he used his imagery to compare the sweeping declarations of emergency power that were common around the world during the pandemic (and were particularly authoritarian in Germany) to Nazi tactics. He compared, for instance, the 2020 “Infection Protection Act” to the “Enabling Act of 1933,” which announced that to “remedy the distress of the people,” the “laws enacted by the government of the Reich may deviate from the constitution.”

C.J.’s real offense seems to be a response to a tweet by Die Welt, quoting German health minister Karl Lauterbach. Portrayed in full Sprockets-style smart-glasses glory, Lauterbach is shown saying, “The masks always send out a signal”:

C.J. retweeted the quote, adding the image from his book cover. That’s it, that’s the offense. No matter how you feel about that exchange, that is not “intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization.” That is using the negative connotations of Nazism to criticize a currently serving government official. I defy any American reporter to justify incarceration for this type of criticism of a still-serving politician. We’d have to build a separate Supermax just for people who used Hitler analogies during the Trump years, or published gleeful headlines like, “Lawsuit Reveals Trump Can’t Stand Being Compared to Hitler.”

The use of speech laws in this way recalls the way drug laws are applied in the U.S. We let stockbrokers blow as much coke as they want, out of the navels of exotic dancers if they like, but make possession a real crime in other contexts, effectively giving authorities a way to use an “offense” committed by many to selectively criminalize membership in certain groups, residency in certain neighborhoods, etc. As C.J. points out, the real problem is not so much with his case (although he’s certainly worried), but the now-open way in which such laws are being applied, from the prosecution of Julian Assange to the suppression of Covid speech and even the extra counts addressing “false statements” in tweets by Donald Trump.

We’ve already decided that Racket will help with C.J.’s fine if and when this matter is finally adjudicated, and we’ll keep you updated on the progress of the case, and on the progress of the many laws being considered to allow more prosecutions of this type in more parts of the world. Until then, some words from C.J., whom I reached this morning:

Matt Taibbi: What the fuck?

C.J. Hopkins: I’m relatively okay in that I just got the latest update from my lawyer yesterday, I guess.

Matt Taibbi: This is the same case? I’m not confusing this with something else?

C.J. Hopkins: You’re not. It’s the same case. It’s the weirdest thing. I’m just drafting a new thing about it. I think I wrote you, described the process a little bit, but yeah, this is just the next stage of the same case.

Matt Taibbi: So this essentially is about the use of the image on the cover, right?

C.J. Hopkins: It’s about the tweet… It’s the cover art from the book and it’s me going after the mask thing, like the one tweet I think, not exactly verbatim but pretty close, says the masks are nothing but ideological conformity symbols, and that’s all they’ve ever been. Stop pretending like they’re anything else or get used to wearing them. That’s one tweet. Then the other tweet was going after Karl Lauterbach, our health minister here. He tweeted his own tweet and his quote was, “The masks always send out a signal,” and so I just quoted it back to him and stuck the image from the book on the front as well. That’s it. It’s basically, I insulted the health minister of Germany and put a picture of a barely visible swastika online.

Matt Taibbi: You need an electron microscope to see it!

C.J. Hopkins: I’ve said it, I don’t know how many fucking times, it’s not illegal. Yes, if you’re a Nazi, it’s illegal to spread swastikas around in Germany. But if you’re doing art, if you’re commenting on history, if you’re selling a book, there are a whole slew of reasons for exceptions where people can and do use swastikas, which you put in your piece, you put examples of the book covers. My lawyer has made all these arguments to the prosecutor.

Matt Taibbi: And those arguments were rejected?

C.J. Hopkins: Not even addressed, really. It’s just we had a chance to respond first and then we asked them for the tweets. That’s when we got the tweets. Then my lawyer wrote an even longer and more detailed response citing the terms of law and explaining who I am and my whole history of published work that anybody could fucking look at and figure out who I am, and what my intentions are. And nothing. The next thing we got was called an Order of Punishment.

Matt Taibbi: Oh, my goodness.

C.J. Hopkins: We got it yesterday. Basically, the story is this judge has already decided what my punishment is, which is either 3,600 euros or 60 days in jail.

It’s so fucking Kafka-esque. So now the next step is that we go to “trial.” We go to trial where my lawyer will argue the exact same stuff that he’s already argued in written pleadings. He’ll argue that before the same judge that has already found me guilty and handed down this Order of Punishment.

Matt Taibbi: So this is sort of analogous to the process of being sentenced in the United States and asking for mitigation in sentencing?

C.J. Hopkins: I guess. I mean, I’m used to a trial where you go and you argue first and then they find you guilty. I guess the written argument was that was sufficient and so now I’m guilty. And yeah, I think that’s it. Because my lawyer is also talking about just getting the fine reduced.

Matt Taibbi: Is it going to affect your immigration status or your ability to live there?

C.J. Hopkins: I’m going to be a convicted fucking criminal, a hate criminal. I don’t think it can affect my ability to live here. I’ve got a permanent residence visa. Not that I want to stay. I spent the better part of yesterday standing on a bridge with my wife, talking about when and how I’m going to get the hell out of here. I don’t know, Matt, I don’t think that it can affect my residency status. I’ve got permanent residency. Who knows? Who knows at this point?

Matt Taibbi: Has there been any interest from media there or here?

C.J. Hopkins: Not major media… There’s a German journalist, Dirk Pohlmann, who was in the mainstream media here for many, many years. He runs his own independent thing now, and wrote up a piece on it. There’s another independent German journalist who writes for a mainstream Swiss paper. He lives in Switzerland. He wrote up something just on his Substack. It didn’t appear in his paper. I was grateful as hell for Europeans, because I didn’t expect a ton of stuff from the US. I thought that I might get some action here in Germany and it’s killing me. This country is fucking breaking my heart.

Matt Taibbi: Absent some kind of mitigation, you’re going to have to make a decision about paying or serving. Are you thinking about doing the time?

C.J. Hopkins: No. I thought about it originally and I thought, okay, I’ll make a statement. I’m going to be 62 years old in a couple of days. Life is too short to spend two months in an extremely overcrowded jail in Berlin.

Let me say one more thing before you go. My case is my case, but really the story here is this is happening all over. This is just this naked crushing of dissent and opposition. Look at what they’re doing to Trump in the States. Look at what they’re doing to Assange, to people much bigger than me. I think that’s the real story here, just this naked crushing of dissent and opposition.

Matt Taibbi: We’ll obviously want to keep tabs on your situation. Good luck and sorry you’re going through this. Hang in there.

C.J. Hopkins: Thanks. 

* * *


  1. Stephen Dunlap August 23, 2023

    Team Insurance in Ukiah 462-5901 or Ft. Bragg 961-1250 writes homeowner fire insurance daily.

    • Kirk Vodopals August 23, 2023

      Yes, that’s who we use. Good luck, Matt!

  2. Chuck Artigues August 23, 2023

    I attended the ‘Change Our Name’ debate last night. It was a standing room only crowd. Everyone was attentive and polite. Professor Zwerling dominated the evening if you count how many words were spoken. He fired volley after volley, quoting books and newspapers at every opportunity. Bruce Anderson mainly rolled his eyes and sighed.

    Bottom line is, there was no ‘ah ha’ moment. No new ground was covered. No new facts unearthed. I don’t think anyone came away with anything they were not aware of before. No minds were changed.

    One thing that dismayed me was that the ‘change’ people don’t want to let me vote. See I have Fort Bragg on my mailing address, but don’t live in the city limits. To my mind, if they want to change the name of the post office, then anyone with a Fort Bragg mailing address should get to vote. Democracy has never been furthered by limiting the size of the electorate.

    Now I have a few friends on the ‘change’ side, and I will say now what I will say to them.
    Stop telling people what needs to happen. Instead, like any good community organizer, go out on the street and talk to the people. Go door to door, set up a table in front of the post office or a grocery store. Ask everyone you talk to, “what do you think is important to improve life here in this little quirky town that we all love”. I think you will here a list of issues, but not one of them will be that we need to change the name.

    • George Dorner August 23, 2023

      I have been following the name change effort with amazement. Why Fort Bragg? Why not Kelseyville?

      While Fort Bragg was founded to protect native Americans, Kelseyville was founded on slavery, starvation, rape, casual brutality, and murder. Andrew and Benjamin Kelsey, with their fellow slaver Charles Stone, treated the local Indians as the Nazis horribly treated concentration camp victims. (See for details.)

      Kelseyville might as well be named Hitlerville.

      • Stephen Rosenthal August 23, 2023

        “ Why Fort Bragg? Why not Kelseyville?”

        George, as always you make a salient observation. I’m sure you know this, but it bears repeating. Maybe because some recently arrived interlopers have taken it upon themselves to assert their beliefs regardless of the effects on and wishes of lifelong and long-term residents and businesses. That’s why they’re utterly opposed to putting it to a vote.

      • Mikael Blaisdell August 23, 2023

        And your proof for that amazing statement that “Fort Bragg was founded to protect native Americans” is? Supporting documentation? Logic? Bruce Anderson made the same claim last night at the debate, but he didn’t provide any scrap of support either.

        • Bruce Anderson August 23, 2023

          Bob Winn’s ‘The Mendocino Indian Reservation’

          • Mikael Blaisdell August 23, 2023

            I have Bob Winn’s book, and I can’t find anywhere that it supports the argument that the purpose of the troops was to protect the Indians. He references a couple of other articles of the times that make this claim, but neither he nor they provide any support for the assertions. Instead, on Page 21 of Mr. Winn’s book, i find: “But by 1861, according to the Superintendents Report, the troops had become ‘worse than useless’, and by 1863, the same source was describing them as a great curse to the Indian service, for in spite of the vigilant efforts of their own officers … soldiers will clandestinely mix and cohabit with the squaws, thereby spreading disease and death broadcast among them.” Mr. Winn sources this quote as #52, Hanson to Dole, Sept 7, 1863 Annual Report, 1863, p 89.

            Elsewhere, there are references to the troops being dispatched on punitive expeditions to the north and east, where they attacked villages in reprisal that had not been shown to have had any involvement with any warfare. Lt. Gibson, in a letter to his commanding officer, makes a request for howitzers to be provided to his troops to use on the Indians should they prove to be a problem. This hardly sounds like “protectors.”

            • Bruce Anderson August 23, 2023

              We must have read different monographs. Troops were obviously dispatched north to protect Indians from disease-bearing criminals who were preying on Indian women and children. “….should they prove to be a problem.” You and your mentor seem to have big probs with literal interpretations.

              • Mikael Blaisdell August 23, 2023

                “We must have read different monographs. Troops were obviously dispatched north to protect Indians from disease-bearing criminals who were preying on Indian women and children. “….should they prove to be a problem.” You and your mentor seem to have big probs with literal interpretations.”

                You didn’t read Winn’s book at all, or my quote. It wasn’t the troops being sent north to protect against disease ridden criminals, the report was about the TROOPS themselves preying upon the Indians on the Mendocino Indian Reservation. Anybody who gets a copy of Winn’s book for $25 from the Kelley House Museum or from the Guest House museum and goes to the page I specified can read the truth themselves. How stupid do you think your readers are that they would swallow your complete distortion at sight?

                Your performance at that “debate” last night was a complete joke. You mouthed opinions right and left, and substantiated none of them with any factual references, as anyone who takes the time to listen to the recording can readily hear. You didn’t know that Booneville itself had been renamed, or that it was not named for Daniel Boone. You clearly had not prepared for the debate, thinking that because you said something, that everyone would immediately bow down and agree. Sorry, no sale.

                • Bruce Anderson August 24, 2023

                  No ‘e’ in Boonville.

                  • Marmon August 24, 2023

                    I have a nephew who lives in Booneville, Arkansas, with an e.


      • Betsy Cawn August 24, 2023

        The effort to change the name of Kelseyville has been going on for more than two decades, most recently with a growing number of adherents who came together in 2020 to form the activist organization called “Citizens for Healing,” supported by local Tribes and many kind citizens who assembled the extensive history of brutality inflicted by the Kelsey brothers from 1821 through 1861. Definitive historical studies and published records of their ignominy are easily found on the sections of their website:

  3. Mazie Malone August 23, 2023

    Re: Saved….
    Prime example of Serious Mental Illness

    Do you think the PHF unit is going to bring down crime due to Serious Mental Illness?

    Might as well turn jail into PHF…,oh wait it already is

    I was thinking about the guy that lives at Willow Terrace who keeps getting arrested for drugs.

    Jake Luis kooy… however the hell you spell it, blonde disheveled young dude… what the hell is going on at Willow Terrace?


    • Marmon August 23, 2023

      I from the beginning believed that the last thing Mendocino County needed was a PHF. Unless the laws change, the patients will be out in 3 days, 14 days at the most. What the county needs is better case management, housing, and aftercare. Laura’s law was never given a chance. I was a big proponent of that law. When I worked for Lake County Mental Health back at the turn of the century we case managed the hell out of our Serious Mentally Ill. Day Treatment was mandatory. For those who couldn’t use public transportation we sent a van all around the Lake and picked folks up at the homes and transported them to our Day Treatment facility in Kelseyville. By having daily contact with our clients we could monitor their behavior and identify if they were decompensating. By doing so we could avoid repeat hospitalizations.

      I would like to see what RCS calls case management, or if they even do it at all.


      • Harvey Reading August 23, 2023

        Thus speaks the failed social worker…

        • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023

          Harvey he is not wrong, maybe your opinion is unnecessary! Add some value to the convo or there is no point in your criticism.

          • Harvey Reading August 23, 2023

            You people live in a dream world.

            • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023

              No ..

              • Stephen Rosenthal August 23, 2023

                Why is Harvey’s opinion unnecessary and not yours? This is an open forum and it depends on one’s perspective, not one’s prejudices.

                • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023

                  I am sure that many will find mine unnecessary I am perfectly fine with that.
                  If an opinion is a Criticism of someone’s character, is it necessary?
                  I personally would not character bash a person contributing their knowledge and experience.
                  And per Harveys criticism and opinion why not just disagree? Or state what he believes is an appropriate solution.

                  I said maybe it was unnecessary which gave him a chance to speak on his statement.


        • Marmon August 23, 2023

          I’m only a failed Social Worker because I questioned what RCS and the County were doing or not doing. That trumped up restraining order put an end to my career. The County was trafficking children through RCS. That was a result of there not being adequate mental health and substance abuse treatment. Parents almost never stood a chance.


          • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023

            That does not sound like failure to me, it is necessary to ask important questions. Sorry I know what that’s like they find a way to get rid of you if you have a brain and speak up, it has happened to me more than once. Until more people speak up nothing will change, my experience is that most people prefer to not rock the boat and stay in their safety zone, and watch their life be slowly sucked away in comfort.


          • Harvey Reading August 23, 2023

            I’d like to hear what the other side has to say, especially since you lost (or were bought off with a settlement (around $50k if I recall correctly)) to save the county on legal expenses. I’ve been exposed to your tale of woe and self-righteousness for years and am glad that I never needed professional help or guvamint assistance in Mendoland while you were still a county employee.

            • Bruce McEwen August 23, 2023

              The other side said James Marmon was as disruptive and contrary as he remains to this day. But at the County there was no kindly old editor to delete his more profane and racist growls and snarls at co-workers; the foul mouthed little prick nowadays derides his former employers and colleagues as co-wokers, hinting at codependency… the clever special ed student was given the county job by the very advances in addressing mental health he openly deplores and jeers at on this page, happy to live off his poor auld mither and jeer and snarl at his professed calling… just like his idol tRump, a loser and proud of it. Bless you, James, it’s a good thing you found Jesus… sure we’re all Ruben Thomason’s bairns, but even Auld Nick, the red devil, would tire of your schtick pretty quick.

              • peter boudoures August 23, 2023

                You’re soft

                • Bruce McEwen August 23, 2023

                  Me mither called me that: but she would say it in italics so there was no mistake she meant soft in the head. And dear old dad said, “Aye God, boy had we’d a-known you was gonna be a Democrat, why we’d a jist knocked you in the head right outta the chute and give the milk to the pigs.”

                  • peter boudoures August 23, 2023

                    That explains it. Sounds like a rough upbringing, Hope you forgive them.

      • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023

        Well maybe we can start something new, that sounds like great intervention and prevention. Case management here bites. The person has the right to say no to any sort of service including case management, which is a total disservice to the person and their family. I always felt they should be knocking on our door once a week building that rapport and connection. A nice safety measure for all involved. As a recap my son at beginning of Covid became ill, very ill. I knew nothing of the shitty system and amazingly enough Right before that I was hired by manzanita as a case manager for homeless and mentally ill, I was fired but thats another story, lol. So I got a crash course in the workings of the system with my sons decline into psychosis due to cannabis addiction and bipolar! What a fucking nightmare! Every single step of the way to advocate and help him the door was slammed in my face! But worse was the fact that not one entity stepped up to intervene. Well begrudgingly law enforcement but my experiences were not all bad with them, it was the only help offered on occasion. In 18 months he almost died 3 x, was hospitalized to psych 8 times and arrested 3 x! I would call crisis line for help they would tell me to call police who would then tell me to call crisis line and back and forth it went. No help or intervention. One time on mothers day I called the Crisis line during his 3rd episode they did not pick up the phone at 12:30 am. I had already called LE multiple x. One time in May when it was very hot he walked all the way to Cloverdale, 35 miles on the 101, I had a BOLO put out for him with UPD that morning when he left. I had went all over town looking for him, could not find him later that evening got a call he was seen at exit in Cloverdale. Mind you I had been in contact with crisis to intervene prior to this, but they were at the time not contracted to come assess in the community. And to my knowledge still are not, but now we have the mobile crisis unit. Anyways i had to call Cloverdale PD to help him, what ended up happening was I told dispatch he was not well had a BOLO and needed to be taken to the hospital not jail, the highway patrol dropped him off and left him at the Chevron at the South end of Cloverdale. There were multiple calls about him from motorists obviously concerned, he was seen riding his skateboard down the middle of bridge in Hopland. It is amazing he was not destroyed by a semi! Even after all that it took an entire week of deterioration and police and crisis calls to get him help, no one had the balls to 5150 him when he desperately needed it, until an entire week later a savvy CHP officer saw him in the street no shoes doing karate kicks, that officer is a hero to me, he saw the problem didn’t hesitate and helped my son. And my son is doing amazingly well after all that, takes meds and relinquished his cannabis addiction. Truly its incredible the difference, but he has safety and support from me, not everyone does, because these illness’s are so hard and destructive families give up! They can not aid or support someone in throes of these problems and kick them out to the street, that is a big reason for homelessness.
        I am grateful
        But the system is the destructive force…


        • Marmon August 23, 2023

          Keep fighting the good fight Mazie.


          • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023

            My plan, thank you, as they say kick ass and take names…lol

    • Marmon August 23, 2023

      When I worked for Placer County Mental Health we did the same thing. Day Treatment Works!


      • Chuck Dunbar August 23, 2023

        James, I wish you could go back to this work. It’s clear you did with a whole heart, it was a passion for you. Intensive case management is where it’s at, really knowing and overseeing folks, meeting their needs.

      • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023

        Yes….!!! So why is AOT or Lauras Law seemingly not being utilized appropriately in Mendo?

        • Marmon August 23, 2023

          Because it requires real case management that includes day treatment. The County and the Schraeders have been resistant to those requirements.


          • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023

            Yes makes sense and so horribly wrong..

        • Marmon August 23, 2023

          Assisted Outpatient Treatment (Laura’s Law)

          When a person is dealing with a serious mental health challenge, they may neglect to seek help. They may even struggle to acknowledge they need help to get well. AOT is an intensive case management service to help people overcome these barriers.

          AOT begins with staff conducting intense outreach to clients. They encourage them to start and stick with treatment. When this outreach and engagement fails, then the County has the option to file for a court order. This would require the client to participate in ongoing outpatient treatment. There is a strict set of criteria that must be met for this to happen. Such services and programs are often referred to as Laura’s Law. However, when AOT outreach and engagement is conducted as required, most people participate in treatment voluntarily.


          • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023

            Yes I know that it has strict criteria, which is I am sure part of the problem. too strict, for people with Anosognosia and comprehension and memory issues. And not likely outreach is very good .

      • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023


  4. Craig Stehr August 23, 2023

    Warmest spiritual greetings,
    Awoke early because the water is being turned off at Building Bridges Homeless Resource Center in sunny Ukiah, California. Had to brush the teeth and shave! Gotta get dressed and get outside for “litter patrol” around the building, and then it’s off to Plowshares Peace & Justice dining room, picking up the litter along the fence near the airport. This is to ensure that when The City of Ukiah and associated entities have their budgetary meetings, that Redwood Community Services Organization/Building Bridges receives a needed increase. Let us all remember that those with a long term bed at the shelter are NOT associated with the criminal element which congregates outside near Observatory Way and Talmage Road, and that it is therefore desirable to increase the amount of money that homeless services receives here in Wine Country. Donations of food and some clothing may be brought to 1045 South State Street in Ukiah, and the telephone number is [not authorized by number owner]. Thank you very much for your continued solidarity. Have a great day, every day.

    • Craig Stehr August 23, 2023

      The phone system at Building Bridges is sketchy. If anybody who has a long term bed there needs to call in and reach a staff person, the number which is used is (707) 234-3270. It sometimes does not work if calling in from a business, such as the Ukiah Brewing Company for example, but does work if calling in on a borrowed cell phone from outside. This information is guaranteed accurate, having been field tested.

  5. George Hollister August 23, 2023


    Removing the Shame & Stigma of Substance Use Disorder (SUD):Monday, August 21, 2023, 2:00pm – 4:00pm”

    I have never known a substance abuser who gave a twit about being stigmatized or felt any shame as a result of their behavior. And if the substance abuser did feel stigmatized, and ashamed, wouldn’t that be a good thing?

    • Eric Sunswheat August 23, 2023

      Getting off of donuts and pastry is part of growing up, beating inflationary substance abuse, and embracing emotional love.

    • Chuck Dunbar August 23, 2023

      No George, it wouldn’t be a good thing. You live in a small world if you haven’t spoken with substance abusers who felt shame–tremendous shame–about their plight. I am thinking of many, many CPS clients from my past–parents who’d gotten addicted and were ashamed of what they’d done, their addiction itself and the consequences, especially their failure to do well by their children, on and on. Some of them were able to get clean and sober, some not. I remember one recovered mother speaking to a group of us, directly talking of what her children had suffered because of her failures–actually the memories of many others flood me as I write this.

      Is it good to feel shamed and stigmatized? Bluntly, the answer is no. Blame and shame do no good for anyone–that’s the old-school BS, often based on the cruel views of too many religions, that we used to employ endlessly in this world. One example in another context–the Irish Catholic laundries where poor, unwed pregnant mothers were sent to shame them–a damned horror show of ignorance, stupidity, cruelty. What helps is treatment, support, care, accountability, not giving up on addicted folks, guiding them as best we can toward recovery and health.

      • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023


      • Betsy Cawn August 24, 2023

        “UNSHAME CALIFORNIA ( is a statewide campaign to reduce substance use disorder (SUD) stigma by telling the stories of people impacted by SUD. By sharing their stories, we learn that SUD can affect anyone: our family, our neighbors, our coworkers, our friends, and ourselves. UNSHAME CALIFORNIA invites you to treat people without judgement, because no one should face challenges alone.”

  6. Rye N Flint August 23, 2023

    RE: Where did we go wrong? Was it the 30s?

    No mention of the Great depression, the monopolies, the robber barons of Capitalism…. We have 8 Billion people and counting on this planet, and have built out roads to Timbucktooth’s Place, and people are still wondering where we went wrong? No, they aren’t wondering anything, their fake proverbial questions are just a bible style build up to the answer they already have. “The gold standard”.

    While I will agree that the 16th and 13th Amendments are BS. And taxing our labor to pay a private company to keep us in debt to print our money for us, is a horrible idea, and the privatized business plan of Capitalism. Thinking that bringing back a gold standard is the Fix, is naive and ignores the root of the problem. We have built this population on fossil fuel use, and our politicians have grown fat on corporate bribery. What are you going to do to fix that? Maybe there isn’t a solution. Maybe the old native saying is correct, (let me paraphrase) “that until everything is poisoned and destroyed will won’t see that you can’t eat money.”

  7. Rye N Flint August 23, 2023

    RE: The sound of Freedumb…

    Wow, there are so many articles about the dumbing down of America, now pronounced “Murica”. Christo-Fascists that have devolved into belief robots, ready to follow President Biff in back to the Future 2. Or was that Idiocracy? Well, they both have similar time travel to the dystopian future plots. Grab some popcorn and watch Murica blow itself up for the Millionteenth time. Maybe this time Ahrnold Quartermaster will save us from the deadly Gen Z Ai robot NAZI overlords originating from the deathloop Bay Area! Sounds as believable as anything else I read now a daze.

  8. Marmon August 23, 2023

    I don’t know if the Ford Project is the place to send Measure B dollars to. They prefer not to treat Dual Diagnosis clients in their facility. With that said, the County needs to invest in a detox facility and provide aftercare that includes clean and sober housing. Those services along with proper mental health case management should have been the direction the Committee should have taken. Tom Allman’s dream of bringing back a PHF so he could drop off dangerous arrestees there instead of housing them at the jail was the reason the old PHF was closed down in the first place, patients and staff were being injured. Like I’ve always said, “a PHF Unit is and was the last thing the County needed”. By the way, when are we going to get an update on the new mental health wing supposedly being built at the jail?


  9. Chuck Dunbar August 23, 2023


    Norman Solomon’s real-life example of the non-human stupidity of AI is a graphic lesson for us. A tech system not properly vetted, not producing work of value or integrity, and then the results not checked by humans– just to be sure AI got it right! So many potential disasters, from small to really large, are waiting in the wings as this monstrosity gets pushed on us by nerdy whiz-kids trying to make a fortune, but not informed by any sense of caution or wisdom. God help us.

  10. Harvey Reading August 23, 2023

    Gods are nothing more than figments, and creations, of the human imagination, and often, are given the human form.

  11. michael turner August 23, 2023

    Not great, below average in fact, but not as bad as the Editor’s hyperbolic claim. You can visit any nursing home and hear what people “deep in senescence” speak like.
    AUGUST 21, 2023
    Remarks by President Biden Paying Respects to the Lives Lost in Maui and Reaffirming His Commitment to Supporting Residents
    Lahaina Banyan Tree Park
    Lahaina, Hawaii

    12:47 P.M. HST

    THE PRESIDENT: Well, hello, people of Maui. You’ve shown such absolute, incredible courage, and that’s not hyperbole. I want you to know, on behalf of the United States of America and all the nation, the American people stand with you.

    Governor Josh Green, you’ve been incredible. From the day we’ve spoken on this, you’ve been way ahead of the curve. Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke; Brian Schantz [Schatz], our senator; Senator Mazie Hir- — by the way, Mazie, I told my granddaughter, whose name is Maisy as well — she said, “That’s why I like her.” (Laughter.) Anyway. But her name is Maisy as well.

    And — and Jill To- — Tokuda, Representative Ed Chase, and Mayor Rick Bassen [Bissen]. Rick, when we talked on the phone, I never — you look like you played in defensive tackle for — I don’t know who, but somebody good. But, anyway, I want to thank you for your leadership in this unimaginable — during this unimaginable travedy — tragedy.

    To my left is the banyan tree beloved by this community for over 150 years here in the former capital of the Kingdom of Hawaii, that has stood for generations as a sacred spot of exceptional significance.

    One of the people who took me under his wing when I first got to the Senate was Danny Inouye. He used to talk about — used to talk about the Kingdom of Hawaii. He was J- — came from Japan, but it was amazing to listen to him.

    Today, it’s burned, but it’s still standing. The tree survived for a reason. I believe it’s a powerful — a very powerful symbol of what we can and will do to get through this crisis. And for this — for as long as it takes, we’re going to be with you — the whole country will be with you.

    You know, we will be respectful of these sacred grounds and the traditions that rebuild the way the people of Maui want to build, not the way others want to build. We’re going to rebuild the way the people of Maui want to build.

    But, you know, it’s going to be hard. America’s deadly wildfire — deadliest wildfire in over a century.

    And Jill and I have what’s left of — walked Front Street, what’s left of it. We’ve surveyed the damage from the air as well. The devastation is overwhelming.

    To date, 114 dead. Hundreds of people are unaccounted for.

    I remember when I got the call — my first wife and daughter — I was a young senator, and I got a call in Washington. I hadn’t been sworn in yet. I wasn’t old enough. And I was hiring staff in the Capitol in Teddy Kennedy’s office. And I got a phone call saying — from my fire department, and a young first responder kind of panicked and said, “You’ve got to come home. There’s been an accident.”

    I said, “What happened?”

    He said, “Your wife, she — she’s dead. Come home. Come home.”

    A tractor-trailer had broadsided her and killed her in a car accident along with my little daughter. And — and I remember all the way down from Washington home wondering what a lot of people here are wondering: What about my two boys? How are they? They were in the car. I never got a read on that. Were they going to be all right or badly injured? Were they going to make it? Had they made it? It wasn’t until I walked into the emergency room, and I saw that they were there.

    The difference between knowing somebody is gone and worrying whether they’re available to come back are two different things.

    You know, and I — I remember one of the people who helped me the most was Danny Inouye. He helped bring me back. So I know the feeling that — as many of the people in this town, this community, that hollow feeling you have in your chest like you’re being sucked into a black hole, wondering, “Will I ever — will I ever get by this?”

    You know, it’s one thing to know, but it’s quite another thing to have to wait, to wonder whether your family members are going to be okay.

    Imagine being a parent wondering where your child is — where he is. I remember, as I said. You know, press reports of grandfathers crying for lost neighbors while trying to be strong for the ones who survived. Of a woman distributing clothing to survivors who says she didn’t lose her home, but she lost her hometown.

    But I also want all of you to know the country grieves with you, stands with you, and we’ll do everything possible to help you recover, rebuild, and respect culture and traditions when the rebuilding takes place.

    My administration has been in constant contact with the governor and congressional delegation and local leaders. As soon as I got the governor — governor’s request, I signed the master — the major disaster declaration that mobilized the whole-of-government response, which means whatever you need, you’re going to get.

    For example, the Coast Guard and Navy immediately supported maritime search and rescue operations, while the Army helped fire suppression.

    Here’s what — here’s what we’ve been doing since. First, we focused on search and rescue, which is still going on. Right now, there are over 450 search and rescue experts working around the clock.

    Second, I’ve identified FEMA’s Administrator Griswell [Criswell] to lean forward, as she always has done, to help survivors get immediate aid. FEMA has quickly provided 5 — 55,000 meals, 75,000 liters of water, 5,000 beds, 10,000 blankets. We’re working to help remove the debris, repair roads, and restore power.

    Additionally, my Department of Homeland — of Housing and Urban Development is working with the state to make sure survivors can move from emergency shelters into temporary housing to finally have a permanent place to call home as well.

    The Small Business Administration is making low-interest federal disaster loans available to Hawaiian businesses — many of them you see here — burned to the ground; homeowners and renters; and nonprofits.

    If you need help, you can visit FEMA’s disaster recovery center at Maui College or go to —

    Today, I’m appointing Bob Fenton, who’s here — where are you, Bob?

    MR. FENTON: I’m right here, sir.

    THE PRESIDENT: There he is. I’m appointing Bob Fenton as our Chief Federal Response Coordinator for Maui to lead our long-term recovery work. He’s one of the nation’s most experienced disaster response and recovery experts in America, and I’m dict- — I’m directing him to make sure the community has everything — everything the federal government can offer to heal and to rebuild as fast as possible.

    And we’re focused on what’s next. That’s rebuilding a long — long-term — rebuilding for long-term and doing it together to help get us back on our feet, to rebuild the way we want to rebuild by making sure your voices are heard, by respecting your traditions, by understanding the deep history and meaning of this sacred ground and establishing your community, not to change it — its character, but to reestablish it.

    We’re also going to bring the capabilities to help you rebuild so your critical infrastructure is more resilient in the future. All this matters.

    Let me close with this. From stories of grief, we’ve seen so many stories of hope and heroism, of the aloha spirit. Every emergency responder put their lives on the line for — to save others.

    Everyday heroes, neighbors helping neighbors, Native Hawaiian leaders offering solace and strength.

    And this banyan tree. One called it the diamond in the rough of hope. Another referred to — “Fire cannot reach its roots” is what he said. “Fire cannot reach its roots.”

    That’s Maui. That’s America. And to the people of Hawaii, we’re with you for as long as it takes, I promise you.

    May God bless all those we’ve lost. May God find those who we haven’t determined yet. And may God bless you all. And may God protect our troops.

    Now I’m going to — happy to turn this over to the governor, Governor Green.

    • Stephen Rosenthal August 23, 2023

      Yes. And unlike his predecessor, he didn’t throw rolls of paper towels to the crowd.

      • Chuck Dunbar August 23, 2023

        Thanks, Michael, for the actual content–the facts–of this speech. Biden does way too many asides, trying to add a personal touch, in my mind. Lots of pols are poor at on- the- scene speeches, not an easy task to perform with grace and concision. John Kennedy and Obama were good at it, surely not the two Bushes, and not Trump, the easiest to note briefly.

    • Harvey Reading August 23, 2023

      And to think there are actually people who will vote for that brain-dead wasted-away idiot in ’24 (should he live that long). He never was much to begin with but liked to serve bankers who gave him money…such is the road to success. The politics of this country have sunk to an incredibly low level…even for us.

  12. Marmon August 23, 2023

    Governor Newsom’s Mental Health Services Act Reform Passes Key Committee
    Published: Aug 22, 2023


    Momentum builds for Governor Newsom’s proposed legislative package transforming and modernizing the state’s mental health care system to help more Californians get the support and care they need.

    SACRAMENTO – Today, the Assembly Health Committee voted overwhelmingly to pass Governor Newsom’s legislation modernizing the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), Senate Bill 326 authored by Senator Susan Eggman (D-Stockton).

    “Californians know the urgency needed to address the crises our state and our country are facing, from opioids to mental health to homelessness. The status quo is simply unacceptable,” said Governor Newsom. “This reform will ensure our state has a true mental health care system that has real accountability so people can get help.”

    The Assembly Health Committee voted 11 – 0 to pass the bill, moving the bill to the next step in the legislative process. This marks the first vote on SB 326, one of the bills in Governor Newsom’s two-bill legislative package to transform California’s mental health and substance use disorder services system to ensure the needs of Californians are met for years to come.


    • Mazie Malone August 23, 2023

      Yeah a good band aid…it will be like mental health court and AOT not very effective…. Sounds good though…🙏😂


      • Marmon August 23, 2023

        Maybe I’m clutching at straws.


  13. Stephen Rosenthal August 23, 2023

    Did anyone film the Great Name Change Debate? Any chance of posting it on YouTube?

    • Bruce Anderson August 23, 2023

      It was filmed and we’ll post it here when it’s available.

      • Marmon August 23, 2023

        Must see TV Mr. Anderson


    • Mikael Blaisdell August 23, 2023

      The audio of the debate is already up on the Change Our Name Fort Bragg Facebook page. It will be added to the website shortly. Am working on the video, which will be uploaded to both places when available.

  14. Chuck Artigues August 23, 2023

    Yes someone filmed the debate. I am not sure but I believe that person was associated with the change people. Perhaps check their website

  15. Marco McClean August 23, 2023

    Re: Rich Men North of Richmond. A few weeks ago The Onion’s front page described a similar phenomenon. “Man Who Said N-Word Standing Near Guitar Reaches Top Of Country Billboard Charts.”

    And re: Norman Solomon on A.I.: I’ve really been enjoying ChatGPT, and you can too. An example: I prompted it with, “A play with Bob Dylan (talking in rhyme), Dorothy Parker (depressed but angry-funny), and Louis C.K. (swearing like a sailor). They start out just getting to know each other, but progress to a deep discussion of race and gender issues, the threat of nuclear war, and esoteric astrophysics concepts. Employ Chekov’s toothbrush, breaking the fourth wall, and a shocking double-twist that sets up a sequel.”

    • Chuck Dunbar August 23, 2023

      Just what we need, more “entertainment,” this time by our creative genius, AI, twisting and turning all it “knows” into forms we can sink into and go “Wow.” I guess this “talent” is harmless, but we shall see what else it is made to do, what else it comes up with in more serious realms of our lives…

      • Bruce McEwen August 23, 2023

        Google is hosting a humongous extravaganza next week at the convention center and my neighbor will be attending… they even kicked him down a suite at the Fairmont for three nights: A1…. IT’s the next big thing but nobody knows what to expect.

    • Steve Heilig August 24, 2023

      Thanks. He looks, and sounds, even more insane than feared.
      No wonder he’s fully funded by the Trump cabal.

  16. Tim McClure August 24, 2023

    Tom Madden, A tale of two economy’s, makes some good points in analyzing where we have gone wrong. I’m not sure I believe that 3/4 of the population is employed by the government but it seems to me that it would take a ratio of four to one to remedy the damage done by the corporate thieves who have ransacked Mendocino County for the last hundred years. Here in Fort Bragg the toxic legacy of the cut and run crowd persists to this day and now that GP did a handoff to the railroad people it is unlikely it will ever be cleaned up. But by all means let’s make changing the name of the town a top priority, that will certainly rectify a hundred and fifty years of poor management of the conquered lands.
    As for the system being rigged by the rich that’s a given. And yes even though you have worked your whole life to obtain a home and a piece of land to call your own you really are just a renter, that’s the sad reality. I accept this reality as part of the fabric of a very complex modern world but if we can’t rely on government to be a bulwark against the predations of a capitalist system, who will intercede on behalf of the little guy or the vulnerable?

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