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Posts published in “News”

Aaron Peskin For SF Mayor

On June 14th, a day before Flag Day, Aaron Peskin celebrated his 60th birthday and rallied hundreds of supporters and dozens of dear friends along with a handful of family members, including his wife, Nancy Shanahan…

Summer Stretches Before Us

Despite the shocking and dispiriting last-minute cancellation of the Sierra Nevada Music Festival, this summer holds great warm weather promise. There are many entertainment possibilities and the food scene in Anderson Valley is once again…

The Mis-Applied Wisdom Of Hieronymous Bosch

At Tuesday’s Board meeting, Supervisor Glenn McGourty invoked Detective Hieronymous ‘Harry’ Bosch’s slogan, “Everybody counts or nobody counts” during the budget discussion. McGourty didn’t mention that in one of his early Bosch novels author Michael…

ED Denson: Protester And Peacemaker; A Commemoration

It’s been over two months since Ed Denson left us and, well, we can’t say we didn’t see it coming, as he had supplied us with the play-by-play of his health issues on Facebook, as…

Does California Wine Use Too Much Water?

Making wine requires water. But how much? Water is a precious resource in drought-prone California, and its use in agriculture is rightfully a contentious topic. Recently, I’ve heard from readers — and from listeners who…

Fresh Off the Boat

California fisheries are considered a “Legacy Industry” that sustains local families while helping to attract tourists. Shockingly, the California commercial fleet that included 5,000 boats in 1980 diminished to only 464 vessels by 2022, and…

Cubbison Prelim Set For July 25th

After weeks of delay and the release of hundreds of pages of internal documents, the long-delayed criminal case against suspended Mendocino County Auditor Chamise Cubbison is now scheduled to begin on July 25. If the…

Potter Valley Project Update

In the form of a grant described as coming from a “brand-new” source of infrastructure funding, the group hoping to continue diversions from the Eel River to the Russian River in Mendocino County has received…

The Unforgettable Tony Craver

Tony Craver, 85, passed away on June 1 in Caldwell, Idaho. Tony was a big man with big ideas and a big voice to match. By far, the biggest of his big characteristics was his…
