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Posts published in “News”

Christmas Singalong

[Dec 15] This Saturday, our 23rd annual Christmas Singalong with Lynn Archambault at 8:30 (dinner ends a bit early). Song books and hot mulled wine provided. Come caroling where you can stay warm! Come early…

Off the Record (Nov. 14, 2018)

THE PRECIOUS little college town of Arcata has just voted to pull down the statue of President McKinley, which has rested on one end of the town's plaza almost since McKinley's assassination at the turn of the century.

Muddling the Numbers

Mendo’s budgeters have produced their first quarter budget review for Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting. The numbers don't add up. Readers may recall our preliminary attempt last week to calculate the size of the looming…

Where Permit Applications Go to Die

Amy Wynn is a professional planner from the Mendocino Coast whose business is called “Wynn Coastal Planning & Biology.” Ms. Wynn has already established a well-deserved reputation for helping Coast businesses and property owners navigate…

Humane Society Benefit

[Dec 13] Inaugural Dine-Out for the Mendocino Coast Humane Society at the Mendocino Hotel, Thursday, December 13th 6pm thru 9pm. 15% of sales will be donated (helping our furry four-legged friends). Stop by or call…

Inland Democrats

[Dec 13] Next meeting of the Inland Mendocino Democratic Club on December 13th at 5:30. Let’s all join together to make our county an oasis of Justice and Peace. Together, in coalition, we can take…

Ukiah Firesafe Meeting

[Dec 13] The County of Mendocino and the City of Ukiah have been actively engaging with CAL FIRE, the Ukiah Valley Fire Authority, and other stakeholder groups, to review and develop fire prevention and mitigation…

Climate Presentation

[Dec 13] Doug Nunn will present his Climate Reality Slide Show, which graphically illustrates why and how our environment is heating up and what we can do about it, at the Albion School on Thursday,…
