THE BOONVILLE FAIRGROUNDS is ablaze in zinnias and bustle as the annual County Fair gets ready to kick off Friday and will run on through Sunday, featuring lots of interesting events that include a soccer…
Anderson Valley Advertiser
DISEMBODIED GADGET SLAVES Editor, Many years back FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting, did a survey of people who relied on Fox News for an understanding of world affairs. Not at all surprising, they found…
MEMO OF THE WEEK Mendocino County Fire Chiefs' Association President: Larry Tunzi; Vice President: Mike Suddith, Secretary/Treasurer: Jeff Schlafer PO Box 164, Comptche, CA 95427 September 4, 2013 TO: Carmel J. Angelo, Chief Executive Officer,…
I've got a friend Chris who's a skydiver. A legitimate one. He goes skydiving every Sunday in Lodi/Acampo at the Parachute Center. I've got a little experience in the sky. Way back in my New…
A RECENT TASK FORCE rez pot raid in Covelo was described this way by a frightened witness: “They were here on Wednesday and Thursday. The Round Valley tribes have a rule where you can grow…
When it comes to movies that depict real-life David vs. Goliath struggles of plain rural folks against ruthless parastatal corporations that destroy their hometown under a cloak of deceit, you really can't beat the Academy…
This week’s US Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on "Conflicts between State and Federal Marijuana Laws" will get infinitely more media attention than the July 12, 1937 hearing at which a subcommittee of the Senate Finance…