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Anderson Valley Advertiser

Dead Man at Greenwood Bridge

The young man was dead on the trail near the Greenwood Bridge, the dusty path locals walk to get to the swimming holes on the…

Moroccan Adventure

 Last winter I had the opportunity to discover my roots on my father’s side in the country of Morocco. This was my first time flying…

Bird’s Eye View 7/15/09

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin, on a sorrowful note I’m afraid. Having just attended a funeral in…

May He Rest in Darkness

Robert McNamara, who died last week, on July 6, served as Kennedy’s, then as Johnson’s Defense secretary. He contributed more than most to the slaughter…

Letters to the Editor 7/15/2009

WE KNOW Dear Mr. Anderson: I was provided a copy of your response to my letter regarding my client, David Gurney. The information that Mr.…

KZYX Inside Out

 With the recent rash of programming changes and layoffs at KZYX&Z as an attempt, according to Station Manager John Coate, to balance the books, it…

Valley People 7/15/09

CHRISTIAN CAMARILLO, 17, of Boonville was seriously injured early Tuesday morning when Agustin Balandran’s 1989 Honda, with Mr. Balandran, 18, apparently asleep at the wheel,…

Off the Record 7/15/09

TYLER NELSON is the son of Hopland Grape Grower and County Planning Commissioner Greg Nelson. Tyler appeared on News last week, posed as he…

KZYX Circles the Wagons. Again.

Recently canned KZYX&Z reporter Christina Aanestad has the undying love of the station's membership, as represented by the dozens of ticked off supporters who corralled…
