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Tempers Flare, Priorities Flee

On July 14 the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors came back from a wholly unearned three week vacation to take care of such crucial business…

Valley People 7/29/2009

  SHERIFF ALLMAN and everyone in Anderson Valley wants to keep our new deputy, Craig Walker, but County administration keeps on saying that Allman's going…

Off the Record 7/29/2009

THE CLINT SMITH case will be back in the haphazard Willits courtroom of Judge Clay Brennan on August 4th. Smith is the charter school teacher…

Letters to the Editor 7/29/2009

THE MILK OF THE GODDESS Greetings Esteemed Editor: You mentioned in the July 16 edition a certain Sherry Glaser and some other bare-breasted, fog-basted beauts…

‘A Damned Murder, Inc.’

Some time in early or mid-1949 a CIA officer named Bill (his surname is blacked out in the file, which was surfaced by John Kelly…

The Blue Green Water People

The Havasupai or People of the Blue Green Water live 3,000 feet below red and white earth at the base of the Havasu-wa Cataract Canyon…

Waterboarded: The Kenny Rogers Saga

The village of Westport is the last outpost before Mendocino County's northern coast disappears into a roadless swath of rugged shoreline and redwood-carpeted hills. It is spread across roughly one mile by one-half mile of coast, and has one store, two gas pumps and 47 registered voters. Retirees are Westport's dominant demographic, and 15 miles of coiling coastal highway separate it from the closest town.

Fort Bragg Advocate-News: Not NewsHour

In its July 9 issue, the Fort Bragg Advocate-News ran an editorial that bravely confirmed what any thinking person already knew: Our local advertorial broadsheet—which…
