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Septic Easements & Other Effluent

Mendocino County is broke and getting broker by the week. Just last week the State announced that it was “borrowing” another $3 million from Mendocino…

Bird’s Eye View 8/19/2009

Greetings one and all. My apologies for the absence of a Bird’s Eye View last week. Many of you have written to me wondering why…

Health Plans & Death Plans

The first illusion to chase off the stage is that the great debate here has much to do with health. So far as public health…

Off the Record 8/19/2009

A VERY CRAZY MAN, a literal tin foil hat guy, named Anthony James Pelfrey, has been sentenced to 13 years in state prison for attempted…

All In The Family

Bullet-headed, barrel-chested, built like a brickworks, and with his head shaved and sporting a big, bushy Fu Manchu mustache, Special Agent Peter Hoyle, a 33-year…

Loving the Kids, Willits Style

Clint Smith's lawyer, Mark Kalina, asked, “Everyone here for Clinton Smith please stand.” Almost everyone in the packed Willits courtroom last Tuesday, stood. There were…

Valley People 8/12/2009

MANY LOCALS will remember Don Pierce, and remember him fondly as a friendly, neighborly man who always made time for his community in the years…

High School Tagged

Last week the Anderson Valley High School was tagged in two brazen raids that left many locals spitting mad. One custodian I spoke with at…

Off the Record 8/12/2009

CHIEF DEPUTY District Attorney Jill Ravitch, pronounced Ravvvvvvitch! with teeth bared through the v's, Mendo’s most experienced trial attorney, came to us from Sonoma County…
