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Credit for Time Served

Dear AVA, Yesterday I was taking a shower here at Soledad Prison thinking about your newspaper. Two minutes later they called my name for mail.…

How Much is Enough?

Editor, I left Mule Creek State Prison only to be transferred to another one of the state’s many prisons that they have built from one…

‘Murder Is Messy’

“Murder is messy,” Judge Ron Brown commented, more to himself it seemed than to the courtroom as defense attorney Katharine Elliott tried to keep a jury…

War Cries From a Defeated Man

Ritual trumphalism about America’s righteous mission in the closing sentences of his speech did not dispel the distinct impression during President Obama’s 33-minute address to…

Gimme Shelter

The Mendocino County Board of Supervisors heard from the County's shelter administrators last Tuesday. Being intimately familiar with outdoor living, Mr. McEwen is co-authoring this…

McSweeny’s Eulogy for Newspapers

A curious invention hit the streets of SF yesterday: The San Francisco Panorama, a one-day only, 320-page, $5-on-the-street broadsheet, created by the folks at McSweeny's.…

Mainstream Media Madness

The mainstream media is to “progressive” Mendocino County what liberal bias is to Fox News—a favorite punching bag, an omnipresent boogie man who manipulates, digests…
