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Mendo’s Polanksi?

I just finished Jeffrey Toobin's excellent—if totally disturbing—Clint Smith, the Willits high school teacher who carried on a nearly year-long extramarital affair with his 15-year-old…

Now the real fight begins…

  Include me among the Mendocino County folks who thought that a decisive election outcome last month had put on hold, at least for awhile…

Valley People 12/12/09

 THE FARMER'S WEATHER report is the only accurate one around here. Last Saturday, as the weather cuties on television were warning of a huge rain…

Mendo’s Management Deficit

Reader Michael Laybourn of Hopland recently asked: “Given the state of the county budget, what would you suggest to fix it other than layoffs of…

Off the Record 12/9/2009

THIS GUY SAID to me the other day, “You know what the problem is with this county?” Limo Libs running everything? I guessed. “Nope,” he…

Letters to the Editor 12/9/2009

HEAVENLY MONK Editor — Steve Heilig wishes he could separate Thelonius Monk’s art from his mental disorder (“Monk For The Record,” AVA, December 2, 2009):…

Credit for Time Served

Dear AVA, Yesterday I was taking a shower here at Soledad Prison thinking about your newspaper. Two minutes later they called my name for mail.…
