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The Night Of The Living Deadheads

One of my college friends was a Deadhead. He had crates of cassette tapes with labels like “Bucknell, 1971”, Stanford 1973”; “Fillmore East 1970.”  Of…

Bird’s Eye View By Turkey Vulture

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Let’s start with the Public Service Announcements. #131. I am told that…

From the Blogs: Will Kenny Rogers Get A New Trial?

The latest attorney for disgraced Mendo Republican Kenny Rogers, who was convicted last summer of hiring a hitman to kill a political adversary, is claiming that Rogers' last attorney so thoroughly botched his defense that the case deserves another try.

Off the Record

This week: The Fifth District's conservative candidate, Mr. B on Feinstein & Blum, Glenn Sunkett's Thompson problem and much more...

Desert Blooms

Due to plentiful winter rains, the desert southwest is planning for a bombastic display of desert flowers sometime in early April. A full desert bloom…

Howard ‘Howie’ Zinn

Bologna, Italy -- As most who read this will know, Howard Zinn died on January 27. Like all who knew and worked with him, I…

Valley People 3/3/2010

MORGAN BAYNHAM reminds us all that the Anderson Valley Grange Variety Show is this Friday and Saturday. Tickets are available at the Philo Market and…
