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Our Fathers

It's still hard for some locals to accept that 150 years ago — five generations, a historical blip — Hum­boldt County was controlled by genocidaires.…

Pathological Greed & Electric

Repeat after me. Pacific Gas and Electric is not a public utility. They would like us to think they are a public utility, but they…

Annual Report: Headwaters Fund Has More

Millions of dollars of Humboldt County’s Headwa­ters Fund have been spent on community projects but because of loan repayments and interest, the fund’s total amount…

Schadenfreude for the Masses: ‘I Am SO Sorry’

I’m sorry, so sorry.... Please accept my apology... — Brenda Lee, 1960 It’s apology season. Maybe it's like the Catholic church, you go and con­fess,…

God’s Work Ethic

Protestant guilt-work ethic? A cruel deception prom­ulgated by the rich, the bosses, the early versions of the corporate exec who sits on his ass collecting…

From the Blogs: Water Quality Down the Drain?

While Mendocino County is known nationally for its embrace of sustainable agricultural practices, D.C. is taking a huge step back from three decades of aggressively pursuing water quality protections.

Will Kenny Rogers Get A New Trial?

The latest attorney for disgraced Mendo Republican Kenny Rogers, who was convicted last summer of hiring a hitman to kill a political adversary, is claiming that Rogers' last attorney so thoroughly botched his defense that the case deserves another try.

A Very Simple Proposal

The Groundswell following Dave Smith’s generous “Draft Scaramella for Supervisor” suggestion has been, ahem, less than underwhelming. Not one letter of support has been received…

Letters to the Editor

A DEEP BOW Editor & Reed Whittemore, “I hear the loved survivors tell How naught from death could save, Till every sound appears a knell…
