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Off the Record

This week: Notes on election results, Dennis Boaz and a couple that Fed-Ex pot and leave their kids in the car while boozing.

Valley People

A YOUNG WOMAN from Chico is doubly nonplused at the loss of her I-Phone. Nonplused at herself for walking off without the phone after enjoying a lunch at  Moss­wood Market Sunday afternoon, but just as…

Boaz V. The Untutored & Malicious

Dennis Boaz is erudite and urbane, a man of varied and laudable experience – teacher, historian, lawyer, writer, civil rights advocate.

The Crude Truth

The British learn every few years that their much vaunted “special relationship” with the United States is actually, in terms of relationships, rather more normal than they suppose — being a zig-zagging affair fraught with…

Letters to the Editor

MARGINALIA Editor: Here are some humbly suggested marginalia. Comparisons are slippery. Any ordinary city is in fact two cities, one a city of the poor, the other of the rich. Each at war with the…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. Let’s start off with the monthly Bingo Report. Last Tuesday evening’s Dinner and Bingo Night at the Veterans Hall to benefit the Senior…
