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The Tube & I

“But we’re watching Speed Racer,” my three- and four-year-old sons whined in unison. My blood ran cold, as I realized the awful truth. TV had invaded my children’s brains when I was looking the other…

England Expects

Sooner or later during any international football com­petition in which England features we are sure to hear some variation on “England expects,” the reference being to Admiral Nelson’s exhortation on the eve of the Battle…

Solar School

Mendocino has a spanking new elementary/junior high school on Little Lake Road about a mile inland from the village, and I am happy to report that her shiny blue metal rooftops are being covered with…

The Convict & The Snowman

It was a snowy day in Boston which could mean any day from October to May. That's just the way it is in the East, snow and cold. School was not in the plan this…

Mendo Justice Failed Vargas

Judge Ronald Brown has put his stamp of approval on child rapists in Fort Bragg and beyond.

Queen Kendall — Round 4

The Mendocino County Grand Jury gets extra credit for persistence, if not effectiveness. For the fourth year in a row, the Grand Jury has concluded that Fourth District Supervisor Kendall Smith is a thief, and…

The Zen of Non-Delivery, and the Presence Of Absence

Thursday in the village of Mendocino is the day the AVA usually arrives in our post office boxes and at the liquor store (should we need extra copies.) Now and then the AVA is delayed for a day and arrives on Friday.
