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How to Steal $3,000

Three years ago, Supervisor Kendall Smith claimed $14,658 in travel expenses. Among the many other things the regal solon thought the taxpayers should pay for was her pet care.

Off the Record

This Week: Mendo's oldest bookstore closes its doors, Fred Gardner laments the recent arrest of SF legend Dennis Peron, Naomi Kerwin takes another walk & much more...

Ignoring Public Input

Philo’s Daniel Myers, representing Friends of the Navarro Watershed and the Mendocino Chapter of the Sierra Club, took the podium at last Wednesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting to tell the Board that the Navarro River…

The Search Warrant

David Eyster, candidate for Mendocino County District Attorney, does not enjoy the unanimous support of local law enforcement. Except for the Fort Bragg Police Department, Eyster did not get the endorsements of the Mendocino County…

Letters to the Editor

THE BAD SUPERINTENDENT Dear Editor, Mark Iacuaniello, superintendent of the Point Arena Schools District in Point Area, retired August 1, 2010. He arrived at Point Arena in 2001 after he was “let go” as superintendent…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. Let’s start with a couple of those good news/bad news items that can be either one of the two depending on your perspective.…

Lives & Times of Valley Folks: Pilar Echeverria

On a sunny Friday morning I met with Pilar on the deck behind the Ferrer Building in downtown Boonville and with a much-needed cup of delicious coffee that she had provided from her Mosswood Market…

The Texting Drug

As more people discover how to send text messages on their ever-present cell phones, we have become a nation of hypnotized zombies who stare into our phones while we drive into telephone poles, walk into…

Getting Well

“Programming our intelligence with illusion and fan­tasy of there’s something wrong with us and enough isn’t enough and too much isn’t too much then turning us loose on ourselves and the world.” — John Trudell…
