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Skidding Toward Fall

This economy has a destination for sure, but it's not in the direction where all eyes are trained in moist hopefulness: that glimmering horizon of longed-for growth. You will not get that kind of growth…

How BP Harnesses Music To Its Message

There is nothing more sincere than a guitar. A few simple chords, plucked or picked one note after the other at a gently swaying tempo summon reflexive feelings of trust, comfort, love, and hope. This…

Broncs, Boots & Boobs: Rodeo, Then & Now:

1949, the spotlight illuminated the most fantastic event I had ever seen in my six years of life: Casey Tibbs winning the saddle-bronc rider championship of the world in eight seconds. Since then, my heroes…

Gimme Shelter

Here we were, on the brink of nuclear destruction, and my parents couldn’t grasp the necessity of a fallout shelter. We were a typical 1950s middle class family. Dad brought home the bacon and Mother…

The Little Train That Can’t

Four environmental groups are preparing a lawsuit against the North Coast Railroad Authority (NCRA) alleging that the agency is segmenting environmental review for redevelopment of its 316-mile rail line. The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC),…

Farm To Farm

July turned out to be one of the coldest of its kind on record — locally, especially in Anderson Valley. The air flow patterns raged in frigid breath from the Gulf of Alaska after one…
