If you were a native person in Mendocino County before the arrival of white folks, what trade items would you share with other natives, and what would you want in return? I docent at the…
Anderson Valley Advertiser
SAD NEWS from a reader: I heard from a good source that Bill Heil died yesterday. He was at the center of Albion’s Table Mountain commune back in the day. Few know the past as…
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When people get old they start getting rid of stuff. Thus we have warehouses full of china place settings and volumes of National Geographic (“Every issue from 1953 to October, 2024, free to good home!”)…
The malicious prosecution case against duly elected County Auditor-Treasurer Chamise Cubbison has been dismissed. Now what?…
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Spring threatens to return to Upstate New York. A barrel-chested robin sits in a bare Cornelian cherry dogwood. Mid-morning, he (the bird sports the more vibrant hue of the male of the species) is not…