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Letters To The Editor

  NO SHOWS, NO SMARTS Editor: “The PG&E and Wellington Energy employees were a no-show this morning at the Wellington Energy Installation Yard, while 26 trucks sat there ready to (illegally) install in Santa Cruz…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. I am writing this on the morning of the Olde Time July 4th Celebration at the Fairgrounds in Boonville. So the result…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Jim Hill

I drove out of the heart of the Valley and headed south, past ‘downtown’ Yorkville and at the 44-mile marker I turned into the driveway of the Hill Ranch, being greeted by the waving wooden…

Lives Unlived

I am reading The Collected Stories of Frank O’Connor for the third time in twelve years. Enough time has passed since my last reading of his remarkable stories so I have forgotten sufficient details and plot twists and endings to make the stories new to me again; and in some ways they are better than new because I know them now as I know favorite pieces of music or beloved paintings, and in this further experience of them I discover more and more of the genius they contain.

A Tree Growing Below Barbed Wire

“That a war of extermination will continue to be waged between the races, until the Indian race becomes extinct, must be expected. While we cannot anticipate this result but with painful regret, the inevitable destiny…

Pure Victims, Real Human Beings

Straight from Riker’s Island to the Elysée? There’s a political arc worthy of Brecht and Weill! Dominique Strauss-Kahn was sprung from house arrest in Manhat­tan last Friday and his supporters in France are agitating for…

A Not-So Sunny Fourth

It’s easy to see why people take a shine to Sunny Edwards. She’s pretty and personable with a warm smile, and somehow while in jail she’s acquired the wholesome glow of an expectant mother. Sunny,…

The Great Frost Protection Conspiracy

They were all there at last week's meeting of the supervisors, these noble sons of the soil, and they were all thirsty for what's left of Mendocino County's battered, fish-free rivers and streams. The grape…

Off The Record

This week: Ignoring the Grand Jury; Mendolib, Coast Branch; Redistricting the 5th; and much more
