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Please Don’t Quote Me On That

“Everyone around here’s so gutless,” a defense lawyer exclaimed in frustration at the rulings of local judges, quickly adding, “Oh, don’t print that!” A number of serious cases had been heard, and the judges, always…

Valley People

ABOUT 7:30pm Monday night a Jeep SUV crashed head-on into a redwood about 300 feet east of the Navarro Store. The driver, a Chico woman said to be about 50, was traveling west to the…

Off The Record

This Week: Owings, Skidmore & Blah Blah in Ukiah; Smith & Affinito in Fort Bragg; Fire protection in the hills; and much more.

Guerrero’s Tire Shop Raided

Last Thursday afternoon (July 7th), detectives from Napa County, reinforced by the Mendocino County Sheriff's Department, descended on the Guerrero Tire Shop in downtown Boonville to arrest Carlos Guerrero, 45, a long-time resident of the…

All The Publisher’s Men

Having spent many weeks amidst the Strauss-Kahn case listening the locals assert that America's justice is superior to France's, we're now pitchforked into the next debate: could US journalism sink to the septic depths of…

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 10

Following the breakup of CCR, John kept me employed for another four years or so. We moved out of the “Factory” and set up shop in a temporary office on San Pablo Avenue in Albany.

Looking For Elusive New Deal Art

Determined to see another example of mural art by Ben Cunningham, the artist who painted the mural in the Ukiah Post Office, I trekked to Coit Tower in San Francisco. There, my Internet research assured…

Meanwhile, In Crescent City

As Americans prepared to celebrate Independence Day, inmates in solitary confinement at California's Pelican Bay State Prison are standing up for their rights in the only way they can by going on hunger strike. The…

People Who Belong To The Land

According to Violet Parrish Chappell, 82, traditionalist and historian of the Kashia Band of Pomo Indians, her people's name – their real name, not the arbitrary handle imposed by the white man's society in the…
