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Off The Record

This week: Crusties, Kitties & Tweekers in Point Arena; Deputy CEO Kristi Furman abruptly reassigned; James Sanderson, meet DSK; and much more

Ecotopia, Revisited

The main story behind Ernest Calenbach’s 1975 novel “Ecotopia” was about what had been created 20 years after America’s Northwest (Northern California, Oregon and Washington) seceded from the rest of the United States and was…

I Saw Timmy Pitch

I am nearly 32 and though I was raised by a die-hard Giants fan, but my affinity for them is recent.  I am one of those terribly uncool folks who fell in love with them…

NATO’s Debacle In Libya

After three and a half months of bombing and arms supply to various rebel factions, NATO's failure in its efforts to promote "regime change" in Libya is now glaring. Obviously NATO's commanders are still hoping…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Let’s start with a couple of very different events that I attended on my travels through the Valley last Saturday evening. First,…

Let Lifers Handle The Money

Dear AVA, This is Tony B. live from San Quentin. I've been busy, in case you guys have been wondering. I finally made it out of West Block after three months. I was moved to…

Letters To The Editor

YES ON BOOKS Editor, “Vote Yes on Libraries” Campaign Begun The countywide “Vote Yes on Libraries” campaign committee announced the start of its active organizing to make sure our county libraries have proper funding. It…

Lives & Times Of Valley Folks: Manuel Soto

I met with Manuel at the family property in Goodacre Road on the outskirts of Boonville. We sat down in the garden in the shade with a cup of coffee and as we began our…

Aliens From Outer Space

So this morning I was listening to a radio interview of a reporter for the New York Times, and she laid out clear and irrefutable evidence of how the crooks took over our government and the banking system and didn’t even try to hide what they were doing—massive theft in broad daylight, so to speak.
