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Off the Record (May 28, 2014)

MENDOCINO COUNTY is less broke than it has been, CEO Carmel Angelo told her captive board of supervisors last week. Supervisor John McCowen didn't leap to his feet to shout hossanahs, but he did express…

Valley People (May 28, 2014)

MEMORIAL DAY came and went without discernible pause from the beer and great hunks of grilled meat it has come to mean, but a few people did pay tribute to all those lost hundreds of thousands, most of them very young, who went off to do what they thought was the right thing and never came back.

Pot Party vs. Pee-Pee Parade

San Francisco has been oft-referred to as “49 square miles, surrounded by reality.” And the fabled Haight-Ashbury district is oft-noted as the most unreal square mile therein. Every April 20th — “4/20” — it becomes…


One of my hobbies in these days of societal collapse—most of us in denial about how far the fungus of cultural disintegration has progressed—is watching trailers for recently made movies, American and foreign, and from…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Local Campaign Finance;
Willits Roundabout;
Getting Old;
Seeking Solidarity;
32 Poets;
Frost Monster Action;
Police Reports;
France Today;
Trashing San Francisco

Mendocino County Today: May 27, 2014

Celebration Sours;
Covelo Slaying;
Cleone Collision;
Boonville Memorial;
Private Anderson;
Spotters Needed;
Beerfest Improvements;
Prosecutorial Procedures;
Lake County Fire;
Dope Prices;
Hering Groove;
To Do List;
Perv Overload;
Overturn Citizens United;
Perv Check;
Scrap Metal Heist;
Move To Amend;
Madrigal Madrigal;
Corporate Crime;
War Movies

Spring Salad U

We are hosting a Late Spring Salad class with a look at some water-conserving strategies on Floodgate Farm on Heart Mountain. In addition to tasting and discussing the health-giving properties of 40 salad ingredients, we…

Time & Materials:

"Growth Rings" exhibit provides retrospective on work of College of the Redwoods Fine Woodworking Program graduates by Roberta Werdinger On Friday, June 6, from 5 to 8 pm, the Grace Hudson Museum will host an…

Mendocino County Today: Monday, May 26, 2014

Sign Thief;
Prosecution Envy;
L.A. Times;
The Coffee Thing;
McCarthyism at Public Radio;
Odd Bodkins;
Dickens on Vacation;
The Unknown Citizen;
Truth, Facts & Bullshit;
Americans Kill People;
Crushing Grief
