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Hanging In There

The Fort Bragg City Council held a follow-up to their February 21, 2015 goal setting retreat on the last Monday afternoon in March. In February only three members of the public showed up to watch…

Neighborly Frost Protection

If you are in an area that has limited (or maybe zero) water available for frost protection, is there anything that you can do to mitigate the frost risk to your vineyard? In some areas,…

The Best Baseball Season Ever

Like every other fan of the National Pastime, I've looked forward with great anticipation to the new baseball season. But I know it won't possibly match my favorite season of all time. It was 1950…


As I was getting off his table today, my acupuncturist said, “Remember. Water is your friend. Be sure to drink lots today.”

Checking my email when I got home, someone had sent me a link to an article about Governor Brown announcing a mandatory reduction in water use by California residents and businesses. There was a little video with the article, so I watched Jerry speak to the people of California as if we are idiots, which, collectively, we are. Jerry was performing on a meadow in the Sierras where, for the first time in the seventy-five years they’ve been measuring snow on that meadow, there is no snow on April Fools Day. Zero white stuff that makes water when it melts.

Valley People (Apr 8, 2015)

THE ANDERSON VALLEY was shocked Friday morning to learn that Marianne Summit-Pardini, 63, had taken her own life. The matriarch of two prominent families, her loss has saddened her large extended family in every part…

MRC’s Private Meetings with the Supervisors

Large, politically-active corporations tend to employ influence peddlers who can talk when even money can't. A perfect example is playing out here in Mendocino County. The county's largest land baron has summoned each individual member…

Bird’s Eye View (Apr 8, 2015)

In the northwest end of the Valley (Christine Woods/Floodgate area), and elsewhere too I am told, residents endured two nights of sleeplessness this past week as a result of the Noise Pollution provided by certain unconcerned neighbors in the wine industry (who were obviously absent and sleeping deeply in their ivory towers, wherever they may be). Both nights reached Two-Helicopters on the Frost Protection Fan Index. That’s pretty damn loud.
