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Murders In The Night

Is this America's first serial killer? A harbinger of the darkness we now eat daily? Or both?

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Apr 9, 2016

Jail Time;
Home Opener;
Tourist Tax;
MAC Alert;
SOD Return;
PO Sale;
Kit Counsel;
Local Books;
Jobs Fair;
Crime Numbers;
Energy Choices;
Stoen Creepy;
Apfel Rocks;
New Restaurant;
Yesterday's Catch;
Selling Fantasy;
Economic War;
Bottom Up;
Cannabis Conference;
Postmodern Craig;
Marco Radio

The NonProfits of Mendocino County

THE NUMBER is 686. That’s how many registered nonprofits we have in Mendocino County today. One for every 127 people. As opposed to 2,975 in Sonoma County. One for every 166 people. All of theirs report revenue. All but six show assets. Where poverty is eleven percent. With all the nonprofits here, we should be kicking ass. But we’re not. 385 of our nonprofits — over half — report no revenue and no assets. Our economy ain’t doing so hot either. The poverty level here is nineteen percent.

Mississippi: Come On Down, Ya’ll!

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Apr 8, 2016

Allman Initiative;
KZYX Payouts;
Regular Reporting;
Illegal Commingling;
Homeless Capital;
Primary Address;
Bail Scam;
Yesterday's Catch;
Rejecting Science;
Trump's Fall;
Clinton Corrupt;
Hen Defense;
Wine Lingo;
Crowds on Demand

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Apr 7, 2016

Hot One;
Downtown Ukiah;
Comparing Plans;
Opposing W;
Sheriff Doppelganger;
Wilson Background;
Wine Tourist;
Warrant Wednesday;
Mendo Busts;
Yesterday's Catch;
Project Pooch;
Calla Lilies;
Panama Papers;
Free Kindling;
Constituent Feedback;
Klamath Restoration;
Mama Tried

A Leak Has Sprung

Inside the law firm that sells secrecy to drug dealers, dictators and human traffickers.
