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Posts tagged as “region”

Family Feud

Bail for Jesus Vargas, 41, and Roy Ha, the two men arrested last week for allegedly leading

Off the Record (October 7, 2020)

REMEMBER the armed bandido roaming Redwood Valley’s Black Bart Trail, the former firefighter gone terribly, terribly awry? You will be pleased or outraged, depending on…

A Tale of Two Meetings

As reported bright and early Wednesday morning by Mark Scaramella, on Tuesday, September 22 (and in this week’s Supervisors report), the Mendocino County Board of…

The Laytonville-Pot Home Invasion

This past weekend there was a home invasion in the northern Laytonville area that stretched over several days starting on last Thursday, Sept. 17. The…

Supes Approve the Impossible

Item 6b on last Tuesday’s Supervisors Agenda was one of the most convoluted items we’ve ever seen on any Mendo Board meeting agenda: “Discussion and…

John Redding & The Fort Bragg Microgrid

After researching FPPC filings and other public records, it appears that a member of the Mendocino Coast Healthcare District’s Board of Directors lied to a…

County Notes (September 23, 2020)

According to a detailed Sheriff's budget breakdown for this fiscal year (July 2020-June 2021), the largest expenditure besides base salaries is the County’s contribution to…

Pot Ordinance Wishful Thinking

Be sure and read Mark Scaramella’s front-page report (in the AVA and The Observer newspaper) on the latest efforts by County officials to pump some…
