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Posts tagged as “region”

Pandemic Advice: Follow The Jocks

Winter Storm Packs Rain, Snow, Knocks Out Power Thanks to another massive winter storm packing rain and snow, this week we blew completely by last year’s record-low total rainfall of just 29.41 inches. The 5.51…

Yorkville Market to Become a Marijuana Processing Facility

County staff recommends upholding of staff permit approval of Yorkville Market conversion. Item 5j on the Tuesday, January 4, 2021 Supervisors Agenda: Noticed Public Hearing - Discussion and Possible Action to Consider an Appeal of…

County Notes: County Caves

On December 18, I filed a Brown Act Complaint and Correct and Cure Notice demanding that each board member explain their justification for voting the way they did. Further, I demanded that the Board specify…

Local COVID Cases Surging

As we start off the New Year, we are seeing a significant increase in COVID cases throughout Mendocino County and here on the Coast.  Part of this is likely what we should expect when we…

Off the Record (January 5, 2022)

ANGEL GUZMAN of San Jose is being held in the County Jail on attempted murder charges arising out of Covelo. The Albion plot involving him, or at least involving his truck, is already pretty thick.…

Valley People (January 5, 2022)

BOONVILLE’S NEW YEAR was eerily unenthusiastic, perhaps echoing the ennui that has engulfed the Country from the accumulating bad news. Not only were the local festivities minimal, but they were noticeably tardy. About ten minutes…

County Notes: Mendo’s Backward Mental Health System

There’s a common misimpression out there in our crumbling world that the mental health 911 calls that cops are responding to are criminal or otherwise violent or dangerous. Mostly, that’s not true. In fact, the…

Off the Record (December 29, 2021)

JIM PAGE NOTES:  “About the Ukiah Co-Op incident — here’s a cell phone video that’s pretty interesting to watch. You can clearly hear an employee say that the store protocols are posted and that “If…

Valley People (December 29, 2021)

DR. MARK APFEL has announced his retirement from his many years at the Anderson Valley Health Center. Dr. Apfel was primary among the Center's founders when it was first located in 1976 in the now…
