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Posts tagged as “region”

Skunk Should Follow Local Rules

From the Fort Bragg City Council Communications Ad-Hoc Committee, Tess Albin-Smith & Lindy Peters: For well over a century, Fort Bragg has been dominated by the logging industry. Before Georgia Pacific ceased operations in 2002,…

John Redding In His Own Words

The words of John Redding, a member of the Mendocino Coast Health Care District (MCHCD) Board of Directors for the last three years (plus): April 2020: “Lately, there have been a number of things that…

So-Called Patriots

The so-called “Mendocino Patriots” are planning on Sunday to show up outside the Ukiah home of the County Public Health Officer to protest his decision to continue indoor masking requirements for another month. The Patriots…

County Notes (February 17, 2022)

Mendo's Drought Task Force Proposes New Drought Policy: ’Think Rain.’ That’s how Thursday afternoon’s Mendocino County Drought Task Force meeting ended. ’Think rain’ pretty nicely captures the level of (in)activity of Mendo’s Drought Task Force…

Off the Record (February 16, 2022)

RECOMMENDED VIEWING. I never thought Bill Cosby was funny — all that cutesy mugging — and only caught glimpses of him over the years, not being a sitcom guy. The whole Cosby phenomenon passed me…

Valley People (February 16, 2022)

GOVERNOR NEWSOM’S  Clean California Initiative will include some money for the “Central Boonville Beautification” project, specifically art, crosswalks, and street trees.  ART? Uh oh. Could be dangerous to The Valley’s psychic well-being if by “art”…

Dialing Back COVID Restrictions

On February 15th, the California-wide mask mandate is expiring.  This allows people whose vaccinations for COVID are current to be indoors in public without a mask.  Unvaccinated persons still must be masked.  This does not…

Gov. Newsom Green Lights PG&E’s ‘License To Burn’

Quick Water & Weather Report Why did flows increase out of Lake Mendocino this month?  According to this press release from the Sonoma Water Agency, (and believe it or not) “Lake Mendocino’s watershed is in…

PG&E Says Potter Valley Hydroelectric Plant May Be Offline For Years

Water diversions from Eel River to Russian River remain substantially reduced The Pacific Gas and Electric Company announced this week that while it plans to restore the hydroelectric plant in Mendocino County called the Potter…
