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Posts tagged as “region”

Off the Record (June 15, 2022)

AS OF WEDNESDAY, early election returns with the first three or four thousand votes in so far showed no surprises. The Hutchins/Glentzer race for County School Superintendent as expected is close with Glentzer ahead by…

Valley People (June 15, 2022)

ANGELO PRONSOLINO TURNS 100 We will be celebrating Angelo Pronsolino's 100 birthday June 15.  Angelo moved to Signal Ridge Road in 1922 where his parents established a ranch and home. Angelo has never left, other…

Yorkvillian Visits Mendo Film Fest

Sometimes a rural dweller gets a longing for cultural input. Visiting museums, orchestral musical performances, and art openings can all fill the bill. Something like a three day film festival really raises the bar. At…

From Cakewalk to Streetfight

Most years, elections in Mendocino County are pretty staid, predictable affairs. This is true particularly in the nonpartisan races such as supervisor and Sheriff, where there is generally little controversy and low-level temperatures. The 2022…

County Notes (June 9, 2022)

One of the Supervisors’ major failures (of almost two dozen major failures and betrayals we’re tracking) is their failure to deal with the combined Treasurer-Auditor office that they created last year without a plan and…

Off the Record (June 8, 2022)

REMEMBER the three guys who showed up at Chris Brown’s Albion home in the early morning in December of last year, one of whom shot at Brown as he slept, the bullet narrowly missing his…

Valley People (June 8, 2022)

HELP! This sad story goes back some, but if you have any information concerning it, please let us know. Around midnight Saturday, September 13, 2014, Boonville Fair Weekend, Mr. Ricardo Jimenez was in line at…

Free Sounds of Summer 2022

If you are a music fan on a budget 2022 is definitely going to be your year for summer music. Roaring back from the past two years of Covid shutdowns - communities well within driving…

Anderson Valley Village

The Anderson Valley Village was founded following a book group reading of “Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End,” by Atul Gawande. A frank assessment of aging wisely, the book provided inspiration for…
