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Posts tagged as “region”

The Immaculate Plea Deal

A disgraced former Ukiah police sergeant faces sentencing Wednesday this week in a sweetheart plea deal that has raised eyebrows in the courthouse and the possibility of a public protest outside. Three felony sex offenses…

County Notes: Complaints, Violations & Worries

Here are just a few excerpts from a few of the many county employees who complained to the supervisors last Tuesday about the County’s failure to address long-standing salary shortfalls and the impact this delay…

Murray Sentencing Postponed

KEVIN MURRAY SENTENCING has been postponed, and no new date has been announced by presiding judge, Ann Moorman. Murray, a former Ukiah police officer, had been scheduled to be sentenced today in a highly suspicious…

Off the Record (August 24, 2022)

DAVE SMITH HAS DIED. The popular and well-known Ukiah raconteur, bookstore owner, and writer, died Friday in his post-op hospital bed where he was recovering from seemingly routine hernia surgery. There will be no services…

Valley People (August 24, 2022)

THERON MILLER MEMORIAL We have been making arrangements for my dad's memorial gathering. It will be at Crown Hall in Mendocino on October 9th, 2022 at 5pm. It will be a potluck style buffet, we…

Dave Smith Has Died

DAVE SMITH, the popular and well-known Ukiah raconteur, bookstore owner, and writer, has died. Friends found him dead in his post-op hospital bed Friday morning as he was recovering from seemingly routine hernia surgery. There…

The Lorax and PG&E

Griff Griffith, Natural and Cultural Resources Interpreter for Humboldt Redwoods State Park, NCJ-elected “Best Activist of the Year,” is a jolly version of Dr. Seuss’s Lorax. He Speaks for the Trees. As principal host at…

One Set Of Books Too Many

By now most folks are probably aware that at the most recent Board of Supervisors meeting on August 2, Board Chairman Ted Williams made what appeared to be an astonishing statement about the County keeping…

Who’s On First?

A flurry of pronouncements and pontifications garnered headlines this week but brought little clarity to the true state of the County of Mendocino’s finances. Some critics argued the county’s books are a mess, and that…
