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Posts tagged as “region”

Who’s On First? Why, Ex-CEO Angelo, Of Course

If you came in late, like lots of people suddenly interested in the County’s budget mess, you might think that Mendo only recently discovered that it can’t find its assets with two finance departments. Last…

Off the Record (August 17, 2022)

LAST WEEK, a lead story in the Press Democrat featured the pathetic soul pictured at right as a “sexually violent predator” paroled to Boyes Hot Springs. The headline suggested that the 62-year-old would be rampaging…

Valley People (August 17, 2022)

A TERRIBLE RUMOR had been circulating over the weekend that Theron Miller had been found dead in his hometown of Albion. The rumor is true, Theron, 48, is dead, cause of death to be confirmed…

CDC Releases New COVID Guidelines

On Thursday, August 11th, the CDC released a new set of guidelines regarding COVID.  These guidelines loosen some of the previous guidelines, especially around isolation and quarantine.  The reason is that the severity of the…

State Of Homelessness

FORT BRAGG, CA — No hard data exists to confirm how many homeless people are living in Fort Bragg or Mendocino Village, and accurate counts are impossible to acquire since most homeless do not stay…

Theron Miller Found Dead

A TERRIBLE RUMOR had been circulating over the weekend that Theron Miller had been found dead in his hometown of Albion. The rumor is true, Theron, 48, is dead, cause of death to be confirmed…

No More Misbehaving At Public Meetings

Don’t be surprised if sometime in the very near future you hear the presiding officer at a local government meeting announce, “This meeting will come to order or we’ll toss you and your behind out!”…

The Woman Who Funded Alex Thomas Plaza

Gabrielle Hall Thomas, matriarch of a family with deep roots in the agricultural history of the Ukiah Valley, died August 3 at the Sequoias in San Francisco where she lived in recent years. She was…

There Aren’t Words…

On Wednesday, August 3rd, at about 1:22 PM, the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office was contacted by Sally Arellano who said their two missing children had been left at Ukiah’s Motel 6 on North State in…
