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Posts tagged as “region”

Caltrans $2.6 Million Freeway Fencing In Ukiah

As many people driving past Ukiah on Highway 101 lately have noticed, a sturdy black fence is being built along the freeway north of Perkins Street. When asked for more details, Caltrans spokesman Manny Machado…

County/Agenda Notes (Oct. 20, 2022)

Supervisor Mulheren: “September 19: At the Great Redwood Trail Agency Meeting in Healdsburg we received a presentation by the consultant about the Master Plan Process for the Great Redwood Trail.” Response: But when we went…

How To Vote This November: Part 1, the Propositions

PROPOSITION 1 – CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO GUARANTEE RIGHTS TO ABORTION AND CONTRACEPTION – YEAH, FINE I will vote “yes,” but I’m a little put off by this one. I get that Democrats want to draw…

Off the Record (Oct. 19, 2022)

MIKE GENIELLA: Putting aside the apparent fact that baby face Noble [former Ukiah police chief] has a long tangled history with women (let's not forget Amanda Carley among others), what's up with months of so-called…

Valley People (Oct. 19, 2022)

A NAVARRO READER WRITES: “…and another beautiful morning. It's been a long indigenous summer. One benefit of that substantial September rain has been a good start to mushroom season, I'm finding many early autumn edible…

Saving Finnish Lodge

Built in 1914, this gigantic hall was once Socialist Hall and Fort Bragg Labor Temple before becoming Eagles Hall in 1960. The Eagles are now defunct and the hall was sold to Stathi Pappas and…

County Notes: Busy Doing Nada

Independent Coast Observer reporter Susan Wolbarst saved everybody a lot of time and trouble last week by summarizing last Tuesday's painfully long Board of Supervisors discussion of the County's cannabis permit and equity grant programs…

Breast Cancer Screening

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Breast cancer is a leading cancer in women in the United States, comprising 1/3 of cancers in women.  About 1 in 8 women (12%) in the US will develop…

Off the Record (Oct. 12, 2022)

“THE ELECTION of the first woman prime minister in a country always represents a break with the past, and that is certainly a good thing.” — Hillary Clinton, on the election of the female Italian…
