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Posts tagged as “region”

Snipping The Bud

In an old, shingled house not far from the center of town, the trim crew hunkered over trays in the living room, snipping away at the strain of the day, Blue Dream. Its pungency knifed…

Jobless In Wonderland

Finding a job is hard enough for the many millions of unemployed American workers. But, believe it or not, the fact that they are jobless keeps many employers from hiring them. That's right, being jobless…

Sex, Corruption & The Kool-Aid Massacre

November 18th marked the 33rd anniversary of the Jonestown massacre. Jim Jones, founder of the 8,000-member People’s Temple in San Francisco, once asked Margo St. James, founder of the prostitutes’ rights group, COYOTE (Call Off…

Panic at PinotFest SF

Refrigerated clouds hovered over Union Square, breathing their wet, cold exhalations against the window panes of the fourth floor of the Kensington Park Hotel. The occasion was San Francisco's PinotFest, a Farallon restaurant showcase of…

HumCo Opts For Dispensary Moratorium

Grappling with legal uncertainties, liability risks and a 300-page staff report, Humboldt County’s Board of Supervisors has voted to pursue a moratorium on new medical marijuana dispensaries and delay action on regulating indoor patient grows.…

Water Works

For the past three years, I’ve been urging the Board of Supervisors to assert their leadership, via the dormant county Water Agency, in the critical area of water issues and policies. At Tuesday’s weekly meeting,…
