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Posts tagged as “region”

Off the Record (December 28, 2022)

YOUR BASIC DELICIOUS IRONY, historical division: The FBI, founded to hound the left, and faithfully hounded the left for decades under the old blackmailing cross-dresser, Hoover, is now the darling of the libs because the…

Valley People (December 28, 2022)

AFTER A LONG DAY sending our faint daily squeaks up into the ether's media maelstroms, The Major and I are winding down with a 20-20 crime show when The Maj, a panicked look on his…

Bob Cannard Gives Up The Ghost At Green String Farm

Bob Cannard hasn’t just been a superlative organic farmer, though he has been that. He has also been an advocate for regenerative agriculture, living close to the land, and banning all chemical herbicides and pesticides,…

Day Tripping: Waterfall Weather

Given the soaking rains Mendocino County received last week and the sunny skies being delivered this week, right now is a perfect time to visit local waterfalls. As proof, take the lovely one inside Russian…

My Travels With Wes, 2: Back On The Road Again

Ward Ranch homestead, milepost 43.67 Last week’s travelogue ended up at Wes Smoot’s childhood family home on the Morrow Ranch, Highway 128 milepost 44.75. From there Wes and I motored another mile down the road…

Off the Record (December 22, 2022)

DEPARTMENT OF UNINTENTIONAL HILARITY, This Headline: “Eyewitness Reported An X-Shaped UFO Flying Over Redwood Valley In Early October.” “Eyewitness,” singular? How about the nabes, did they see it? Fact: There are high school kids all…

County Budget Balancing Not Quite Done

At their most recent meetings (December 6th and 13th), the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors has been attempting to belatedly deliver a balanced budget for the new fiscal year that began on July 1. As…

County Notes: A Colossal Waste Of Dollars

Last Tuesday, Supervisor Dan Gjerde complained about the allocation of $2.6 million of PG&E settlement money to an “elusive” Joint Powers Authority (JPA) for ambulance services in the inland area of Mendocino County.  “We have…

Wave Energy On The Coast?

The biggest effort underway for wave energy is PacWave South, now completing construction off Oregon. The project features competing wave energy devices all designed to be functioning this summer and part of grid-tied testing in…
