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Posts tagged as “region”

End of Year Awards, 2022

WOMEN OF THE YEAR, with special grace under hugely unfair criticism: Michelle Hutchins, who lost re-election as County Superintendent of schools to a secret gang of "educators," past and present, who lied about her and…

County Notes: Obnoxious Noise? Mendo Doesn’t Care

Last November a local complaining about unreasonable noise at all hours of the night from an “obnoxious neighbor” near a parcel south of Boonville asked us for some background on “noise abatement” in Mendocino County…

Off the Record (January 4, 2023)

HAVE THE FASCISTS begun to make their move? Tacoma, Washington, lost electricity Christmas morning when three power substations in the area were “attacked” by unknown suspects. The Pierce County Sheriff’s Office said that responding officers…

Valley People (January 4, 2023)

SITTING HERE on the left bank of an atmospheric river that just ran by me as the tv weathercasters hype three more rivers on the way. The weather people are very excited, speaking into their…

Great Redwood Trail Neighbors Want Compensation

A lawsuit recently filed in the United States Court of Federal Claims alleges that landowners along the Great Redwood Trail were not properly compensated when “the federal government took private property from the owners of…

New Life For The Palace?

Noted San Francisco architects and engineers who specialize in recycling historic buildings into new uses are pouring over restoration plans for Ukiah’s storied Palace Hotel. They are climbing onto the rooftop to see spectacular views…

The Newspaper Thief

Is it time to call 911 and get out the torches and pitchforks? Because I am outraged at this latest sign of social degradation and desperate thievery in our little town of Redway! What can…

State AG: Waidelich Investigation ‘Still Ongoing’

Mendocino County prosecutors are telling state authorities that a criminal investigation into a six month old sexual assault allegation against former Ukiah Police Chief Noble Waidelich “is still ongoing and is under review with the…

Mixed Messages

Is Mendocino County capable of financial management? In a recent info-free exchange, former Fifth District Supervisor Candidate John Redding complained that Mendocino County was “imploding,” and “in a death spiral toward bankruptcy.” He implied that…
