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Posts tagged as “region”

New Mendocino County Courthouse On Track

Plans for a new Mendocino County Courthouse cleared a critical hurdle last Friday after winning approval from the state Department of Finance. There are, however, months more of regulatory review before any construction work can…

County Notes (February 2, 2023)

The Good News (if you think that giving more money to these Supervisors is good): Auditor-Controller-Treasurer-Tax Collector Chamise Cubbison told the Supervisors last Tuesday that the County’s books are finally (basically) closed and the general…

Off the Record (February 1, 2023)

LAST WEEKEND, Fort Bragg police officers prevented a distraught person from committing suicide, who was threatening to jump off the Noyo Bridge. We are here for you. If you are depressed and having suicidal thoughts…

Valley People (February 1, 2023)

THE NAVARRO RIVER is entering a condition that may lead to some backup flooding of Hwy 128 just east of the Hwy 1 bridge by next weekend. The sandbar at the river mouth is closing…

Surviving the Doldrums

Doldrums: A state or period of inactivity, stagnation or depression. “The ‘doldrums’ is a popular nautical term that refers to the belt around the earth near the equator where sailing ships sometimes get stuck on…

Barbara Lee Running for Feinstein’s Seat

Rep. Barbara Lee, 76, announced last week that she’s running for the Democratic Party nomination to succeed 89-year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein (whose memory is just a memory). Southern California Congresswoman Katie Porter, 40 had previously…

Accident Report

On Dec 29, 2022, Bill Allen and I were driving home from our Christmas gathering with my family in southern California. We were on a straight stretch of Highway 128, only half an hour from…

The Laytonville Dump; the Rest of the Story

As much as I hate to admit it, I’ve been involved with the Laytonville landfill since the early 90s when the debate first raged about closing the damn thing. Back then Jim Eddie, of Potter…

County Notes: Flying Blind

If you thought that Mendo’s budget picture would have improved or at least been clarified over the last few weeks since the last pessimistic budget presentation, you’d be mostly wrong. The estimated deficit remains at…
