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Posts tagged as “region”

Opaque Administration

Some of you may have used your internet search engine to look for the site called “Transparent California,” where you can find out what the wages and pensions are for public employees. Usually the information…

Mendo Court Predictions For The Coming Year

At the Office of the Public Defender Mary LeClair will become the new Public Defender. Anthony Adams will be the new Assistant Public Defender. Eric Rennert will be murdered by his client Caleb Silver. Linda…

County Notes (Jan. 3, 2018)

Ukiah City and Valley sewer system ratepayers may finally have some long sought hope of ending years of expensive litigation filed by the Ukiah Valley Sanitation District against the City of Ukiah beginning in 2013,…

Off the Record (Jan. 3, 2018)

THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS this Tuesday (2 January) will solidify the huge pay raises they voted to give themselves for their unimpressive, part-time "work" as elected officials. They'll begin the new year at $85.5k, up from $61.2k.…

“Gimme A Cigarette!”

Jasper Clark lives near Ukiah’s nice Vinewood Park on Magnolia Street in Ukiah. On the night of Sunday, December 10th, he was standing outside chatting up a young beauty by the name of Sammy. Sammy…

Supervisor Haschack?

In the days before the Brown Act passed in 1953, men (and of course they were all men) ran for County supervisor primarily to make sure that their friends and neighbors got fair (or preferential)…

Off the Record (Dec. 27, 2017)

THE SUPERVISORS, in a move that would pay them almost twice as much as the average private sector Mendo working person, voted 4-1 Monday to raise their annual salaries from $61,200 to a startling $85,500, starting next…

Branding Fort Bragg

The Fort Bragg City Council met at Town Hall last Monday night in another meeting running to the legal maximum of 10pm. From the outset, it looked ominously like it was going to be a…
