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Posts tagged as “region”

County Notes (Jan. 17, 2018)

KIRK THOMSEN has been unceremoniously put on administrative leave from his job as Interim Ukiah Valley Fire Chief following an abrupt dismissal involving the formal taking of the keys to the firehouse a few days ago.

Fort Bragg Planners Opt For…

The Fort Bragg Planning Commission found out who they really work for last week. (Spoiler Alert: It ain’t you.) The Fort Bragg Planning Commission met Wednesday night to give the ax to the last remaining…

Off the Record (Jan. 17, 2018)

APPOINTMENTS were made Tuesday to the Measure B Mental Health Facilities Oversight Board. There are eleven of them now. Sheriff Allman, the Measure’s key advocate, of course; plus County Auditor Lloyd Weir, County Mental Health…

Pot Legalization Arrives

The state’s roll-out of Proposition 64 adult use marijuana legalization is in a transitional phase where local approvals are used as a basis for temporary state permitting. At this point, only two Humboldt County dispensaries…

County Notes (Jan. 10, 2018)

Predictably, the Board of Supervisors made the giant 40% pay raise they gave themselves official last Tuesday morning. Albion’s Sherry “Boobs Not Busts” Glaser made the only cogent statement in opposition (see below), the remainder…

Hardin v Coast Hospital

The paperwork detailing the charges in the case of Hardin v. Mendocino Coast District Hospital, Bob Edwards, Wade Sturgeon, and Steve Lund is now public. Ellen Hardin was the Human Resources Chief Officer at Mendocino…

One Man Crime Wave

A preliminary hearing for Caleb Silver’s crime wave ended last Friday afternoon with holding orders for three counts of first-degree burglary and one count of car theft.

Off the Record (Jan. 10, 2018)

THERE'S POT all over Mendocino County available for $500 a pound, even less. The black market will continue to thrive because it will be able to undercut storefront dope. Law enforcement will also continue to profit by busting the black market people. And, so far, local law enforcement has even busted people who thought their papers were in order!
