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Posts tagged as “region”

County Notes (Nov. 21, 2018)

During last Tuesday's first quarter budget update the Board of Supervisors discussed several capital improvement projects. One of them was the estimated $25 million jail expansion project.

“Destroy This Document”

This starts innocuously enough with an email from Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) on November 9th announcing the agenda for the November 13th meeting of the hospital's Planning Committee. Stick with it because there will…

Off the Record (Nov. 21, 2018)

Sunday was the 40th anniversary of the Jonestown mass murders. Mendocino County — specifically Redwood Valley — was Jones's capital accumulation site where he milked a series of barebones care homes, staffed by free labor from his church, to get the money to move to San Francisco and bigger things.

Off the Record (Nov. 14, 2018)

THE PRECIOUS little college town of Arcata has just voted to pull down the statue of President McKinley, which has rested on one end of the town's plaza almost since McKinley's assassination at the turn of the century.

Muddling the Numbers

Mendo’s budgeters have produced their first quarter budget review for Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting. The numbers don't add up. Readers may recall our preliminary attempt last week to calculate the size of the looming…

Where Permit Applications Go to Die

Amy Wynn is a professional planner from the Mendocino Coast whose business is called “Wynn Coastal Planning & Biology.” Ms. Wynn has already established a well-deserved reputation for helping Coast businesses and property owners navigate…

The Seven Deadly Trimmers

The trimmers who murdered Laytonvillle pot-grower Jeffery Settler in the early morning hours of November 11, 2016 have all been sent to prison, all but one, who is still dragging his feet.  The first to…

Mendo’s Budget Gap: Worse Than We Thought

Last month we asked County CEO Carmel Angelo for clarification of several problematic budget categories discussed at recent meetings of the Supervisors. We assumed that since they had been discussed and were known to be…
