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Posts tagged as “region”

Gunning for the Neighbors

Benjamin Meyer came in for a preliminary hearing on charges that he’d gone to a neighbor’s house with a shotgun and blasted two sleeping dogs to dog heaven as they lay in their separate doghouses.

Off the Record (Dec. 5, 2018)

At last, hope for Mexico: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, 65, vowed to profoundly transform Latin America's second-biggest economy and to end corruption in the government at the ceremony in Mexico City.

KZYX GM to Resign

KZYX general manager Jeffrey Parker offered his resignation to the KZYX Board of Directors at the Board’s November 28th meeting. Parker has served as the public radio station’s general manager for two years.

Breaks for Fire Victims

Eighteenth century judge and philosopher Charles de Secondat Baron de Montesquieu is credited with first developing the concept of the letter and the spirit of the law. He would doubtless be intrigued by today’s 21st…

Sea Rise Planning Sparks Climate Change Debate

A Humbolt County staff report states that sea level rise is “a significant threat to every aspect of life on the North Coast” but opinions on how to react to it are divided.  Based on…

“The Curse of the Ad Hoc”

When Ron Edwards described Mendo County's cockamamie marijuana policy problems as the “Curse of the Ad Hoc” at the Supes’ Special Cannabis meeting last Thursday, Edwards' frustration was obvious.

Off the Record (Nov. 28, 2018)

ROBERT MARBUT is famous among municipalities large and small for evaluating their homeless populations and prescribing specific steps to get people housed. Mendocino County hired Marbut to investigate Mendo homeless strategies. Back on March 15th,…

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Late October in Covelo the weather was so pleasant you could almost call it Indian Summerish, but a prolonged dry spell and dangerously low humidity had lent a certain foreboding to the town’s small population…

No Tolerance for Firebugs

All these monstrous wild fires, all the death and destruction, seem to have ignited three Mendo firebugs recently caught starting fires in and around Ukiah. Mr. James Allen “Whoosh” Norton hopes to get himself on…
