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Posts tagged as “region”

Sparing Silverman

As the courtroom fell idle awaiting prisoner Jacob Silverman to be transported from the jail, and as the estimated time of arrival came and went, the conversation of the court officers having somehow got started…

Good Ship Mendo Heads for the Fiscal Rocks

Full steam ahead, Captain Angelo! Patrick Hickey, Service Employees International Union field representative for Mendocino County, effectively set the stage at Tuesday's supervisors meeting for the upcoming budget/salary negotiations that the Supervisors and the CEO…

Wayne Allen’s RFP to the Rescue

Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Mike Ellis has tendered his resignation. In a memo addressed to interim MCDH Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Wayne Allen, dated April 10, Ellis stated he planned…

Off the Record (April 17, 2019)

SIMULTANEOUSLY HILARIOUS and serious, a website called “Indeed” has posted responses from County employees to the question: What is it like to work for Mendocino County. (1) A downtrodden, nepotistic mess. Librarian (Former Employee) –…

Jury Duty

I was called to jury duty on a civil matter in Judge Jeanine Nadel’s court last week. The matter of Masingale v. FCA US LLC wherein Mr. Richard Masingale of Fort Bragg was suing Fiat,…

Coast Hospital Dilemmas

Turbulent times continue at Mendocino Coast Hospital (MCDH). During a Monday, April 1st special meeting the hospital's board of directors approved the hiring of Wayne Allen as interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Allen has served…

Water Board Clamps Down on Pot Growers

On March 29, the State Water Resources Control Board announced that cannabis cultivators with water rights are not allowed to divert surface water for cannabis cultivation activities at any time from April 1 through October…
