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Posts tagged as “region”

Murder at Rancho Navarro

Is Michael J. Saner sane? The trial for Michael J. Saner finished up last week. But the jury, due to the long weekend, was still deliberating at the filing of this report on Columbus Day,…

Comptche Wants to Detach!

With all the problems facing Mendo, the state and the nation these days, what issue would you expect would draw a large contingent of truculent Comptche landowners to an otherwise inconsequential Mendocino Local Area Formation…

Fire Victims’ Interests vs Shareholders’ Interests

Have no doubts about the real cause of PG&Es so-called Public Safety Power Shutoff program that has left over half-million Californians without electricity this past week. The reason has nothing to do with global warming,…

Can Mendo Salvage its Failed Pot Permit Program?

(An exchange at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting) Supervisor Ted Williams opened the discussion by proposing the use of satellite imagery for code enforcement to identify Mendo pot grows/growers who do not have permits or…

Budgets & Buildings at Coast Hospital

At a September 26 meeting the Board of Directors of Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH) approved a new budget for the remainder of the 2019-2020 fiscal year. That budget shows a projected positive net income…
