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Posts tagged as “region”

Supes Notes (May 13, 2020)

Supervisor John Haschak announced Tuesday that Dr. Joseph Iser has been hired as Mendocino County’s new Health Officer.  Dr. Iser retired as Chief Health Officer of the Southern Nevada Health District (Las Vegas) in January.…

What’s Going On at the Old Grey Whale Inn?

The Redwood Coast Inn is looking shabby these days, but it has a special place in Fort Bragg's heart. Partly that's because, even now, a fair number of Fort Bragg people were born there. The…

Off the Record (May 13, 2020)

ONE MORE PLUG for the fiction of Annie Proulx and her lightest book so far, the comic masterpiece, ‘That Old Ace in the Hole,’ funniest thing I've read since ‘The Ginger Man’ and ‘The Magic…

Nurse Tests Positive

Yesterday, we were notified that one of our team members tested positive for COVID-19. We are in the process of notifying and testing those who may have come in contact with the team member, including staff…

Whistling In The Dark

Apparently Mendocino County’s crack financial overseers are not very concerned about the County’s increasingly strained fiscal situation stemming from the shutdown of major segments of the local economy for going on two months and counting.…

Off the Record (May 6, 2020)

RECOMMENDED VIEWING: Michael Moore’s “Planet of the Humans,” available free now on YouTube. Nothing new, really, for the eco-attuned and unfair to Bill McKibben, but interesting. Moore himself moves around in a limo and lives…
