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Posts tagged as “region”

Testing Hurdles

Lack of Availability of COVID Testing Remains a Challenge Many, perhaps most, hospitals in the US continue to face problems with not having enough supplies to fully respond to the COVID crisis.  The lack of…

Abusing Employees

Over the last couple of weeks, many of us have noticed an increased level of tension and anger in our community. This is not unique to Fort Bragg and is reflected in nightly news stories…

Revenues Down

CEO Carmel Angelo opened Monday morning’s Supervisors meeting by saying that Mendo has been approved for a “phenomenal” $750k reimbursement from FEMA, 75% of about $1 million that the County has accumulated in “emergency” expenses…

Things Working for Now

Fort Bragg's Coastal Trail reopened last week to the gorgeous weather that has visited the Mendocino Coast during the COVID-19 lockdown. The trail — literally Fort Bragg's front yard — has been closed since March…

Off the Record (April 29, 2020)

RECOMMENDED VIEWING: Michael Moore’s “Planet of the Humans,” available free now on YouTube. COUNTY CEO ANGELO asked the Supervisors today to consider diverting some Measure B money to Camille Schrader's psych programs, the CEO cryptically…

Surveillance Testing Results

Last Wednesday, April 22nd, Mendocino County, Mendocino Coast Clinics, Coastal Street Medicine, Mendocino Coast Hospitality Center and the City of Fort Bragg collaborated to launch community surveillance testing for COVID-19. Surveillance testing is used to…

About COVID Testing

There are two different types of tests for COVID-19 caused by a coronavirus named CoV-SARS-2.  These tests either use something called PCR to detect the genetic material of the virus by swabbing either the nose…

MCHC Board Fiasco

Covid-19 is scary, but have you ever dealt with Lynelle Johnson, Carole White, and Hospitality Center? I was asked that question today and I will leave it somewhat to you readers to judge what is…

Averting Disaster

To shelter-in-place or not to shelter-in-place… that is the question. There has been a lot of talk recently
