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Posts tagged as “region”

Mendo, We Have A Problem…

Last Tuesday Supervisor Ted Williams updated his colleagues on the staffing difficulties the cannabis permit program ad hoc committee is facing: Williams: “The cannabis ad hoc has been meeting regularly several times per week with…

Off the Record (September 9, 2020)

ONCE UPON a time in America there really were socialists organized as a Socialist Party with millions of registered voters. Their standard bearer was the great Eugene Debs, a railroad worker from Terre Haute, a…

‘The New Normal’

For months, we have all been referring to the “new normal” which tries to sum up our lives since the pandemic was declared. In the last couple of weeks, we have added several emergencies to…

Purple SIP

Updated Stage 3 Health Officer Order Shelter-In-Place Purple Tier Order Effective September 8, 2020 The most recent Health Officer Shelter in Place (SIP) Order effective upon release on September 8, 2020, continues the requirements for the new…

Animal Care

Community resources have been established for domestic animals from the evacuation areas related to the Oak Fire  which started on 09-07-2020 in Brooktrails, California. Mendocino County Animal Care has established a site on the south…

Point Arena Fatality

On September 7, at approximately 9:55pm, Daniel Egger (driver), Dominic Sahl, Holly Egger, and Taylor Reynolds were traveling

B is for Bank

It’s common knowledge among County insiders that our un-elected CEO Carmel Angelo runs Mendo, and definitely also runs our elected Board of Supervisors, theoretically her bosses. Supervisors have been instructed not to ask County staff…

Living with the Pandemic

Here in Mendocino County, by my non-empirical estimate anyway, barely a majority of folks comply with Pandemic Orders. It seems people living in unincorporated areas practice social distancing only in regards to Public Health Orders:…

Off the Record (September 2, 2020)

CHRIS SKYHAWK NOTES: "I find it interesting that Marbut ended up working for the Trump administration. I doubt it has any significance but just interesting." MARBUT was the outside consultant hired by Mendocino County to…
