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Posts tagged as “region”

John Redding & The Fort Bragg Microgrid

After researching FPPC filings and other public records, it appears that a member of the Mendocino Coast Healthcare District’s Board of Directors lied to a…

County Notes (September 23, 2020)

According to a detailed Sheriff's budget breakdown for this fiscal year (July 2020-June 2021), the largest expenditure besides base salaries is the County’s contribution to…

Pot Ordinance Wishful Thinking

Be sure and read Mark Scaramella’s front-page report (in the AVA and The Observer newspaper) on the latest efforts by County officials to pump some…

The Woman Who Refused To Leave?

A little after noon on Monday, residents of the Third Gate Road area heard a loud boom near the junction of Third Gate and Sherwood…

Jailhouse Blues

A second incoming arrestee has tested positive for COVID-19 at the Mendocino County jail on Low Gap Road in Ukiah. Both infected individuals were asymptomatic…

Denial of Service

We read Malcolm Macdonald’s item about the Supervisors’ putting a hold on Measure B spending with great interest. (See separate article this week.) The complaints…

Measure B Spending Suspended

On Tuesday, September 1, Mendocino County's Fifth District Supervisor, Ted Williams, made a motion to halt any further Measure B Committee spending until a business…
