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Posts tagged as “region”

John Redding & The Fort Bragg Microgrid

After researching FPPC filings and other public records, it appears that a member of the Mendocino Coast Healthcare District’s Board of Directors lied to a state commission and so far has gotten away with it.…

County Notes (September 23, 2020)

According to a detailed Sheriff's budget breakdown for this fiscal year (July 2020-June 2021), the largest expenditure besides base salaries is the County’s contribution to law enforcement retirement. The base department salary budget is about…

Pot Ordinance Wishful Thinking

Be sure and read Mark Scaramella’s front-page report (in the AVA and The Observer newspaper) on the latest efforts by County officials to pump some life into the lifeless, four-year old deader-than-a-doornail Cannabis Ordinance. The…

Fort Bragg’s Microgrid

On August 13, 2020, the Fort Bragg City Council met in a special session. The obvious item of interest on that evening's agenda was the appointment of Mayor Will Lee and Vice Mayor Bernie Norvell…

The Woman Who Refused To Leave?

A little after noon on Monday, residents of the Third Gate Road area heard a loud boom near the junction of Third Gate and Sherwood Road north of Willits. A few minutes later neighbors were…

Jailhouse Blues

A second incoming arrestee has tested positive for COVID-19 at the Mendocino County jail on Low Gap Road in Ukiah. Both infected individuals were asymptomatic and identified during the jail’s intake process. Both were also…

Denial of Service

We read Malcolm Macdonald’s item about the Supervisors’ putting a hold on Measure B spending with great interest. (See separate article this week.) The complaints from Fort Bragg about being ignored in Measure B planning…

Measure B Spending Suspended

On Tuesday, September 1, Mendocino County's Fifth District Supervisor, Ted Williams, made a motion to halt any further Measure B Committee spending until a business plan is approved by the Board of Supes. Fourth District…
